Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Depends if you have Drake or Snake though? Drake is worse in hand then in pics. And as I mentioned it's what the eyes do to the overall expression, makes it look creepy?

I never even knew who Nathan Drake was as a character, so that one never bothered me, and I figured some video game guy was okay to take one for the team. Thought about Snake but decided I wouldn't branch out - I liked that movie, didn't LOVE it. But it looks okay in pics - jacket to me looks worse than the head (Hasbro pleather with no attempt at weathering.)

I'm really hoping the EX (no hat) Han Hoth head will be better. It's possible the hood (either as part of the same mold, as shown in Trevor's pics, or with a lot of glue holding it in place to head/face if its separate) is also contributing to the upper face distortion. Because of the peak, seeing the upper face from the angles the pics have been taken from will be difficult.

With the coat and scarf pulled further down from the lower face, exposing more of the jawline (important for HF likeness) and the peak at least shadowing and partly obscuring eyes I'm hoping this will look pretty decent under normal 1/6 display conditions (which, also, is almost always top lit)
I'm much more bothered by the thin, wispy fur around the hood than the eyes right now. It is such a cool, prominent part of his Hoth look, and it doesn't look nearly as good (or big) as it did in the prototype.

Here's hoping it's something that can be futzed to look better. Or even replaced with better fur if need be...
It's easier to come to some level of acceptance once the money is long gone and the figure is in hand.
Ain't it the truth?

So what are you going to do? Keep or cancel?

Not sure man. I feel like I should cancel, it's a load of hassle (and money) to get this to be the figure I want it to be. Having said that, I'm still of the opinion that this mixed with some Bespin Luke gear mixed with a HT solo head could look great. Snowed up a bit. This is just too expensive though to be buying as a outfit or to have to hide his head? Or buy a replacement. I know one thing, I don't want that creepy ****ing face looking at me from my detolfs everyday.

Yes, that does appear to the the photo HT used as ref for the Ben sculpt - nailed! (kidding):lol

What? Their latest press shots are an incredible likeness of Alex Guinea. Damn, sucks to be 1 for 5 on their SW heads right out of the gate.
I don't know, I think I'd still be more creeped out by the HT Han than this one.

Yeah, agreed. This Hoth one has a weirdness for sure, but the HT Han doesn't even really look like Han at all.:dunno Maybe the HT head under the cap with the scarf up might work for this?:lol
HT Han may not look like Solo (different conversation to be had) BUT it does look human, this thing looks like a puppet or the doll from The Conjuring.
HT Han may not look like Solo (different conversation to be had) BUT it does look human, this thing looks like a puppet or the doll from The Conjuring.
Or the anime huge eyed version of a quite surprised Han [emoji1]
I don't want that creepy ****ing face looking at me from my detolfs everyday.


Hannequin.... the mannequin.

Snowed up a bit. ...

This absolutely. He's too clean out of the box. Needs to looks a bit wet, some frost stuck here and there, and that material weighted down so it hangs properly like its heavy and damp. It will take a lot of expert work to make it look good, but I think it could.

I'm sure you'll make it rock. I need to cancel before you get yours in hand.
I'm going to be adding a bunch of Margaret Keane artwork to my office, so no one will ever notice the eyes on this guy. It's not looking as good as I hoped, but it's looking a lot better than I feared, so with a coupon he'll come home. The lighting on the Hoth shelf will also be fairly dramatic so even without any additional work I expect the scene and figures to look quite good on display.

If lighting can save HT Indy (it really can), I'm sure it can also save their Smuggler Solo, but I don't have the space/desire for that one and will instead pair Chewbacca up with this guy. Looking forward to both.
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Hannequin Solo! Brilliant! :lol :lol

And the oscar goes to..Wor-Gar.
