Personally I like Rainman's sculpts better yes he has the puppy eyes but I love the style each artist has their Own signature and it has to be said that rainman is simply incredible! With the help of his painter.
Sorry-does it mean-Rainman don't paint his figures by him self at all?
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He paints the full set and DX full set editions of his releases. Painted Head and Clothing and only Painted Head options are painted by his staff.Sorry-does it mean-Rainman don't paint his figures by him self at all?
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I guess you're a fan of RM's style then, because I reckon Anton and Wonka suffer from the same puppy-dog eyes. Doc and Plainview are stellar though. I think Snyderman's sculpts are let down by the paint - the likeness is clearly there, but you could be right about the finer detail. I'd like to see a good paint app on those so I can properly compare them with RM's. RM Vince's hair doesn't bother me all that much given that the separate hairpiece has been reasonably well integrated into the final scupt, and it's at the back - my main problem is with Jules. Vince is a decent likeness, Jules looks swollen.
It's no surprise that they look good as two guys in suits though - the tailoring is outstanding.
RM's Pulp Fiction has to be one of his not so good pieces in the recent run... Samuel L Jackson's sculpt specially was really shocking compared to the quality of work he does.
And yeah Snyderman's paints and skin texturing has to be their weakest points. SilentSurfer's paints really show the potential of the sculpts, however its not always economical to get $180 repaints.
Snyder-man sells unpainted castings if you don't like their paint. Most of them are $45 with free shipping within the USA unless they have extra parts like the Princess Leias or Selene's extra bangs. That's $20 to $30 cheaper than what a lot of custom sculptors are charging for unpainted castings. I own the Snyder-man PF heads painted by them and I don't see a huge difference between them and the Silent Surfer paints, except Nathan went lighter with Vincent's hair color. I guess what you like depends on your own perspective. When I have time and a space to display my figures I generally like to view them from 3 or 4 feet back from the shelf. At that distance most small detail isn't visible with my eyesight, so the likeness really is the principle factor. In the end enjoy what you got. I remember a time when you had to settle for Mego or Captain Action figures, because that was all that was available. These are good times for collectors.
I think you'd find that an easy majority of impartial observers would reckon that Snyderman's sculpts - if not as detailed in the actual sculpt - provide the better likeness, and definitely a better expression, for the characters. Vince is decent, not excellent by any stretch. And Jules... looks as much like Laurence Fishburne as Samuel L.
I'm definitely not insane![]()
Well you may not be insane... ill give ya that, but a least please pass whatever you are smoking then! hahaha
I have said that Snyderman's sculpts are better representations of the PF characters, and I am clearly right, so we should just leave it at that. There is no room for subjectivity in this hobby. *ppffffffffffftttttt
Haha k
Well you may not be insane... ill give ya that, but a least please pass whatever you are smoking then! hahaha
Synderman's sculpts look like caricatures to me.
I won't be selling mine though. My options are to sell and replace with Snyderman's sculpts, which'd need a new paint app $$$$ - or get rid of them altogether.
I really want Vincent and Jules in my display, so I'll live with them - they're definitely not bad sculpts, just not as good as I hoped they'd be.
Help me out here. How do you consider these sculpts caricatures? Maybe there isn't as much detail, but it's pretty clear (even to some who bought Rainman's heads) that these sculpts look more like Travolta and Jackson than Rainman's. Apologizes to OP as I have helped derail this thread. Lets see some more pics. I have no computer skilz so I can't contribute.