Super Freak
Surely you could sell the Rainman heads for enough money to get unpainted Snyder-man heads and have them painted to your liking?
...and just when I thought I'd made my mind up

Surely you could sell the Rainman heads for enough money to get unpainted Snyder-man heads and have them painted to your liking?
This artist also chose the same look, and based on that, if both artists are talented, they should look the same! And they do.
It was basically said that this was a copy. A copy of what exactly? A specific scene and look in a movie? - yes. A direct copy from another artists work? I do not believe this. As Mike said, it would be nice to see other expressions if the same character is to be done again. Just because a well established artist does a certain character and look, does not mean no other artist can do the same. The reference material is from the film, not another's head sculpt. This artist also chose the same look, and based on that, if both artists are talented, they should look the same! And they do. 1/6 characters and 1/6 does not stop at Rainman. We can also compare some of RM's characters that had been done prior to his releases that also look the same. I don't think he was copying the previous release...
Look at all the jokers heads.
Should there be only room for one?
It's a specific look from a specific scene, have 10 sculptors sculpt the integration Joker and see how similar they look. Bottom line is babygq is selling knockoffs of RMs actual sculpts on facebook that's where your frustration should be , and this person created a whole new sculpt. Let the people that want it be happy, I understand you're worried about your investment but are you really going to sell your RM anyhow? Just like PCK commented noone has even seen this painted and there's not even any clothing for it, I think the Rainman Grail is safe.
Just wanted to make sure you knew this was not sarcasm I really am a RM supporter I think his stuff is phenomenal I'm just looking at it from an outsider looking in.
But if we both drew the same picture of an object, would they not look similar? I am not sure what techniques RM uses that is different to any other sculptor except his talent. His bill and DDL are by far the best, but I don't see any special techniques used...
And the more closely I look at them, the more different they actually are. A quick glance suggests they are the same, but really looking at the side by side, there are a lot of differences I can see...
Yes, it seems that we are getting frustrated over a new talented artist!!?
Sounds crazy when you put it like that!
And if this said artist is in fact copying RM's "techniques", then we are in for some fantastic sculpts to come!!!!
But who would buy the sculpt of it looked like Picasso? 1/6 sculpting and character likeness isn't open to interpretation at all. If you don't nail it, you don't sell it...