Started body swap surgery, need to get longer foot pegs but very happy with the results. The sideshow body is a steaming pile. The swap makes this trooper look like "man in suit". I used HT storm trooper body and left all the padding on. Gives it a better fill out of the body suit as well. starting on #2 now.
The stock body is terrible, but I think parts are looking too bunched up and large for that new body on the left (specifically, legs look too short and boots too large,) and it needs a longer neck. The helmet is already oversized on the stock body and the smaller body makes it more noticeable.
However, the torso armor, arms/shoulder armor, gloves and pouches area looks better. It's really the boots, knee armor and helmet that looks oversized. Maybe lengthen the legs and raise the neck to fix?
I got this guy today, really impressed with it. The only thing that blows is the body. So I did some dremel work on the biceps and sides of the torso. I sanded them down so I could get his arms to hang naturally. I have some slim knockoffs enroute, so I may switch it over to one of those to see what it looks like. Until then, I am pretty happy with this guy. I may have to grab a second one.
Great natural pose. Now that I'm keeping this, I guess I need to break out the dremel.