for those that have lowered the dome how hard is it to remove the dome? I have tried but I'm afraid to break it. any tips on how to remove it safely?
Thanks in advance for the help
Thanks in advance for the help
Hello, I bought a 1/6 scale Vader back in June, and was wondering if anyone had any tips regarding his robes and cape. Specifically, how to straighten them. I love the figure overall, but the edges of my figure's robes and cape aren't straight, and it drives me crazy. Any help is appreciated.
You have to pad out the legs, groin, and arms. Looks much better after. I'm really happy with it.
But broken tusk sucks. I was lucky buying from a fellow freak.
What did you use to pad out the arms?
The figure overall looks good to me, and I like Vader, just not sure if I'm feeling it with this figure. I have a Snowtrooper and HT Stormtrooper and I love them both and am excited about them. Just not feeling the same with this figure.
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I used paper towels and masking tape. Masking tape gives necessary bulk that doesn't dissipate. You just can't do too many layers or the suit won't go back on lol. It's easy to do and looks SO MUCH better. Also you can use packing tape to secure the legs of the suit to the end of the leg post so the suit doesn't bunch up when you pull the shin guards up.
I might try that. It just bugs me that I spent $250 on a figure that I will now have to mod, and has a bunch of accessories that I will never use. So basically I spent $250 for just one version of a figure and now I have to mod it as well
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Here's mine that I modded awhile back. Shortened the torso, padded up the body, lowered dome, and that's all I could think of right now. It's been awhile but I'm still happy with this figure.
Hot Toys ANH Vader looks great and I would probably get it if I didn't have this one. But I'll just wait for HT's to do ROTJ Vader. Until then I'm always keeping an eye out for upgrades on my SS. Mainly just want a new head, robes, and chest/shoulder armor.
For scale reference and how he's been posed
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So how did you pad up the body (what material) and how did you lower the dome?
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that looks really good! mind sharing what exactly you did to lower the dome and shorten the torso?
vader looks great! one thing i would do is put some normal length arms on him? if in fact he originally has longer arms due to the taller original body? he looks a bit too long in the arms. seems once anyone mods the body height, the arms stand out to me.
Might try a dab of gel super glue to hold it in place.
I too used paper towels and tape. As for the dome, I remember having a hard time. I know I heated it up and got something to wedge it off. Have to be careful, but you're going to have to use some force. Then I used the dome from the display mask since there's not cement glue in there. Lastly I use blu tac to keep it on his head
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