Super Freak
Mine is within the #40's and I paid in full at the start.
Me too. I've moved since I ordered so I mailed 2 weeks ago with my new address. I was told that my order "is in process right now,"
Mine is within the #40's and I paid in full at the start.
i also hope my configuration was noted for Inara to be on the correct side. i am also curious why i paid with a cc but i am not being chanrged until now. did some of you get charged right away with the order?
At the day of pre-order, you had 3 payment options, one was the layaway, so none of us did that. The other two were CC payment, however, you could choose to pay via CC right then (and it got charged then) or choose to have the CC charged when Serenity was ready to be built (that was the listed recommened option at the time).
It sounds like you picked the charge when ready option, I however, and it sounds like a couple others here did as well, selected to be charged right away, that moved us up the build queue order. I guess I may even be ahead of you boochy, even tho your edition number is way lower then mine.
As for Inara shuttle (the one in flight), I do remember looking over some of the epsidoes (can't remember if it was the series or movie), but based on the checking I did, I came to the conclusion that the shuttle in flight on the standard build, was Inara's and hence left that like it was. Is it possible that she has changed sides during the series and or movie.
guru - you are probably right. oh well, we all pay in the end, right?
i think i confirmed the inara side via the serenity blueprints. i do have them handy right now, but i believe it was shuttle No. 1 that was inara's. that is the information i used (although i have not checked in a while and may go confirm again).
maybe i also need to pull out the dvds again...![]()
On looking at Ep 9 (Out of Gas), around 25:25 mins in, you first get confirmed that shuttle 1 is Inara's.
Then, about 30seconds later, you have Mal and Inara walking down what I think is the Port side of the ship in the hanger bay as they head towards Inara's shuttle, ie number 1.
So based on that, unless things changed, they have it the wrong way around in the blueprints.
I recall watching that episode and confusing myself with the "walking down what I (thought) was the port side of the ship," but then I looked to where the hanger door was. It turns out that they were walking on the starboard side of the ship whenever they were walking to Inara's shuttle. There are to sides to the hangar bay. The confusion comes in the fact that the actual hangar door (the big one) is in the front of the ship (think Barn Swallow from Serenity.) The opposite side of the hangar bay just has a regular door.
Another episode that demonstrates the shuttle side is "Our Mrs. Reynolds." The scene where Saffron is trying to escape in shuttle 2, while Inara's is on the opposite side of the ship (starboard.)
.......and yes this is getting way geeky, but heck, for over 2 grand of cost, I think we can get a little geeky.![]()
I recall watching that episode and confusing myself with the "walking down what I (thought) was the port side of the ship," but then I looked to where the hanger door was. It turns out that they were walking on the starboard side of the ship whenever they were walking to Inara's shuttle. There are to sides to the hangar bay. The confusion comes in the fact that the actual hangar door (the big one) is in the front of the ship (think Barn Swallow from Serenity.) The opposite side of the hangar bay just has a regular door.