Picasso's portraits = interpretation = google it....
I don't want no Picasso Bill thank you!!!

I don't want no Picasso Bill thank you!!!
Turbo you seem generally upset about this Bill sculpt, I think you are over exaggerating nobody here is insinuating this will replace Rain Man current masterpiece. We here at SSF might have just acquired another amazing sculptor we should be ecstatic over it, and encouraging him or her to stay. I missed out on Rainmans Bill the butcher and wish I had the money to buy it, or somebody would even give me the opportunity to buy one. So for some of us this is just a second chance that we are excited about, and like I said earlier this is just the head sculpt even if I buy this I now have to track someone down to make an outfit, knife kit and a coat, which at this time is impossible!
Replica work? You really area connoisseur if there ever was one...
1) Mustache stems are not a signature style. In any sculpt with hair or parts that are fragile and jut out suspended have to be sculpted/casted as a separate piece. Hence the tips of the handlebar moustache have been casted separately. Same reason the falling hair on the sides of Joker has to be casted as a separate piece. Its not some groundbreaking innovation brought by Rainman in a sculpt. Its common sense.
And yeah use some better sized pics. If you see the face shape and details like the nose,and compare it to Rainman's from different angles you will see its quite different.
And really quit with the copy/replica thing. In your logic when it comes to Bale sculpts Ko Jun must have copied from Adam, who must have copied from Yulli, same with Arnie and his Bruce Lees with YJ Park etc etc. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Why would a talented sculptor choose to do what he does? Why would he want to do a character someone else has done? Maybe you should ask all the sculptors in the forum because I dont think they have been immune from the desire to sculpt a character which others havent allready. There is something called personal desire. Its not all about pleasing the 'critics'
What do you want to prove?
That this sculpt as copied some certains aspect of Rainman sculpt?
Even if certain aspect could look the same at the ned of the day who cares!!!
Seriously it's getting boring.
What do you want to prove?
That this sculpt as copied some certains aspect of Rainman sculpt?
Even if certain aspect could look the same at the ned of the day who cares!!!
Seriously it's getting boring.
But at the end of the day, it brings nothing good to the table. NO ONE will be happy that you are raising this issue up, except for maybe yourself. I see you are raising awareness to a possibility scenario that COULD happen, that artists can be "copying" others or sculpt the same character with similar aspects, but you sound agressive and on a personal vendetta to smash this sculpt and subsequently, it's sculptor, to shambles.
To me that sculpt doesn't look similar to the Rainman one. It looks similar becasue it is based on the same charachter and the same expression.
But at the end of the day, it brings nothing good to the table. NO ONE will be happy that you are raising this issue up, except for maybe yourself. I see you are raising awareness to a possibility scenario that COULD happen, that artists can be "copying" others or sculpt the same character with similar aspects, but you sound agressive and on a personal vendetta to smash this sculpt and subsequently, it's sculptor, to shambles.
Yeah, I am also pretty much done with this thread. I think if you have some built up energy and frustration I would direct it towards the people stealing from other sculptors by reproducing poor quality molds and then selling them to the general public. I was surprised by the amount of extremely talented sculptors, painters and creators on this site ( Elvis1976, Robbiethepainter, Ski, Rahmier84 etc.) I would hate for them to feel uncomfortable and not creating something due to "worrying" their sculpt might slightly resemble another artist. I am sure the sculptors, painters and creators all talk to one another , I wouldn't be surprised if they had a private group where they discuss their current projects and how it will effect the others. Until the actual creators themselves get upset or post their opinions I wouldn't get too fired up.
get mad at this !!!!!
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