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People may be interested in knowing more details even if they aren't interested in purchasing for themselves (whatever the price may or may not have been). It may not be important to you to discuss what the price of any given thing was - but then again, you weren't the one who asked, were you?

I asked BobbyC. These are done being made. He might make a different pose. Lastly he is a very talnted man that is in demand. For that reason a he can ask what he wants and he will find buyers. I collect but not hardcore enough to pay what he was asking. 99.5% the head is out of their price range!
I guess I don't see the need for a "discussion." One guy asked a simple question, all it takes is a simple answer.

If some people can't be mature about it afterward, that's the fault of those specific, immature people - not the original discussion itself. It just doesn't make sense to try and censor legitimate questions and interest simply because some people in the past have acted inappropriately. Don't punish the whole for the mistakes of the minority.

Well done! Somebody else that doesn't sugar coat things.

Price wasn't the reason it got locked. As you have said. It got locked because of the likes of Snake and his posse jumping in and starting heated arguments with jealous hater trolls remarks and such. God forbid should other people have other views and opinions on it. I'd love to use nam's quotes but I can't remember them, as he's such a down to earth guy. He's honest. As was cr0w.

I asked BobbyC. These are done being made. He might make a different pose. Lastly he is a very talnted man that is in demand. For that reason a he can ask what he wants and he will find buyers. I collect but not hardcore enough to pay what he was asking. 99.5% the head is out of their price range!

Such a pity he can't act decent in public when he's not PM'ing people with jealous hater remarks and bombing off the forum in a childish manner when he can't take other peoples views or opinions in a professional manner. When he craves for "you're awesome" the end. Then tells his loyal customers and fans he'll only show people new work via email because he feels insecure. Then blames this board for it all so he leaves. Or stops posting on the board.

I'm glad he's not an actor. He'd have kittens if he had that sort of criticism from the film critics. This stuff he's just had makes it looks like pussycats.



Love the broad shoulders on that. It looks nice in that second shot.

As always, neo. Nice photo(s).
I asked BobbyC. These are done being made.

Again, people might be interested in knowing facts (such as the price) about the figure/head being displayed for reasons other than interest in acquiring one for themselves. So the fact that they're done being made has no bearing on whether or not someone should ask (or respond) to what an item's price was.

You shouldn't assume that information requested by someone is now irrelevant, nor should you second guess their reasons in the first place.

Lastly he is a very talnted man that is in demand. For that reason a he can ask what he wants and he will find buyers. I collect but not hardcore enough to pay what he was asking. 99.5% the head is out of their price range!

Not really sure why this opinion is at all relevant to the original poster's question (nor is it relevant to why you might think nobody should answer him).

It sounds to me like you're reading far too much into one guy's simple question, which was doing nothing more than asking for a fact-based response (not asking for, nor putting forward, any kind of opinion).
Again, people might be interested in knowing facts (such as the price) about the figure/head being displayed for reasons other than interest in acquiring one for themselves. So the fact that they're done being made has no bearing on whether or not someone should ask (or respond) to what an item's price was.

You shouldn't assume that information requested by someone is now irrelevant, nor should you second guess their reasons in the first place.

Not really sure why this opinion is at all relevant to the original poster's question (nor is it relevant to why you might think nobody should answer him).

It sounds to me like you're reading far too much into one guy's simple question, which was doing nothing more than asking for a fact-based response (not asking for, nor putting forward, any kind of opinion).

Sheesh! Lighten up!

Generally, there is an unwritten rule to not discuss the price of custom work!

If someone wants to know the price of a custom peice, PM the artist. It's simple!

If it's not being made anymore and it's a matter of curiosity, PM the buyer! Again, simple! :slap
Someone help me out. Where can a guy looking for a BobC. 1/6 Joker head get one and does anyone know how much it costs? :huh

50 bucks? 60 bucks? Hows a bout $150?
Sheesh! Lighten up!

I feel pretty calm about the whole issue - it seems to me that everybody else is getting their panties all in a bunch, worrying about stopping someone from "spilling the beans" about how much something costs or what the implication is regarding someone's talent.

I saw no implication of anything nor any harm being done by someone asking (or choosing to answer) the question.

What I do see is a bunch of people stepping in and saying "Don't talk about it! Don't answer that question!" without any reason that makes any kind of sense. In any other scenario, that would be considered trolling.

What I would advise to many of you is to lighten up. There's no need to get touchy about the whole subject. Why can't people act like adults and just discuss the topic without clamming up arbitrarily or trying to shut other people up or assuming there are subtexts and hidden implications to simple questions?

If someone doesn't want to answer a question, fine. But don't tell them not to answer it, or not to even discuss it.

