Super Freak
I'm more bummed that we won't get a Stone's Stacy PF 

Besides the costume, Gwen Stacey hotness, the only other thing I thought looked cool was Rhino's suit!
I liked the entire darn thing. Big mistake what Sony is doing to this franchise. I can't quite understand it. So much going for it. You've got Garfield, who, in my opinion, is as good of a Peter Parker as I could have imagined. And now, you're ending his run (rumor has it)? No. No. No. No....
I'm one of the few that want Sony to keep Spidey, but if I have to watch more of this BS unravel, then I'm going to jump on the Marvel train.
Not to sound like a jerk, but what is so hard about sticking with the intended theme, plot, direction, etc.? So what if people didn't like the last one? Don't bail. Don't get rid of everything great you had up to this point because of some bad reviews. Write a better one and movie on. At this point, to keep canning the franchise and starting over is probably the WORST thing you could do.
Rarely do I see people complain about Garfield (except for here.) And honestly, if they read the comics (616 or Ultimate), they'd find that the guy was pretty straight on with the comic Peter Parker interpretation. And anyone who tells you Raimi's direction was more 'accurate' to the character is just plain wrong. Garfield is the best thing to happen to Sony's Spider-Man, period.
I thought he did fine, but the script and story just plain sucked
I plan to write a kick ass script and send it to them. ****, I'll just take credit, they can keep the money.
We need to campaign and make sure Sony pulls it together. So much potential. SMH.
They need to hire us.
We'd gladly welcome the challenge.
Spidey 2 was too much new character and not as exciting
Spidey 2 was too much new character and not as exciting