SKAAR, Son of Hulk, 1/4 scale!!!

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If moving is your worry box some up. There is what, 25-30K, worth of statues...protect them. You could buy 2-3 Pax and display most of your collection nicely, protected, and far less dust. I think the Pax are about 1K but its pennies compared to your value of your collection. If you move you have a tractor trailer load of SS boxes so a couple of Pax display cases is nothing.
Dude! Just do a couple shelves a day for a week.

Thanks all so much info to protect my statues, I think I'm going to have to do what ink says. There's really no way around this. I still love them until I see paint peeling, then I will sell it all off and quit. I will just dust as much as I can. Should be interesting when I try this. At least I don't have the fragile sabers, swords, and a lot of the ex parts out on displayed. Now I'm worried about the room temp in the winter and summer. That I can't do much about when I'm not home most of the time. The only person watching my home most of the time is my dog. I do turn on the heat and ac when im home but I don't leave it on 24 hr a day.
I wouldn't worry to much. I don't display all my my figures behind glass & there fine. My room doesn't seem to get very dusty but I do dust them regularly still though.
Wow to dust so many statues is too much work each month or two. :slap not sure what to do........... I don't want to destroy them for cabinets I'm not sure if I will ever get them because I might be moving around more than once in the future. I can try to dust them more but is it even possible to dust the superfine details of a statue? I mean parts like the fingers, hair lines, etc. I will use a brush but no air can for me too much risk to that. If i get damage from dust on these or weather damage I will quit collecting. :(

Dude... no offense but you are being foolish. Invest in display cabinets and look into brushes for objects like watches where the brush hairs are soft. That or use a fine hair paint brush to get the dust off the small areas.
Dude... no offense but you are being foolish. Invest in display cabinets and look into brushes for objects like watches where the brush hairs are soft. That or use a fine hair paint brush to get the dust off the small areas.

I wouldn't worry to much. I don't display all my my figures behind glass & there fine. My room doesn't seem to get very dusty but I do dust them regularly still though.

Thanks this makes me feel a lot better, but as everyone says I will start dusting tonight when I get home. Thanks everyone for letting me know. Otherwise I would have just let them be for years. :wave
I have had thousands in the PF's stored for years, and they will still be stored until I find something I'm happy with what I want to display these amazing pieces in.

Bro you have good collection but u kept it like HT figures all together.... i suggest u to keep in a box. you r ruining statues like that with dust :slap ...... frankly even u have this good collection i didnt liked how u kept statues :( these is expensive hobby dude u have to take care of them if u r unable to do so i recommend to put them in box................
hay friends just question if we keep statues in box for long time within the given packing.... does it harm statues??
hay friends just question if we keep statues in box for long time within the given packing.... does it harm statues??

I wonder would there be moisture? Saying if they are store in the basement? I guess it's surely safer than leaving them in the open. But I just got home and started dusting wow, so much dust on my earlier ones. I see the dust fly off, I did some detail brushing on a few of them. It was not as bad as I thought dusting them. It's kind of fun. But any ideas on how to lower the dust? I have a lot of dust in that room. I have air filters in the ac/ heating vents already, a machine that sucks dusts but still not enough. Anything else to lower the dust in that room? :)
Thanks again for everyones help. You were all right the dust was starting to build badly. I will dust them much more often from now on.
I wonder would there be moisture? Saying if they are store in the basement? I guess it's surely safer than leaving them in the open. But I just got home and started dusting wow, so much dust on my earlier ones. I see the dust fly off, I did some detail brushing on a few of them. It was not as bad as I thought dusting them. It's kind of fun. But any ideas on how to lower the dust? I have a lot of dust in that room. I have air filters in the ac/ heating vents already, a machine that sucks dusts but still not enough. Anything else to lower the dust in that room? :)
Thanks again for everyones help. You were all right the dust was starting to build badly. I will dust them much more often from now on.

Uh, yea, stay out of your own room! People are a major contributor of dust. Human shead skin flakes that's not much visible until it accumulate.
Guys, how do you clean fabric Pf? Comiquette is much easier to clean IMO.
I would encase the whole shelf with a window winterizing kit for now, until you can find a permanent solution. Put a hair dryer on it and it will be stretched tight. :yess:
I go in there but I was given the extra bedroom downstairs for my toys so its not like people are in there all day long or anybody really other than me goes in.