Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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"Damn, this helmet looks badass."
The future home of Vader and two Stormies!! With the Storm Troopers on the elevated platform on each side of him, any perception of a height problem is eliminated.


Now.. to find a Vader and two Stormies..
I was thinking about using the IM3 base as well since mine is sitting in its box unused.
Anyone else not have their lights on Vader work? Tried a different set of batteries, no lights. HT might have a lot of QC issues but I've never had a figure with three different issues from them before.
My Vader arrived today. It figures that it would arrive on a day I will have pretty much no time whatsoever to open it/set it up. It's currently sitting here in my office at work mocking me .....
My Vader arrived today. It figures that it would arrive on a day I will have pretty much no time whatsoever to open it/set it up. It's currently sitting here in my office at work mocking me .....

That was me yesterday, I got home so late I had no time to llok at it. I finally got a quick peek this morning at 6 am before I headed for work.

Nice photo and in no way will I mock it, but this pose is so foreign to me because it relates to nothing I have known about Darth Vader in my 40 year life. Also the word "Tusk" in relation to Vader.

Question though what are you guys doing when you receive your Vader with "broken tusks"? Art you sending it back?
I must admit i was worried about this release but i ordered it anyway. Even in the reviews he didn't look very good. Im am totally thrilled with how he looks! his arms are a bit skinny but if u use a different pair of gloves and futz it better it don't look terrible. Im most impressed with the cape it looks like the vaders the reveiws got had prototype cape or something cause this one is very close to forigno's cape. The inner robe need major futzing i didnt have time but it might be able to be saved.

I havent had time to check his scale but he looks sweet on the base straight out of the box! Very please here concidering I have an amazing custom vader!