Super Freak
"Who needs the infinite wisdom of Ganesh when you can have the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise staring at me with THOSE DEAD EYES?!"

New photos are up on the blog with the goggles down. Also a good picture of the snow base. I used the link in the product page near the bottom. Eyes are definitely bigger on the hooded head, I'd like to see a better shot of the extra head, they don't look as bad there. I wonder of the headgear is squeezing his head a bit.
Star Wars fans, we’re proud to bring you an update showing the final production of our Han Solo Sixth Scale Figures. Whether you fall in the brown coat or blue coat camp when it comes to his mission on Hoth, we’ve got you covered! Check him out:
Yeah, the extra head looks pretty good... maybe there is some squish happening to the helmeted head. But at the same time, small images with dramatic lighting so it's a bit hard to say.
At least he's not a Drake, but there is still room for Sideshow to improve.
Not even the goggles hide the crazy eyes.