My small collection. With a few marvel legends thrown in.[/ATTACH]
Sorry The pictures are sideways I don't know how to make them right side up. I just wanted to post my collection is I love going on here and seeing some of you all's great collections.
I got mine when Walmart first put them out. They however did not bother to price any of them and had them all on a shelf for 19.99. Definitely feel they are worth the 20 bucks
Finally found some good deals and added Iron Monger and Igor to the collection. Running out of space and may need to get a couple more detolfs so I can move the non-marvel figures to another area.
Also grabbed a couple more 1/12 scale figures. I might need to get out of collecting 1/12 scale altogether now that prices are going up so much.
hit a road block while doing my i took some of them out of their glass prison. i'm sure my wife will find this as a great use of my free time this evening.