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my joker collection!
Shame on me to post a picture of this quality :)
Only the center one is futz!
And on the left, it's not a girafe neck! It's only because it's not attached xD

awesome pics.... you got the sleepy one as well huh? Wait till you see the other one.
Your really making me want an interrogation Joker now :(

That laughing head is just insane :thud:
I've posted my Hot Toys Batman items plenty of times on here. But I don't think I've ever taken pictures of other figures, excluding TDK Movie Masters on here before.

Here it is, most of my loose collection. Haven't gotten a chance to take a picture of all my MOC and MIB figures, vehicles and playsets.










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great flipping collection!

The only figure I own from 89 Batman is the quick change Batman :eek:

I hate you for having like 7 combat belt batmans....I've been wanting one for a couple years.
my joker collection!
Shame on me to post a picture of this quality :)
Only the center one is futz!
And on the left, it's not a girafe neck! It's only because it's not attached xD

It's my birthday today, Neo. Which one of these heads would you like to send me? :monkey3 :lol Just kidding, what an awesome collection of custom Joker heads!
I've posted my Hot Toys Batman items plenty of times on here. But I don't think I've ever taken pictures of other figures, excluding TDK Movie Masters on here before.

Here it is, most of my loose collection. Haven't gotten a chance to take a picture of all my MOC and MIB figures, vehicles and playsets.



If I were ever to collect a series of Batman action figures beyond my 1/6 collection, I'd go for Batman TAS. Such a wide variety of selection in the rogues gallery, with one consistent visual aesthetic - pictures from you and other fans of their TAS collection have cemented that feeling for me.

I didn't have many TAS figures, but that Combat Belt Batman was one of them - I really liked having a normal suited Batman, without the odd paint job of one of the dozens of variants. Having a straight-up grappling hook was also really important to me as a child.

Some of the other few TAS figures I had as a child were Two-Face and the Joker. I collected primarily the movie line of figures from "Batman Returns" - I liked the more real-looking aesthetic, rather than the animation/cartoony look of the series. When I played, I wanted to emulate the movie series, not the TV show!

However, before "Batman Forever" and its associated figures came out, TAS was the only way I could get a Two-Face in my collection, so I picked him up. He was cool, but I later replaced him with the "Batman Forever" version.

Similarly, the Joker had been released in the 1989 figure series, but was no longer on shelves and thus unavailable to me. I assumed it was a Jack Nicholson lookalike (just as the Batman was a Michael Keaton figure). Turns out it was partly based on the movie aesthetic and partly based on the comic aesthetic - but that was irrelevant, because there was no way of getting a hold of one. Always wanted one badly and suspected it looked really cool. Because of the poor likeness, it didn't end up being cool as I always imagined, but I still would've liked it.

Someone from school claimed to have one, but I had never seen one until I looked on the internet in the last few years.

Thus, I turned to the TAS line to get Batman's arch-nemesis to play with.


I was not aware that an Alfred figure had been made and released. Is that one of the official TAS figures, or a custom?


Like the Combat Belt Batman, I prized my Keaton figure with the normal, all-black paintjob, as that was what he looked like in the movies. I also had plenty of variants, like the Arctic Batman, but the normal Black Batman was by far my favorite.


I remember getting this whole playset for my birthday one year. It was awesome - the skylights in Wayne Manor "breakaway" for Batman to crash through.

Its funny how this exact same playset and mold have been repainted and resold over the years in various different lines. For the 1989 release, Wayne Manor sort of emulated the Museum scene with the breakaway glass, and the back of the playset had a sort of "Axis Chemicals" area, complete with a falling railing thing, to recreate Batman fighting Jack Napier/Joker and his fall into the acid.

For "Batman Returns," which is the version I got as a kid and the one you have displayed here, the back is branded not as a chemical factory but as a sewer / industrial sewage plant, and the bucket used for "acid" in the first release is instead suggested as being full of ice water.


Haha, I don't remember these painting and clock stickers - I suspect I may have not applied them to my set when I was a kid! Probably too distracted by the play potential to show the appropriate attention and care to initial setup out of the box!


Ah, the fabled Bat-wing! As kids, we knew they had to have released this vehicle, since it was so important in the first movie. But since we were too young, and didn't start collecting and playing with figures until "Batman Returns," we never actually saw one of these or could get our hands on one.

When "Batman Forever" came out, it had a new Bat-wing, so we settled for that - but it was too "fantastic" and weird-looking, and not as cool as the original 1989 Batwing. You have no idea how badly I had wanted one of these (along with the original 1989 Joker).

I loved my figures as a kid and it's always good to see others with these figures - especially out of the box and playable, as they should be. I wish I still had mine, but unfortunately most were taken from me - the details make a sad story, but not one for today.

Thanks for the reminder of good times!

OMG Difabio, awesome man, just awesome!

I just had a complete flashback.

You've aquired all of these over the years? about how long has it taken you?
My...God.. Difabio... amazing.. man...just .. incredible..!! I have also.. this collection.. but ion boxes..:((..but is awesome i forgot .. how did they look .. !!!

thanks .. man . truly a batman fan ..!!!