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Keep holding out for a Hot Toys version it’ll happen. Even though he wasn’t teased in any other figure release like with Obi-Wan or Dooku.
Wow that really sucks. Makes me a little cautious/worried now of my SS R2D2 reissue order :monkey2
I debated getting that R2-D2, but got the HT TFA R2-D2 instead as it was reasonably priced, looks like the OT and I know I'll.never display him with any of the accessories the HT deluxe version has - if they rerelease that one though, I'd definitely get it.
I’ll see if I get a good copy. If not then I’ll see if it’s an easy mod to make it better. If not then it’s going back to SS.
This unfortunately appears to be a disaster.

That e-mail from customer service is insane. In fairness, whenever I've had issues with something, the SS customer service does a great job.
So much for this being "improved and updated" over the original release.... :lol

Everyone's wishful thinking back when this was announced, and belief in that guy that does the awful SS YT videos. I said back then he was full of ****... And the worst part it sounds like this may even be worse than the original. That's just sad. SS quality control is non existent. I still want to see a comparison with the original.

Sorry for all you guys hoping this would be better. But, I am still happy with my original for now. Until HT makes me sell a lung for theirs...
I had my old Grievous in my display for a year or so but he eventually sagged under his own weight like a wilted flower weight even with the stand. Once sagged, it was impossible to reset him. So back in the box he went. That was 2016. I wonder if he's hardened enough again to repose?
It's happened before from Sideshow -- remember IG-88 reissue?
Oh, yeah... That mess...

"New & Improved". At Sideshow, that means same sculpt, new box, higher price.

Also that Darth Maul re release where the same head looked awful compared to the 1st run.

And I do believe after all the lies and BS over 3PO's thumbs, they fixed his hands on this current reissue. With the original they had photos with the correct thumbs, then took them down after the finished product shipped and was wrong and people started to complain and they replaced them with photos of the wrong thumbs like it was normal to have 5 fingers rather than 4 fingers with an opposable thumb (I have all the photos saved). Then with the reissue they had the corrected hands again, but then took them down and put up old pictures with the wonky thumbs that are currently on the site... Wonder if old customers that bought the original complained.
I debated getting that R2-D2, but got the HT TFA R2-D2 instead as it was reasonably priced, looks like the OT and I know I'll.never display him with any of the accessories the HT deluxe version has - if they rerelease that one though, I'd definitely get it.
Yea my impatience won out over trying to wait/Hope HT would reissue with their C3PO especially since there were a lot of good reviews for the previous reissue of the SS R2D2. Guess I’ll find out eventually
I had my old Grievous in my display for a year or so but he eventually sagged under his own weight like a wilted flower weight even with the stand. Once sagged, it was impossible to reset him. So back in the box he went. That was 2016. I wonder if he's hardened enough again to repose?
Mine has been on display in the same pose for about 5 years now. Have never touched him since the day I opened him and put him on the shelf. I always had him hunched over. He still looks the same.

Now I'm afraid to touch him.. :lol
Oh, yeah... That mess...

"New & Improved". At Sideshow, that means same sculpt, new box, higher price.

Also that Darth Maul re release where the same head looked awful compared to the 1st run.

And I do believe after all the lies and BS over 3PO's thumbs, they fixed his hands on this current reissue. With the original they had photos with the correct thumbs, then took them down after the finished product shipped and was wrong and people started to complain and they replaced them with photos of the wrong thumbs like it was normal to have 5 fingers rather than 4 fingers with an opposable thumb (I have all the photos saved). Then with the reissue they had the corrected hands again, but then took them down and put up old pictures with the wonky thumbs that are currently on the site... Wonder if old customers that bought the original complained.
They did something similar with the Mythos Obiwan reissue. The swapped the body for a single joint elbow from a double joint elbow and once ppl started calling them out on it, they removed all the pics of the figure with more than a 90degree bend from the website gallery. Plus the paint was also downgraded
And I do believe after all the lies and BS over 3PO's thumbs, they fixed his hands on this current reissue. With the original they had photos with the correct thumbs, then took them down after the finished product shipped and was wrong and people started to complain and they replaced them with photos of the wrong thumbs like it was normal to have 5 fingers rather than 4 fingers with an opposable thumb (I have all the photos saved). Then with the reissue they had the corrected hands again, but then took them down and put up old pictures with the wonky thumbs that are currently on the site... Wonder if old customers that bought the original complained.

The worst part of the "thumb" conspiracy was that Sideshow said the positioning was "deliberate". I know, I asked and that's the response I received. Yet, on 2.0, they corrected the 'deliberate' positioning.
Looked dang good in that review. Especially in the 4 arm, lightsaber pose. I knew full well he’d be a more fragile figure than normal given the design. I just don’t want to get a figure with loose joints and splitting pieces.
I just watched it. I agree about the 4-arm pose, and that is how I will be displaying him. I am very concerned about how fragile he is, though I think this will be forever a one pose figure for me (hopefully he can hold the pose long-term)
I'm not sure that SSC CS email is all that accurate in the sense that I'm sure some are okay, but that's mostly the equivalent response of when you ask a retail employee 'to go check if they have it in the back' ... CS is just blowing them off, because they're not going to spend an hour opening up Grievous figures to find one with solid joints.

It's simpler and more cost-effective to offer a partial refund.

Either way, I'll save this thread for when people extol the virtues of SSC and how great their CS is. :monkey3
This unfortunately appears to be a disaster.

That e-mail from customer service is insane. In fairness, whenever I've had issues with something, the SS customer service does a great job.
Doesn't look like there's anything wrong with that email. At least the person is being honest in saying "Yeah, all the production versions of this figure has the same issues as yours. There's no point in me sending you another one." I rather that then them try to lie about the other figures being any better.
Doesn't look like there's anything wrong with that email. At least the person is being honest in saying "Yeah, all the production versions of this figure has the same issues as yours. There's no point in me sending you another one." I rather that then them try to lie about the other figures being any better.

That is what I was saying, for them to agree with the loose bits, unfinished plastic bits and separation on the molding is kinda insane.

Like I said, I've never had any issues with Sideshow Customer Service, I was just surprised that they'd go out and say that.