Jack's Smirking Revenge
Re: Angel is coming
Alternate head and print
Alternate head and print
I don't know why folks who collect different sized statues are getting so wound up about folks only collecting in a single scale. People have different collecting tastes. I say, accept it and get off your high horse. No one is morally superior in this debate. Folks who want one scale of statue are no more "close-minded elitists" than those who refuse to step in those folks' shoes. It just means you don't mind having a less uniform collection.
I think it's the constant and ignorant '1/4 or fail' statements with the mandatory '' emoticon that follows. I don't care what anybody's ethos is when it comes to collecting. People have preferences; I get that. What I don't get is the elitist (and in a lot of cases hypocritical) attitude. I don't view my collecting mindset as a chair that I have to sit upon to put products (and other members) down. It's not 'buy what looks cool despite size or fail' with me. And yes, responding to ignorance with ignorance was not the best choice, but I had reached a limit with that crap.
1/4 or FAIL!!!!!![]()
I think it's the constant and ignorant '1/4 or fail' statements with the mandatory '' emoticon that follows. I don't care what anybody's ethos is when it comes to collecting. People have preferences; I get that. What I don't get is the elitist (and in a lot of cases hypocritical) attitude. I don't view my collecting mindset as a chair that I have to sit upon to put products (and other members) down. It's not 'buy what looks cool despite size or fail' with me. And yes, responding to ignorance with ignorance was not the best choice, but I had reached a limit with that crap.
*searches for Nazi images on google and opens photoshop*![]()
I think it's the constant and ignorant '1/4 or fail' statements with the mandatory '' emoticon that follows. I don't care what anybody's ethos is when it comes to collecting. People have preferences; I get that. What I don't get is the elitist (and in a lot of cases hypocritical) attitude. I don't view my collecting mindset as a chair that I have to sit upon to put products (and other members) down. It's not 'buy what looks cool despite size or fail' with me. And yes, responding to ignorance with ignorance was not the best choice, but I had reached a limit with that crap.
Weren't you the one posting about comiquette > PF a few days earlier?
So why do 1/4 > 1/5 comments bother you so much?
Tactfully posting an opinion on why I thought coms were better suited to comic related subject matter than PFs is really not the same thing as carbon copied '1/4 or fail's.![]()