Freaked Out
You know what Darklord Dave you're right, the Rock can act.
I noticed he's in the Scorpion King II, has anyone seen it that can tell us about his acting in it?![]()
How bout Randy Couture? He's already been labeled Captain America
You know what Darklord Dave you're right, the Rock can act.
Not to sound like a douche, but I think it would be insulting to get a foreigner to play Captain AMERICA. Seriously, Wolverine and Batman are one thing, but the living embodiment of the American Spirit is something else. I would rather have an American like The Rock play him than a blond haired, blue eyed person from another country. If we as Americans don't have anybody good enough from our own country to play Captain America, then something isn't right.
Honestly, although they may be a little old, my top choices are Aaron Eckhart and Anthony Michael Hall.
I'm sorryI just can't
. You do realize that it'll be a movie based on a cartoon comic character?...
I hope they get Roberto Benigni to play Cap...JUST for the
fanboy reaction.
Seriously, Cap is probably my favourite (spelled with a "U"-- the irony of that is quite deliciously palpable) Marvel character and I want the best ACTOR to play the part. I could care less if he's from Zimbabwe.
But then I'm Canadian so my world view might be a little different. Now this guy...
Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling only-- no US actors need apply.
I understand what you're saying-- but even as an ideal, he's a fictional character. If I can relate something very quickly to you. I'm a Scottish Canadian. I've lived half my life in Scotland and half in Canada. Half of my family lives in Scotland while the other half lives in Canada. I truly am a son of two nations. There are two very important real life heroes from Scotland who did live, did love, did fight, and did die.
One was played by a 6 ' 4" Irish actor by the name of Liam Neeson (Robert Roy MacGregor--better known as Rob Roy-- was in fact quite small)
and the other was played by an Australian by the name of Mel Gibson (and I can say for a fact that William Wallace was no Aussie--and looked nothing like the Lethal Weapon)
So if Hollywood casting is any indication, I don't think your fictional character's "American" importance is going to come into play. They'll cast who they want. An Aussie (oy oy oy), a Kiwi (maybe a tribal dance before taking on the Red Skull?), a Scot (THIS IS SPARTA!!), or a Canuckand I'm afraid that in the end you'll just have to accept it. It's called acting and willing suspension of disbelief. If they do cast--- a foreigner--- and that muddies the water for you and you refuse attend the film in protest well that's OK. It'll just mean more popcorn for the rest of us.
All light fun... I want the best Cap possible on the screen. Whoever that is. (I still say a Canuck'd do the job best... Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling... or maybe a good Scot-- Gerard Butler)
Edit: Liam Neeson is actually only 6' 4".
Dr.Mirakle32 said:Were any of those people called "Captain Scotland"? Okay then.
Ideally, real Scots should have been cast. But those were both American productions, hence the casting of popular American stars. On the other hand, CAPTAIN AMERICA is an American production, about a truly American character. So why go out of their way to get a foreigner?
Those are wonderful examples of actors playing different nationalities. I appreciate your sharing and I have nothing to argue about there. But if you had read the rest of my two posts, not portions of it, you would have noticed the point that I made about America being a land of immigrants. If you had read that part of the posts then I think you would realize that I would be more than willing to accept a actor who is not from the states to play the role. I would not cry myself to sleep or sob into a hanky of the stars and stripes or even protest outside the premiere of "the First Avenger." As a matter of fact I'll be one of the first patrons to buy a ticket regardless of the nationality or daresay, caliber, of the actor in question. And yet again an American would be my preference if I choosed. But as you said so bluffly in your post it aint up to me.
By the way If the term foreigner offends then I apologize for it. Was trying to be more direct and less euphemistic with my points.
Those are wonderful examples of actors playing different nationalities. I appreciate your sharing and I have nothing to argue about there. But if you had read the rest of my two posts, not portions of it, you would have noticed the point that I made about America being a land of immigrants. If you had read that part of the posts then I think you would realize that I would be more than willing to accept a actor who is not from the states to play the role. I would not cry myself to sleep or sob into a hanky of the stars and stripes or even protest outside the premiere of "the First Avenger." As a matter of fact I'll be one of the first patrons to buy a ticket regardless of the nationality or daresay, caliber, of the actor in question. And yet again an American would be my preference if I choosed. But as you said so bluffly in your post it aint up to me.
By the way If the term foreigner offends then I apologize for it. Was trying to be more direct and less euphemistic with my points.
I say we protest outside the premiere if they don't change that name.
I know, but it still sucks as a title. They can do a commercial touting the movie as a prequel to the avengers or something.![]()
But what are they gonna do about Hulk and Thor? Hulk 2: Avenger #3 and Thor: Avengers Assembled?
You are 100% accurate in your assessment that William Wallace was not called "Captain Scotland". That completely dismisses the point of this REAL LIFE NATIONAL HERO being played by an Australian.
That's dismissive and condescending-- Let's keep this light and/or at least civil please, we're talking about a movie where a guy throws a shield and will possibly be running around in an outfit that'll raise a few eyebrows.
The part will be played by the best person that they can get-- just as they hired a superb Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. If there's one thing that the new Marvel Studio has shown us is that their casting decisions have been bang on. What I don't get is the flag waving and chest thumping of how it's an American Icon when Captain America is not real. If it was someone in America's history who did something of utmost importance in the formation of your nation then yes, I'd say that it'd be pretty hard for an American audience to watch knowing that the guy playing the part spoke with an accent... Kind of like an Aussie playing a Scottish Icon...but then his name wasn't Captain Scotland so that doesn't count.
Let's just agree that we hope that they cast the best person so that Captain America will come alive on the big screen and that his impact on a new generation (promoting the ideals that the character stands for) will be a major one.