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Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

You are a force to be reckoned with my friend !

Major Sauce !!!! :rock
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #


That looks great man...I have the same sculpt and accessories, just need paint and clothes. What body is he on?
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #

Eli looks badass Ski! :rock

You are a force to be reckoned with my friend !

Major Sauce !!!! :rock

That looks great man...I have the same sculpt and accessories, just need paint and clothes. What body is he on?

Thank you guys :bow

@ Pennyworth, he's on the S1 body, I repainted the whole body and finished it with flat acrylic so it matches the headsculpt, I love the height and that it's somewhat a slender but muscular build without being over muscled like a TTA.

Going to taper the jacket a lil further as well, now that I'm looking at it.
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Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #

Going to taper the jacket a lil further as well, now that I'm looking at it.

agreed. The width makes the head seem a tad on the small side...not too bad though.
Your clothes look nice & accurate...mind if I ask where you sourced everything?
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #

agreed. The width makes the head seem a tad on the small side...not too bad though.
Your clothes look nice & accurate...mind if I ask where you sourced everything?

Here's the breakdown:
U.S.A.F. Air Force cold weather coat parka (eBay)
Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones - Pants (Toyanxiety)
G.I. Joe: Duke - T-Shirt (Toyanxiety)
William Bowman - Boots (Toyanxiety & War-Toys)
S1 Body (Monkeydepot)
Hand wraps (custom-fabric, stitching, paint)/Feet

Hope that helps, it was the closest I could find out there to the movie version, especially with the parka. The fishtail with just the hood is just not out there so I had to remove the fur from the hood but after that it's perfect.
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Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

spot on! nice repaint, man.
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

Ski, Eli looks awesome! I really dig that figure.

ANd very cool to see all the commissioned stuff going out! :)
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #

Finally got some time to my own customs, so here's a sneak WIP (Sunohc sculpt BOE painted by me).

Worked with a fellow customizer witekite for some accessories, he's damn sure the master of those accessories, so major props to him and hopefully I can show you more details of our work on this custom!!!!

This is really the first custom that I could go all out with weathering and showing lots of wear and tear so I really want to do this justice with great daylight pics, stay tuned.


that looks great! and it's a complete custom with all the accessories (and the bible!, the cloth gloves, shoes, dang!)
the repaint looks great too
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (SGT SLAUGHTER P59 Post #589,Mac Predator Casting P61 Post #

that looks great! and it's a complete custom with all the accessories (and the bible!, the cloth gloves, shoes, dang!)
the repaint looks great too

:bow thank you for such a great sculpt and the kinds words!!!!!
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

For the Ski customers!!!!!

Mask and Vantley are going out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






EXTREME SLAUGHTER CLOSE UP :panic: :panic: :panic:

Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

Sideshow Freaks Commission Project (Jared Nomak Blade II).



Sneak WIP.


Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

NOMAK ! Hot Dang !!



Btw, are you going to do a neckless version?

both of these will have a neck, especially the open mouth and they'll also be consistent with the Blade head which has a full neck.

Working off of this image that I screen printed off the DVD the other day, I changed the color and contrast so I wouldn't get thrown off with the paint apps and that it would resemble my color of sculpey firm without throwing off my eye :D


it's further than this right now and a little more cleaned up but you get the gist, I hope everyone is happy with what they see right now but yea now comes more smoothing and adding in some textures, I'll add the teeth last for lack of not messing up the mouth shape.

Here's the WIP with appended eyes and mouth :D


Again this was the last progress pic I've taken, I'll continue to smoothen and add the details/textures... Let me know what you guys think.

edit: mouth has been extended on his right side out a little further to the smile line, I forgot that I changed that last night right before bed :D
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Jared Nomak Blade II (The Reaper) WIP Sneak P.64 #634)

A few more commissions heading out!!! :rock





Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Book of Eli WIP Sneak P.62 #614 )

A while ago I got a couple of heads off eBay and did a pseudo-Nomack:


I like the head- but too bad Nomack has 3 fangs on each side, not just one. Eh well, we who cannot sculpt buy from those who can- so yay for you!!! :)

PS- LOVE your Book of Eli custom. I see stuff like that and realize, so quickly, how friggin' lazy I am.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Re: Skiman's Custom Work (Jared Nomak Blade II (The Reaper) WIP Sneak P.64 #634)

Thank you for the kinds word TBoy and awesome of you to post your figs on here as well :rock