Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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I thought barryo would just show up to flosi's door wearing the vader suit...or maybe a birthday suit. :monkey1
Hi Folks,

This is my 1000 post and I was going to post when I received my SSC Fett (it hasn't arrived yet, next week :monkey1)

But I have to chime in too please.

Helment small
Chest armor small
Cape? (what the heck?)
The cape chain looks odd
As for the mask, to my eyes it still look like their previous Vader?

I hope SSC had to rush to display the figure, and add pieces of the ANH Vader to the prototype body? :dunno

Hopefully there will be more teaser (professional lighting and stuff) shots of Vader from the SSC site.

Sorry to ramble but I hope the official prototype figure will be spectacular. :pray:

perhaps a cardboard cutout of something like this would have been more pleasing......:lol
The whole face/helmet part looks identical to the ANH version, including the long bit at the front of the neck that makes it so hard to tilt the head forward.
This certainly looks like a cobbled together figure and not the prototype.
Will wait for final production pics before passing judgement, but this does not look like an "ultimate" figure to me. Yet.

Always hated that.
I can see a differerance between this and the ANH, though it does look like a mock up and not the finished prototype, the dome mmmmm..... ROTJ & ESB should be smaller then ANH but needs revision well at least I've a spare from the ANH version if this doen't turn out

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