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yall got way too much money to spend on this stuff! lucky......

I understand but at the end of the day, I'm gonna sell all my non tdk figures to just keep this line! It's the only one that I want to really have ;-)
Thank you guys :)
Here is a little video!
____ quality but it just to show you ^^

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

OMG Difabio, awesome man, just awesome!

I just had a complete flashback.

You've aquired all of these over the years? about how long has it taken you?

My...God.. Difabio... amazing.. man...just .. incredible..!! I have also.. this collection.. but ion boxes..:((..but is awesome i forgot .. how did they look .. !!!

thanks .. man . truly a batman fan ..!!!

It's always so interesting to hear people's childhood stories :p

Well, you asked for it. I've posted my experience on other sites. Since you asked, I may as well post it here.


Who remembers this?

BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT Collection. It's BATMAN like you've never seen him before! These BATMAN figures have unique devices for fighting different types of crime.

Because I sure don't. Batman like you've never seen him before uh, BOY does that resonate with me. Because as a kid, I NEVER saw him before. I was just shy of being old enough to have been able to go into the store and find this line. I remember having the "Crime Control Set" gear as a kid but I'm pretty sure the only reason that happened was because my parents found it on clearance.

This is THE line for me. The one that got away. I never owned it, I only had the very end of the Returns line and all of BTAS, but I knew a regular Batman movie line existed besides the Toy Biz one. I didn't have internet resources but I remember seeing it in price listings, magazines and catalogs. This was before ebay mind you so I was FASCINATED by it. A Batmobile from the first film? A movie Joker? What do the cardbacks look like? Are there any regular suit Batman figures unlike the Returns line (I know, I know. Returns does have Crime Attack, Shadow Wing, Bruce Wayne etc but at the time I didn't know it)? The Retruns Batcave that I see in the Kenner catalog with the suit vault, computer screens and Wayne Manor look similar to the first Batman movie, was this a repaint? Especially with the "Penguin's Arctic Lair, Arctic World" looking suspiciously similar to Axis Chemicals where the Joker was born.

I went to conventions, sure, but I NEVER saw these things or evidence that it existed until one day I saw Shadow Wing Batman at a convention. There it was! Most of the figures on the back of the card. A comic colored Batman! A movie suit that wasn't a variant! The Joker! I remember begging my dad but he wouldn't buy it for the 50 dollar price tag and at the time I was upset but today, who could blame him?

Fast forward to a few years ago (2005 I believe) where I found ALL the information I sought thanks to the internet. Needless to say I made an ebay account and COMPLETED the entire line. It was remarkable, nostalgic and alot of fun. In comparison to modern day lines and figures, yeah, these are pretty **** primitive, but so is the vintage Star Wars line. This line and BTAS have a special quality to them that I can't describe. I love my Hot Toys, Mattel, NECA, Toy Biz and Hasbro figures but there's something about these two lines that just really make me consider them my favorites.

This line was very important, looking back. It revolutionized and innovated Batman figures and toys forever. You know all those wacky color Batman variations, you can thank The Dark Knight Collection (though, to it's credit the variations made sense with it's unique ANTI-CRIME theme). This is also the only line, to my knowledge where you can trace other lines back to it. The regular Batman figure? Yeah it looks all new with it's unique boots, cowl and belt but who would have guessed that it was a retool of the Super Powers version? The first Nicholson Joker, Sky Escape as well. It's also worth noting that the mock ups at Toy Fair 1990 (as seen in the 1990 Kenner Catalog and Booklet) were just repainted Super Powers figures.



The Batjet was really a silver hawks jet in disquise. How about Batman: The Animated Series? That Jokermobile and the INFAMOUS Robin Dragster, they were originally for TDKC as THE JOKERMOBILE and The Gotham City Dragster respectively (even though they were never released, more on that). Or how about Vintage Star Wars? YES Vintage Star Wars. The role playing sonic neutralizer was indeed an Imperial Stormtrooper Rifle from 1977!

Super Powers, Toy Biz, Star Wars and BTAS!

Or how about that Batcave? That Batcave, ah. Probably my favorite playset of all time. Sure it has been done to death with all of its ridiculous incarnations. At the time though it was pretty **** exciting and accurate too. I begged and begged my parents for the original Returns version, nope, wouldn't get it for me. The BTAS version, "no you'll have it broken in a day". I borrowed my friends crappy Forever version but it didn't do anything for me. It wasn't until 1997 where, yes, I finally got it . . . IN BATMAN AND ROBIN DECO.

