The first two Tomb Raider games were very good at the time. It gained a big following for it's gameplay, not just for Lara and her...assets. It's too bad that pretty much every TR game released after the first few sucked. The series rebooted with Tomb Raider Legend, and that game (from which the SS figure takes it's outfit) is quite good.
So if you're wondering how Tomb Raider got so popular, you should just play the first couple of games or just skip them and try TR Legend. Actually, the first Tomb Raider game was recently remade with updated graphics and controls. I haven't tried it yet but I've heard it's pretty good. Everything else about the entire TR series sucks, including the movies. (But I'd still love an Angelina Jolie as Lara figure in my collection).
Anyway, I'm definitely adding the new Lara figure to my collection, although I hope they release and second figure in her classic outfit. I like the "Legend" outfit, but the original blue tank top and shorts are more iconic.