Here's the Cy girl body I bought:
How hard is it to change the head and hands around? Am I gonna have to do some major reconstruction? I hope it's fairly easy.
I can relate. I've done the same myself.
It is a nice piece once you get it re-bodied. My biggest gripe is having to work that hard on a figure after spending that much money on it.
But hey...I loves me some Lara Croft.
Sorry if this has been said, but what body is that?
I tried to put that green t-shirt on a Cy-Girl perfect body, even with the head off, NO way in hell will it ever go on.![]()
Already tried the cursing, it didn't help.You can do it. Try soaking the t-shirt in water and cursing a lot.![]()
Already tried the cursing, it didn't help.
Water might do the trick. So I take it that you used a Perfect body on yours?
Sweet, I have Mystere, gonna go dig her up now!!Yeah. I was looking for the "Mystere" body. I think she's actually the appropriate skin-tone but I wasn't looking to drop much more coin on this figure after that initial hit.![]()
You can do it. Try soaking the t-shirt in water and cursing a lot.![]()
Sweet, I have Mystere, gonna go dig her up now!!![]()
This figure was a serious letdown for me. Considering the pricetage attached, it was a joke. I've seen Hasbro produce better clothing items. The sculpt. I liked that. The HK USP Super 8 Match Pistols... lovely... the hands, very nice sculpts. The body, the typical lackluster body used for years.
After some work, the work I had to do since to even try and get the alternate outfit on I had to remove the head, which the neckpost broke off in, and of course the shirt ripping when I did try and put it on the stock body... I said screw it and put her head onto a Triad Otaku for now... hopefully waiting to see if ZC comes out with a matching tan body carded in the near future, as I wanted better arti.
I was just very dissapointed in this figure, and the way this figure, such an iconic and anticpated property was handled... it really makes me worry and think twice about the upcoming Snake Eyes figure... and that has an even higher pricetag.
Just quite saddened by this... I had ordered 4 of them, but I cancelled my other three Laras after seeing what I was getting for my money.
I have voiced these opinions with Sideshow CS Dept. as well.
Let me know how that works out, because I'm not 100% positive but I think she's a match.
Someone else on here gave me the idea to try the 12" Neca headsculpt as well, because the five-head on this Lara sculpt is bugging the piss outta me--so I think that's my next task.
I imagine before it's all over I'll have a $85 clothing & pistols set....
The skin tone is a spot on match, but the wrist pegs are black and the Sidehow pegs don't fit. Anyone know where I can get some flesh colored wrist pegs for a BBI body?Let me know how that works out, because I'm not 100% positive but I think she's a match.
I said screw it and put her head onto a Triad Otaku for now.
Anyone have this body to see how the tone matches?
BBI Perfect Body 1.5 Hispanic|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318