Yep, pretty sad. Still I enjoyed the horror that was blue and white. Still I was always intrigued. It was only later when I learned that the original wasn't the Returns version but Kenner had in fact MADE it especially for The Dark Knight Collection.. When I looked in that Kenner booklet (you know the one that came with the Kenner vehicles back when companies "really did care") that I found in my brand spanking new, film accurate Turbojet Batwing, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. THERE it was in all of it's glory. Axis chemicals (so the VAT was for the Joker all along so when you'd drop him in his flesh colored Jack Napier face would turn white!). ORANGE railings just like the film. The Joker all over the computer screens! Yes this was it.

Too bad Kenner dropped it before it could come out in the fall of 1991 (the year I was born). Instead they released it as the "NEW" Returns Batcave/Wayne Manor Command Center. Instead of Axis Chemicals, it was Artic World. Instead of a decayed chemical interior, it was a frozen sewage dwelling. No more Joker screens, no, Penguin and Catwoman was it now.

I own and know everything about it now (not something that is looked very highly upon or even worth calling an accomplishment). Own all three Kenner Catalogs only available to employees at Toy Fair 1990 and 1991. All the Kenner booklets. Figures, variations, role play gear, vehicles, you name it. It's a nice, small line. Not as fascinating or colorful as BTAS by any means, but fun nonetheless.

The kid in me is complete, now fully knowing and understanding what the first BATMAN line was.


Let me start off by saying that I'm a HUGE fan of the animated series. It started my obsession with Batman and action figure collecting itself (though I played instead of collecting as a child). Personally, I think BTAS is the best interpretation of Batman. Yeah, better than '89. Better than Begins. Better than TDK. And I LOVE those too. So you can only imagine how enamored I am with BTAS.

It's essentially my childhood. On Leather Wings, Two-Face part 1 and 2, The Last Laugh, His Silicon Soul, all of the episodes are burned into my mind.

My introduction to action figures came in the form of a Bruce Wayne, an animated Bruce Wayne to be exact. As stated above, because of my age I got into the Batman Kenner game pretty late. Missed TDKC, caught the very beginning of BTAS and the last series III waves of Batman Returns which could be found on the pegs/shelves around the same time as BTAS.

So yeah, this is what started action figures for me,


It doesn't look like much but it was the only "regular" Batman I had as a kid. The only non variant. I have a pretty cool story with the figure also, two actually. I ended up with two of these guys. My mom bought me the first one, and my grandmother, not knowing I already had one, bought me a second. I know I had the option to take it back and get something else, but for whatever reason I kept it.

Being OBSESSED with the HARDAC Duplicant Batman from the "His Silicon Soul" episode, I knew I had to have one. It was obviously influenced by sci fi and Terminator particularly so of course I would love to have had a "Cyborg Terminator Batman". So I made one. I took a red sharpie and made one of my Bruce Wayne/Batman figures the duplicant. It kind of bothered me after the fact because while I was fascinated with cyborgs, they also freaked me out. I ended up throwing the cowl away or smashing it, can't remember.


Still have that Bruce Wayne in a bin somewhere. The original one that I bought. It somehow has all the armor pieces (which are bent and white from the plastic bending) and is all scuffed to hell (he has skin tone hair now) but whatever, it means something to me. I may own "new" versions of the same figure now but I can't throw it away.

I obviously missed out on Wave 1, so no chance at a Combat Belt Batman. However I did get the likes of Turbo Jet Batman and Robin. I really wanted the Batcave but, again, my parents would never let me own one until the crappy Batman and Robin cave.

I did get the awesome BTAS Batmobile though. I remember my mom bought it for me along with the Official Batman Returns book from TRU. Not sure if it was for a report card, birthday or what. It may have been ordinary day. What a wonderful vehicle. I loved it, the pursuit jet, the dropping bomb, the pop out tire spikes, it was fantastic.

As the years came and went I ended up with more Batman variants such as Lightning Strike Batman and Infrared Batman (both are favorites of mine). I had less then a handful of villains. In fact, most of them were Jokers I think. I definitely didn't have the rogues gallery I have today.

I was not aware that an Alfred figure had been made and released. Is that one of the official TAS figures, or a custom?

No it's not a custom. It was actually available in this 4 pack with repainted figures of Robin, Batman and Clayface.


It was also available for a limited time as a bonus figure in the Shadow Cast Batcave. Basically a repaint of the very first Batcave but in "TNBA" deco. This Alfred however didn't come with the lobster and fancy tray.

