Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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...more a list of things he doesn't like in figures. This R2 is just not built to his tastes.

Agreed, but isn't that what most reviews are? I've read 'em all here and most simply are opinions. It's very hard to get a critical objective reviewer around here. Like I said, many people rave about a figure and end up selling it a short time later. Or they pass on a figure because they don't like it and then end up buying it later.

Opinions are like people -- there's way too may of them.
Sorry if my first post is a stupid question but I have read that some of you have gotten 7 day shipping notices and was wondering if that is for the exclusive? I missed out on ordering the exclusive but ordered the regular and haven't received any email.

I really like the figure from the pics I have seen. So far the only other Sideshow figure I have is the prequels Yoda and love it.
My alert was for the exclusive but that's all I ordered. I think the idea originally was to ship exclusives first, but that really never panned out for Sideshow and they just ship whatever arrives in the warehouse first. I've seen exclusives ship weeks after the regulars.
His issues weren't problems with the figure per se, but his own opinion on how a figure should feel in hand. To me, it was less a review and more a list of things he doesn't like in figures. This R2 is just not built to his tastes.

Yeah, I don't think I called it a review because it wasn't.
Agreed, but isn't that what most reviews are? I've read 'em all here and most simply are opinions. It's very hard to get a critical objective reviewer around here. Like I said, many people rave about a figure and end up selling it a short time later. Or they pass on a figure because they don't like it and then end up buying it later.

Opinions are like people -- there's way too may of them.

no it should read like this opinions are like ***holes every body has one
Well, this thread has certainly taken a turn. Now... back to discussing the six inch cylinder with the dome at its end.

Anyone want to discuss Han Hoth's blue coat?:yess:
Got that seven-day like everyone else and I'm really looking forward to this. Haven't been in this thread for a bit and I see CB has sparked a spirited back-n-forth over his negative views of the figure.

He's welcome to 'em.

I like what I've seen so far. I'll take the "warning" away from his comments about the fragile nature of the figure's construction. That's good to know before I stick my grubby bear paws in that box.... :lol This isn't a die-cast figure...I'm not expecting a durable toy here. As long as the features function as they are designed and the doors stay closed and it displays well...I'm gonna be real happy.

I've learned long ago in this hobby to manage my expectations....and what some folks ,ay find objectionable or have problems with with a figure may not bother me (and vice-versa to be sure)

I've been anxiously awaiting this figure since t was announced...and I've really enjoyed Sideshow's work on the mechanical SW characters...c'mon Artoo! Get out here!
I'm Surprised I actually read all of that back & forth stuff, not sure if I was hoping for something to be mentioned about R2 or if I was just interested to see what the hecks been going on to get that sidetracked. :( I've still got a payment date of March 15th for my figure, how rude is that. lol & with regards to all the boring shipping costs posting, mines $40.00 (to the UK). ;)
Well, this thread has certainly taken a turn. Now... back to discussing the six inch cylinder with the dome at its end.

Anyone want to discuss Han Hoth's blue coat?:yess:

Couldn't have said it better myself. Let's get back to the impending arrival of that little droid please...
Just saw that a couple of nights ago Darren at Collectable Kitbash posted the following on his Facebook:

Sideshow Update - Snake Plissken and R2D2 have a confirmed UK Arrival date of 9th Feb

Unless Sideshow update my final Flex date I'll be receiving the Regular before the Ex. :duh
Yet someone else in the UK has one but no proof .

Captain Britain said he got it from a HK seller, not directly from SSC. Jeez some of you guys really just don't like it when someone doesn't like Sideshow stuff huh? I don't blame the man for not bothering with pics. It's work to take and post pictures, and honestly it goes unappreciated around here for the most part unless they're ansel adams quality lol

This place is like a schoolyard sometimes man :lol
Yeah, to be honest I don't get the insinuations over the pics, either. If I had it in-hand, I don't know that I'd bother, either, especially since I don't have a good macro and hate cell phone pics. Who cares. There'll a zillion pics coming shortly, anyway.
Captain Britain said he got it from a HK seller, not directly from SSC. Jeez some of you guys really just don't like it when someone doesn't like Sideshow stuff huh? I don't blame the man for not bothering with pics. It's work to take and post pictures, and honestly it goes unappreciated around here for the most part unless they're ansel adams quality lol

This place is like a schoolyard sometimes man :lol
Why would we believe him? All he has done is complain before he got it yet he still bought one? He is the only person who seems to have one outside those who were specially sent one. He can't take any pics because he already selling it.