Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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He could tell you, but then he'd have to kill you.:lol

Yeah, Vader killed all the young padawans in the end, so I think we're good.

Oh man, kids, why, why, why, why, can I have, can I have, why, why, can I have. Best one was the other day. My kid has up an asked what is your username and password? On the good side, she did find a really great deal on a game. So I bought it for her. But Still why, Can I have a snacks, no dinner is in 25 mins. Why, Why

I really need a new nanny....Bad.....
You said you called Sideshow but it was not at all clear exactly what they said to you.

That was my point not to be clear on what I was told. I took the time to call them and talk to them. Not post about this or that and try to make them feel bad in anyway. Take the time and call them, get to know them, you never know. You may get a dinner and a movie out of it. Or better yet, Free shipping!
That was my point not to be clear on what I was told. I took the time to call them and talk to them. Not post about this or that and try to make them feel bad in anyway. Take the time and call them, get to know them, you never know. You may get a dinner and a movie out of it. Or better yet, Free shipping!

Oh I see. You were being an *** hole. :lol

Oh and I know them and they know me just fine, so thanks you presumptuous little git. :wave
Oh I see. You were being an *** hole. :lol

Oh and I know them and they know me just fine, so thanks you presumptuous little git. :wave

Why your very welcome, I am glad I can. No Wait. Put a smile on your face. It give me the all over warmes. But I did know since SDCC 2012 that Vader was going to be a 1/5 not a 1/6. The date it was to be PO I did not know, then again nor did I care once I found out it was a 1/5. But hay they know you and you know them and we are on big happy family. I would post a youtube but then I would hate even myself.
Why your very welcome, I am glad I can. No Wait. Put a smile on your face. It give me the all over warmes. But I did know since SDCC 2012 that Vader was going to be a 1/5 not a 1/6. The date it was to be PO I did not know, then again nor did I care once I found out it was a 1/5. But hay they know you and you know them and we are on big happy family. I would post a youtube but then I would hate even myself.


I suspect English is not your native language. So I commend you for at least trying.


I suspect English is not your native language. So I commend you for at least trying.


Nope, English is my native language I just cannot spell very good. Math on the other hand. I am really good with. But thank you for taking the time to care. You are so thoughtful. Give me a HUG!:hi5:
Persuasive until you get to the part where he thinks that any members beyond Max Rebo, Droopy McCool, and Sy Snoodle are essential. To even consider including anyone else is patently retarded. There was no one else in the band. :cool:

All three for $300? I'm in. I wouldn't be the only one.
Yeah, I wasn't too sure about the numbers... I thought maybe he was talking about other members added in with the SE or whatnot (I fast forward the band scene the second it comes on now, so no clue how many it should be for either version).

His argument is that each figure would be $300.00 because of the casting/tooling for both the headsculpt and body and presumably low edition size due to it not be an action orientated character, not that all three would be had for $300.00. Suppose that's an exaggeration, I'd still guess that each one would cost say the same as a unique sculpt like IG-88, so $175.00 a piece. I don't think there'd be too many people down for paying ~$500.00 for a 3-piece Rebo Band.
...It's sad (for us) they dragged their feet on this. If this had come out late 2010 (as it should have) it might have only been $250 for the set.
Yeah, now that you mention it, I could see that maybe between when they originally had plans for the band and when it came time to produce, the industry just got ahead of SSC and now it'd simply be too expensive. Given the reaction to anything different that comes out at a price point collectors weren't expecting (e.g., E-Web), I can't really blame Sideshow for playing it safe.
Yeah, I agree he may have gone overboard with that estimate (though I have no idea what it costs to actually produce this stuff, obviously) but we have the E.Web and IG-88 that would seem to indicate that a unique sculpt with a limited run is minimum $150.00 to $175.00 and likely more for the band characters, due to softgoods and getting the likeness and paint right (plus the keyboard and stuff). Don't think it would be cheap but time will tell.
I don't expect it to be cheap either, but I don't expect it to require an inordinate price to make up for high production costs.

I'm not sure the cost of producing any given item has a direct effect on the price they ask for it. The cost of producing all of the things they produce has an effect on the cumulative price they ask for all of the things they sell, but I doubt that each figure/statue has a 1:1 relationship between cost and price.
No one noticed this...?

Look below, about center picture next to Jack Sparrow.

Isn't that VADER??? The upcoming SS/HT Vader?


Looks like they also have a AT-AT DRIVER too next to the Snowtrooper.

No one noticed this...?

Look below, about center picture next to Jack Sparrow.

Isn't that VADER??? The upcoming SS/HT Vader?


Looks like they also have a AT-AT DRIVER too next to the Snowtrooper.


Judging by the Individual company products being grouped together, The HT Sparrow is with the DX10.

So the Vader behind would have to be the Medi Vader with the UU Sparrow.