Might I remind everyone that we're all adults (I think) arguing and posturing over TOYS.

What stuns me is the fact that you're critiquing the hell out of something you don't even have in your hands yet. You're basing everything off of someone else's photos and hearsay. I understand being inquisitive over photos posted online, hell, a few even have me stumped, but nitpicking it to death when you haven't even held the finished product is appalling. This is one of the problems with starting a photo thread before you physically have the figure in your grimy little mitts to critique. I saw this happen in the HotToys TDK thread which was ultimately locked because it was an embarrassment for anyone, with any self respect, to read. That is what's shallow and pretty petty man.
There are photos from people who do have it in hand. It's unfortunate that those pics are only from Asian boards and we don't have first hand commentary from the owners of the figure.
I'm just glad pics of Gandalf didn't first appear in the same way - people would now be complaining how bad a figure he is too.
By "over there" I assume you mean IndyGear and COW (Club Obi-Wan)? (I'm a member too, so I know what you mean).![]()
YupDo you use the same name over there?
SS has released lots of figures with fantastic paint aps.
A lot? Name some you think are fantastic.
What stuns me is the fact that you're critiquing the hell out of something you don't even have in your hands yet. You're basing everything off of someone else's photos and hearsay.
A lot? Name some you think are fantastic.
Yes. I'll be creating a step-by-step tutorial (with photos) that shows both how to weather your figures in general and more specifically how to weather ROTLA Indy himself. And I'll share it with everyone. Well, except for thenammagazine... because he doesn't deserve it.
I'm still psyched for this figure... but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some trepidation and crossed-fingers at this point.
In any case, I can already tell it's better than the $150 turd dropped by Medicom.
Off the top of my head...
Old Ben
Clone Obi-Wan
Leia Boushh
Bela Lugosi Dracula
By "over there" I assume you mean IndyGear and COW (Club Obi-Wan)? (I'm a member too, so I know what you mean).![]()
SS has released lots of figures with fantastic paint aps.
I have to agree. There definitely have been more pluses than minuses. I think it just gets overlooked because some of their stinkers have been REALLY bad.
Better question. And going by your post/thread history, this'll be a good one. Is there anything Sideshow's ever released that you haven't cried about?![]()
I don't need the figure in front of me to see these flaws. I'm not looking at a prototype anymore, I'm looking at an actual production figure so I think I'm fully entitled to give this opinion on what I can see so far. I guess then you're saying that once I get my figure you won't have anything to say about my critique then? Awesome!You think that because it didn't cost $1200 that we shouldn't voice our opinion on what we've been shown so far?