Bat Eater
Super Freak
Cap America is dead right now, ohhh the irony....![]()

Cap America is dead right now, ohhh the irony....![]()
Cap America is dead right now, ohhh the irony....![]()
A lot of people would feel that the fact that an actor is gay that he automatically could not do justice to the part of a quintessential American icon, whether he is a great actor or not. Because he is so liberal, you could have a gay man play Green Arrow, but I don't think that a gay Captain America, or a Superman would be accepted by all. I think Ryan Reynolds would be a better choice. I think that people tend to be underestimating how extremely conservative super patriotic people can be when it comes to American Icons. American icons represent the country as a whole, and since gay marriage is still illegal in 49 states, a gay man playing Cap won't be extremely popular. It isn't like it's coffeehouse theater, you know.
I'd like to think that there people mature enough to look veyond their fears and prejudices and experience the moment not project themselves onto it. It's a lot to ask but I hope that if Cap were played by a man who happens to be gay that we would judge him by his performance onscreen and not his life off of it.
Wolverine is not American he's Canadian eh.I agree that if the actor has skill it shouldn't matter where he hails. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman serve as prime examples of international actors who do justice to roles based on American characters. And yet, this perhaps smacks of chauvinism on my part, but a part of me feels that it would be nice for an American to play Cap.
Captain America, like James Bond or Harry Potter, is unique in that he represents something -- whether values or standards -- that many countrymen believe their home represents or perhaps wish were true about their country.
I remember once hearing that before Roger Moore was cast as Bond that a number of American actors were in consideration for the part. Names like Burt Reynolds and James Brolin were bandied about. I am not too familiar with Brolin's work (aside from playing Pee Wee Herman in the drive in version of "Pee Wee's Big adventure") but I would have found it hard for me to see Reynolds play 007. Awkward to say the least.
Wolverine is not American he's Canadian eh.
I'd like to think that there people mature enough to look veyond their fears and prejudices and experience the moment not project themselves onto it. It's a lot to ask but I hope that if Cap were played by a man who happens to be gay that we would judge him by his performance onscreen and not his life off of it.
It seriously doesnt matter where the dude is from or who he is. AS long as he can act, looks right for the roll, and does a good job in the movie. Thats why they call it "acting". If you had to actually BE what you portrayed on the big screen they would call it realing I suppose.
The bigger question is, do you thing the actor playing Captain America should actually have been physically altered into a super soldier via a covert government operation during WWII, froze in Arctic waters and thawed recently? You he has a better perspective for the roll.![]()