Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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No, it isn't. That headsculpt never made it into any collectors' hands. Whatever it was, it wasn't a production figure.

Your "After" pic is the prototype headsculpt from July 2011. Your "Before" pic was taken nearly a year later in October 2012. The chronology of your pics is backwards.
Jesus. The first pic shown worried everyone (myself included). The figure that made it into my hands bears a perfect likeness to the second picture rather than the first.
I believe in Hot Toys. I believe that there will be tweaks and modifications made between now and release.
If you're convinced that the sculpt is horrible and that the sky is falling, cancel your order.
Now is the weird time for a release of this kind. Prototype pics have been posted. To think that there'll be no change between now and release is up to the pre-orderer.
I'm sticking with my pre-order.

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One of the few times we'll disagree, rubio, but like Swedish is saying, the top comparison pic is the production pic. Taken under bad light with lens distortion or whatever but it was those pics that caused thread to go off the rails when everyone saw them (taken as Secret Base). Second pic even says prototype on the bottom right of the shot. You can see from that, too, that the custom is marginally better than what we got in production (fabric more burlapy and not as finely put together). Sculpt on the prototype is also the nicest likeness, though still heavily stylized. I love Luke in-hand, but it's one of the few figures that didn't come out as nice as the prototype, IMO.
Didn't Luke change for the worse?


Quality wise? Yes. IMO. The figure that shipped was indeed the same as the one in those dodgy pics that surfaced.
It was massively downgraded from the proto, the fabric, the PERS. I'm still very glad to have it though.
Your before pic is an "After" pic, taken when it was due to ship and on display at Toy Hunters. It was the pic that set of Rorywan's "soft sculpt" crusade.

No, not at all. That was the Captain America Toyfair figure. Which was horribly soft and vinyl looking. As we all know now, It continued to plague their figures for a year or so, it's much improved now but for a while there everything was lacking sharp detail and bizzarely sprayed with red and brown shading/freckle texture to compensate. Their first DX Arnie T2 head was by the far the worst and got very badly received because of it. Luke was sharp enough.
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One of the few times we'll disagree, rubio, but like Swedish is saying, the top comparison pic is the production pic. Taken under bad light with lens distortion or whatever but it was those pics that caused thread to go off the rails when everyone saw them (taken as Secret Base). Second pic even says prototype on the bottom right of the shot. You can see from that, too, that the custom is marginally better than what we got in production (fabric more burlapy and not as finely put together). Sculpt on the prototype is also the nicest likeness, though still heavily stylized. I love Luke in-hand, but it's one of the few figures that didn't come out as nice as the prototype, IMO.

Fair enough. I meant that the figure I received was much closer to the second picture than the first. My biggest point is that (usually) Hot Toys' products evolve between prototype/early pictures and release. Because the Han Solo likeness is not that great now doesn't mean that it won't be tweaked by the time it ships. It may not be reworked, but there's no reason to think that the poor likeness now will be what makes it to our doorsteps. I was trying to stay Star Wars-themed. I should've used the Christopher Reeve Superman as a better example.

Me too. But, anyone genuflecting before the altar of Hot Toys' inevitable perfection is denying history.

Hot Toys is infallible :thwak

Ah, you guys. Having confidence in a company's final product is not worshipping a company or bowing down or saying that they're infallible. At all.

If I'm confident in a company, does that mean I believe them to be infallible?
Well the Reeve looked so completely off and strange that they clearly HAD to do something. But Han, despite what people say, still at least looks roughly like Harrison Ford, so I can easily see HT thinking "well it's close enough" and that it's just not worth the trouble to make the few slight tweaks they need to.

Plus the poor likeness on Obi-Wan makes me think they aren't nearly as obsessed with perfection on their SW line as with their superhero lines to begin with.
The figure is also due to ship in four months. One of those is Chinese New Year, right? Does that affect Hot Toys?

So worst possible scenario, three months until it ships. If they're going to change it, they would have had to have changed it already.
I captured a still of the "early production" Han from Budget Stark's video:

The prototype for comparison:


Where is this video you got the still from? Would like to see it...
The (very mild) concern I have just based on the glimpse provided here is with the coat. I hope it's not too small/tight and has enough size and give to allow some decent futzing.

I am just remembering that Bespin version that Sideshow did all those years ago with that too small/tight jacket that almost looked like a bolero jacket.

Here's hoping this Hoth one is a better fit...
Where is this video you got the still from? Would like to see it...
The (very mild) concern I have just based on the glimpse provided here is with the coat. I hope it's not too small/tight and has enough size and give to allow some decent futzing.

The Han Hoth coat is almost the length of a trench coat. For some reason some collectibles tend to make it more like a slightly longer regular parka. The Hasbro 12" Han Hoth had that problem - the coat was nearly an inch too short. The SSC Han is looking pretty good so far but I know what you mean about fit and the ability to futz creases into it for certain poses.

I am just remembering that Bespin version that Sideshow did all those years ago with that too small/tight jacket that almost looked like a bolero jacket.

Here's hoping this Hoth one is a better fit...

You nailed it. :lol

but han, despite what people say, still at least looks roughly like harrison ford, so i can easily see ht thinking "well it's close enough" and that it's just not worth the trouble to make the few slight tweaks they need to.
Plus the poor likeness on obi-wan makes me think they aren't nearly as obsessed with perfection on their sw line as with their superhero lines to begin with.



the figure is also due to ship in four months. One of those is chinese new year, right? Does that affect hot toys?

So worst possible scenario, three months until it ships. If they're going to change it, they would have had to have changed it already.
= :monkey2 for HT APOLOGIST
I suppose the coat does look a tiny bit snug there, but it was probably always going to be hard to futz with anyway with how thick it generally is and the lining they put in it (much like with the HT Indy jacket).

Overall though, I think it looks pretty good.
I haven't decided if I'll keep the Hoth figures or not. They look good thus far but with the onslaught of Hot Toys announcements not sure if I want to keep everything I have on pre-order and I favor Hot Toys over Sideshow.
R2 is MARCH now? Good grief....well, I hope everything else is "delayed" accordingly...hate to see March become a boat-wreck of a figure flood leading to mass cancellations.

Well...I'd bet Hoth Han and Luke are delayed now too....

Ah...I see Han is still listed for Feb and Luke for March. We'll see....
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I haven't decided if I'll keep the Hoth figures or not. They look good thus far but with the onslaught of Hot Toys announcements not sure if I want to keep everything I have on pre-order and I favor Hot Toys over Sideshow.

I favor Hoth over every other damn thing.:lol

R2 is MARCH now? Good grief....well, I hope everything else is "delayed" accordingly...hate to see March become a boat-wreck of a figure flood leading to mass cancellations.

Well...I'd bet Hoth Han and Luke are delayed now too....

Ah...I see Han is still listed for Feb and Luke for March. We'll see....

You'd like to think something is being fixed or redone, but it's likely something more mundane - paint machine broke in China factory.