No, it IS a new universe. That's a fact. Because we clearly see Bond getting his 007 status in 2006, and we've been watching his rise to becoming the agent we all know and love.
Dr. No - DAD is one whole package. Casino - ???? is the next chapter.
It's not that hard. Even the producers have said this.
Of course they've said this-- It's trying to present this character to a young audience and give them the chance to be there at his inception... Just as comics are currently doing with EVERY title. Thus the young (who have only ever existed in the internet world and have no concept of life/media pre-web) feel that they have an ownership (read connection) with a property... The old fuddy-duddies (myself among them) recognize the Craig movies as no different than every other Bond movie that came before it. They're Bond movies. He's Bond.