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Should have some pics of my new 6ft tall shelves that I got for my birthday soon. Gives my collection new life.
I'm still here Vodoun, you cant contain yourself can you. I'm proud of every piece I do, you have to come on every thread and bash me dont you .
you obviously have no idea what it takes to make something do you.
you just sit in the back and take shots with nothing to offer at all, here we go once again. this is another thread that will get shut down.
Thank you for all you nice comments guys!

Here is an another one ;)

It might be private for you, or for a given buyer, or a given artist - but I don't think it's your place, or anyone else's, to determine whether any given transaction was private or not (except the ones they were personally involved in).

So why not let someone choose for themselves whether or not they consider any given transaction of theirs to be something they want to discuss?

If they want to, fine - let them discuss the transaction and price. If they don't want to, fine - let them say they want to keep it private.

In this case, Remy was asked - it's up to him if he wants to answer. His answer:

So he wasn't sure if it was against the rules - which is why I correctly informed him that it is not. (In hindsight, I may have been mistaken in interpreting his statement - he may not have been talking about forum rules so much as the details of the transaction between himself and the artist - but that's up to him to clarify).

Suddenly other people are jumping in, basically saying Remy shouldn't be answering. But it's not really anyone else's place to decide that!

Haytil, I didnt respond back at the pricing cause for some reason, some individuals would pick and choose any comment to be negative about this piece. I agree with you, it something simple, but I guess you should have seen the 1/6 thread, anything to feed the fire, it would be used. I dont understand...everything is subjective and if its something you wouldnt purchase, then simply dont.

I'm probably the poorest guy in the bunch to get this, but as an art major, and as a collector of 1/6 piece, it was simply somethign that I know I would regret if I wasnt able to acquire it. So I sold things to be able to afford it. I will say this, is it worth it? Yes!!! This is truly one of the coolest piece I have seen. I stare at it every time I pass it. Pictures do not do justice to it, definitely something that would be even appreciated to see in person.
I'm still here Vodoun, you cant contain yourself can you. I'm proud of every piece I do, you have to come on every thread and bash me dont you .
you obviously have no idea what it takes to make something do you.
you just sit in the back and take shots with nothing to offer at all, here we go once again. this is another thread that will get shut down.

Pot calling the kettle black is it not.

Once again. You think it's all personal attacks. You just don't get it that it's your snotty attitude. Thinking that you're some sort of god then when somebody comments on you, you get all defensive with the bashing talk.

Besides... I've hardly bashed you. I've spoke of paint imperfections but you think thats bashing. I had an opinion, you think thats bashing. I commented on one of Remy's recent photos from yours how you've nearly nailed it but once again you think it's bashing. Any view according to you but "you're awesome" is bashing.

"He was barred entry to the CM forum because of his track record."

As for thread(s) getting locked, well thats all down to your loyal customers calling people with different views and opinions, jealous hater trolls. I guess you couldn't work that out as it was too busy feeding your ego mate. :)
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I think the fact that the ones who are able to deal with Bobby are happy is a testament to his art man.
Bobby has been very nice and answered every email. I know i was probably even nuisance as i was excited and asked lots of question about the piece. I kept asking things that I would like for my piece. It was a great experience as it has been a while since I felt like a kid. Basically you know, like when you take a kid to a toy store, and they're like...o can u do this? And could u make it like this? Etc. But Bobby has been nice all the time. It was really a great experience as I felt like a kid who got his Christmas wish.