Generally, there is an unwritten rule to not discuss the price of custom work!

The thing about unwritten rules is that they're not actually rules (probably for a good reason). If you choose to subscribe (prescribe?) to the rule yourself, that's fine - but it's frankly quite rude to push it on other people and interfere or censor a civil, sane discussion being conducted in a public forum. Again, that could easily be considered trolling.

If someone wants to know the price of a custom peice, PM the artist. It's simple!

There are so many reasons not to do so.

What if the artist doesn't want to be bothered? We've each come into this thread as a choice - we want to engage in the discussion of the subject at hand. If the artist isn't here, in this thread, then we should assume he's not interested - there's no reason he should be pestered just because some third parties don't want the details of any given project to be discussed publicly.

Can you imagine if we decided that prices would never be discussed openly, ever? What if someone asked how much a DX01 retailed for? Should we say "If you want to know, e-mail Hot Toys?" Would that be reasonable - for either the guy who asked, or Hot Toys?

Or what if the artist is difficult to contact? Many artists are notorious for not responding to PMs - I'm certain those artists certainly don't want to waste the little time they spend on PMs answering questions that are irrelevant to them, personally.

If it's not being made anymore and it's a matter of curiosity, PM the buyer! Again, simple! :slap

Thus, defeating the entire purpose of a message board. There's a reason we choose to use forums in addition to PMs and e-mail.

You like disseminating, analyzing, and discussing information about how your figures look. Or what the collecting process involves. Or how you've modified your figures and what the processes involved were. Guess what? Some of us (myself included) consider part of the hobby to be staying informed on the value, pricing, and market fluctuations of these figures.

If you're not interested, fine. But there's no reason to shoot down the parts of the discussion that others enjoy (even if you don't), as long as it's not hurting anyone.
haytil, there is a lot to address in your post, but I'm gonna chose to let most of it go.

If you're not interested, fine. But there's no reason to shoot down the parts of the discussion that others enjoy (even if you don't), as long as it's not hurting anyone.

It's not about whether I am interested. The point is when it comes to custom work when members are selling to members, open discussion could hurt. What an individual member charges another individual member (or members) is a private matter. It is not public like the price of the DX01.

It is common courtesy to discuss it in private. That is true in the real world and on a message board. That is the very purpose of Private Messaging.

And for the record, when I PM'ed bobbyC about the price, he PM'ed back almost immediately. :peace

its $1K.

Oh O.... :panic:

*runs away and hide to the marvel section.*


It is less of an issue now that bobby isn't making anymore.
What an individual member charges another individual member (or members) is a private matter.

It might be private for you, or for a given buyer, or a given artist - but I don't think it's your place, or anyone else's, to determine whether any given transaction was private or not (except the ones they were personally involved in).

So why not let someone choose for themselves whether or not they consider any given transaction of theirs to be something they want to discuss?

If they want to, fine - let them discuss the transaction and price. If they don't want to, fine - let them say they want to keep it private.

In this case, Remy was asked - it's up to him if he wants to answer. His answer:

Not really sure if pricing is permitted to be discussed openly.

So he wasn't sure if it was against the rules - which is why I correctly informed him that it is not. (In hindsight, I may have been mistaken in interpreting his statement - he may not have been talking about forum rules so much as the details of the transaction between himself and the artist - but that's up to him to clarify).

Suddenly other people are jumping in, basically saying Remy shouldn't be answering. But it's not really anyone else's place to decide that!
Glad one of you threw the towel in.

Moving on.

Can't wait till I can post a pic of my entire collection here... apartment is under major renovation and all my stuff is mostly packed away :(
It's not about whether I am interested. The point is when it comes to custom work when members are selling to members, open discussion could hurt.

Like he was hurt from peoples opinions on the work when the photos were posted by him? then strutted off the forum in a tantrum with his niche cult? ;)

What an individual member charges another individual member (or members) is a private matter. It is not public like the price of the DX01.

Yeah, it's called shady business. A guy admitted that he's still learning but charges an arm and a leg for it... err head. ¬_¬ I don't see anyone screaming when they spend many thousands on HDTV/Plasma's entertainment systems and so on.

I'm shocked at the price he's charging for his 1/3. Well in fact not really.

It is common courtesy to discuss it in private. That is true in the real world and on a message board. That is the very purpose of Private Messaging.

The price has been around the block so long now via PM I think most of the regulars know the price. It's hardly been a private matter for sometime now. Sadly Bobby's ego never let him keep it private. As he's done a 180 now.
Remy what shirt is that? It looks like an overdyed V1 Shirt. A bit too blue but I like it.
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