OT Preferist
Bummer, I'll be out of town when he arrives...
A lot of us are in the same boat.
Charged and label was created but not shipped.
I woke up to this UPS delivery notice:
We previously sent you a delivery alert for the package(s) shown below. This package(s) will not be delivered as originally scheduled. We will provide you with updated delivery information as soon as we can and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
I didn't get an email like that, and I called Sideshow twice today, asking for verification that the package was physically picked up by UPS yesterday. Both times they said it left their facility yesterday around 5:30pm, although the tracking number comes back with 'no information available.'
Weird. I hope it comes today.
Call UPS, they will give you information about whether they actually picked it up or not. Sideshow CS doesn't know what's going on in the warehouse other than what the display tells them.
I called UPS, also. They had no information at all.
That's interesting. The guy I spoke to late last night said that nothing was picked up last night when it was supposed to be. Doesn't mean yours was part of that missed pick up... otherwise you should have gotten the delay notice that I received... so maybe you got lucky. Hope so.