Its funny how this exact same playset and mold have been repainted and resold over the years in various different lines. For the 1989 release, Wayne Manor sort of emulated the Museum scene with the breakaway glass, and the back of the playset had a sort of "Axis Chemicals" area, complete with a falling railing thing, to recreate Batman fighting Jack Napier/Joker and his fall into the acid.

For "Batman Returns," which is the version I got as a kid and the one you have displayed here, the back is branded not as a chemical factory but as a sewer / industrial sewage plant, and the bucket used for "acid" in the first release is instead suggested as being full of ice water.

Hahahaha, funny you mentioned that. I think you'll appreciate this. This if from my 1990 Kenner toy fair catalog.



It's really a shame that it was scrapped.
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Very nice, neo!

That one on the Bank Robber body is very nice the way the shadows are hitting from the eye sockets.
my joker collection!
Shame on me to post a picture of this quality :)
Only the center one is futz!
And on the left, it's not a girafe neck! It's only because it's not attached xD

Third one from the left looks the best sculpt and paint wise.

MAN O MAN! :horror

Those pics were awesome! Love the collection Difab.

I had a bunch of those at one time. Love the animated series stuff and nice that you have the Alfred....he's a pretty "penny"! :wink1:

Thanks for sharing man, awesome stuff!
Thank you guys :)
Here is a little video!
____ quality but it just to show you ^^

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


my joker collection!
Shame on me to post a picture of this quality :)
Only the center one is futz!
And on the left, it's not a girafe neck! It's only because it's not attached xD

That picture is awesome! You should post it in the silicon thread too. One of the best of your BobbyC one I feel. Love Adam's one at the back. Wondered who scored that here. :rock
I've posted my Hot Toys Batman items plenty of times on here. But I don't think I've ever taken pictures of other figures, excluding TDK Movie Masters on here before.

Here it is, most of my loose collection. Haven't gotten a chance to take a picture of all my MOC and MIB figures, vehicles and playsets.




Love the animated Bat mobile. Goregeous. I missed my chance of getting one unless I strike it rich and get one on ebay. I like the animated Bat plane too but this toy one doesn't look right to me. I got the long pointed Bat plane(die cast) from the animated series...looks better IMO. Looks small, 3 inchs long and 2.5 inches wide but flat as a dime, but its big in scale. 1/5 inch Batman would fit to this scale.
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I got my animated series batmobile about 2 years ago for Christmas. it was only $30 ish :dunno

maybe they went up in price.

I know the shadow cast one is always uber expensive.



Nice Batman Kubrick collection
The Batman Begins Kubrick is the hardest to find, manage to buy one from ebay.
Coming soon from DC Comics´ 75th Anniversary year Kubrick figures by Medicom

Alway like the 1966 TV Batman and 1989 Batman Movie.
Here are my Olympus 1989 Batman Movie collection

Olympus Batman Collection from Korea
1989 Kit # 500, 1:48 Olympus Batman Batmobile Model Kit 6"
1989 Olympus 1:55 Batman Batmobile Plastic Car Pull Back 4.5"
1989 Kit # 3600, Olympus Batman Figure Batcycle 4.5
1990 Kit # 4000, Olympus Batman Robot Batmobile Transformer 8"
1990 Kit # 8000, Olympus Batman Robot Batmobile Transformer 10"
1990 Kit # 5000, Olympus 1:6 Batman Figure Keaton Korean 12"
1990 Kit # 15000, Olympus Batman Keaton Complete Figure Model 18"
The Batman Begins Kubby is probably my fave one I own.

Yeah, same here. Batman Begins and probably the Keaton Batman are my favorites. Don't really care for the TDK Kubrick (which is why it isn't pictured).

Hmm 8899 I thought there was something familiar about that Batman you have in your collection,


Looks like they "borrowed" Kenner's art for Thunder Whip Batman.

Yeah, same here. Batman Begins and probably the Keaton Batman are my favorites. Don't really care for the TDK Kubrick (which is why it isn't pictured).

Hmm 8899 I thought there was something familiar about that Batman you have in your collection,


Looks like they "borrowed" Kenner's art for Thunder Whip Batman.


Thanks for pointing out, alway though there are original art. Sure they do look like borrowing from Kenner's art for Thunder Whip Batman, the Olympus Batman Robot Batmobile Transformer have the same art too.

The 1989s Olympus Batman from Korea are officially licensed product from the movie Batman

Here are my 1/18 scale Batman and Batmonile collection