Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Well my mistakenly sent Malgus is on his way back to SS. Only thing that sucks is they won't send out Vader until they receive Malgus. So that's an additional 2 weeks I am guessing. First world problems I know, but patience is not a virtue when toys are involved. Especially ones named Darth Vader.
That is awesome. That base disassembled in that manner makes a fantastic Bespin environment. Could use with Vader, HT Luke, Stormies, Boba, even Carbonite Han if you have him in sixth scale. I just grabbed one of ebay. Thanks for posting this!

Hey.. Im glad I could add something of value to the conversation! This board as a whole inspires new poses and setups for my display all the time. Im happy that I could return the favor. Please post pictures once you have it all set up. I have zero star wars figures at this point so I cant do much until I finish saving my pennies for Vader and some Stormies.
Glad you got a good one, Ryan (like you say, a broken peg is no biggie, especially as SSC includes one w/every hand). Big Freddy fan, I see!

Indeed I am! Yeah it's no biggie luckily it didn't break within the glove so I can always get another spare black peg and there you go I can use it. Kept the broken peg incase of anything. But loving the rubber hands. very easy. Just so many display options. The Shaw head itself is just unbelievable. I love the details on it. Just overall I'm so happy with my Vader. Just a great figure. Luckily the light up features worked on mine thought my belt wasn't going to work but finally got it to light up. Super cool stuff especially the imperial base. It's huge! I do agree arms are very skinny. Took me forever to get that broken peg out. Other than that it's fantastic. Pants don't sag up. Very tall and very well done.
All this talk about broken tusks gets me worried.

Luckily mine never came broken even on the Shaw head. When I do my review tomorrow I will check again for sure but sorry to you guys who are having some QC issues. Just glad mine didn't arrive with some of the problems I've been hearing about.
Thanks, I'd prefer both hands on the belt, but just couldn't get it to look right, came across as Vader doing the chicken dance

Luckily mine never came broken even on the Shaw head. When I do my review tomorrow I will check again for sure but sorry to you guys who are having some QC issues. Just glad mine didn't arrive with some of the problems I've been hearing about.

Are there tusks on both heads?
You Freaks and your rave reviews just gave me the final push to re-order my cancelled Vader. can't wait to get him! Thanks!
PJB-1138;6465834 While I appreciate that Sideshow took the added measure of including a separate fully assembled helmet said:
This was mentioned before on the first video review. There's no point to putting together the disassembled helmet when you have the fully assembled helmet available.
While futzing my Vader (Yeah, i know how it sounds :p), i noticed a problem with the cape.



Contacted Sideshow about it and they are sending a replacement. I have to say i'm pleasantly surprised as an earlier request to get replacement heads for my TPM Obi-Wan (bad paint apps) never got answered.
well here goes my crappy pics....................



same position just varied the cam adjustments a bit. i really like the look of the helmet looking up at it & since he will be up on a shelf i don't think i'm going to even change anything about him.................................................yet anyway....:lol