Skyfall (aka Bond 23)

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No, it IS a new universe. That's a fact. Because we clearly see Bond getting his 007 status in 2006, and we've been watching his rise to becoming the agent we all know and love.

Dr. No - DAD is one whole package. Casino - ???? is the next chapter.


It's not that hard. Even the producers have said this.

Of course they've said this-- It's trying to present this character to a young audience and give them the chance to be there at his inception... Just as comics are currently doing with EVERY title. Thus the young (who have only ever existed in the internet world and have no concept of life/media pre-web) feel that they have an ownership (read connection) with a property... The old fuddy-duddies (myself among them) recognize the Craig movies as no different than every other Bond movie that came before it. They're Bond movies. He's Bond.

^ Yes. He is Bond.

But he's not the same Bond from Connery's era.

That's the only thing. Other then that, you're a 100% correct.
^ Yes. He is Bond.

But he's not the same Bond from Connery's era.

That's the only thing. Other then that, you're a 100% correct.

Every generation has their Bond. They all represent a character that will continue to re-invent himself with every passing of the torch and the writers/directors will incorporate whatever they want from his lengthy (and growing with every movie) mythos at any point (like the DB65 ejector seat nod in Skyfall). They all are connected just as every performance of Bond is connected.

I don't distinguish a timeline or separate universes. To me (and probably others who also suffer from the greying of the temples) each movie is just another addition to Bond.
Of course they've said this-- It's trying to present this character to a young audience and give them the chance to be there at his inception... Just as comics are currently doing with EVERY title. Thus the young (who have only ever existed in the internet world and have no concept of life/media pre-web) feel that they have an ownership (read connection) with a property... The old fuddy-duddies (myself among them) recognize the Craig movies as no different than every other Bond movie that came before it. They're Bond movies. He's Bond.


When comics do that, it's also a reboot though isn't it?
When comics do that, it's also a reboot though isn't it?

Not always... Look at the multiple changes in The Avengers titles, Captain America, Thor, Hulk... now the new DC 52 would most definitely be a reboot.

I think it comes down to if you're old enough to have seen Moore or Connery in the theatres you see this Bond as no different than every other one and if you're much younger then you buy into the repackaging. It is what it is. Some people will need to say that this Bond exists in his own place while others see it as just Bond going all the way back to the early 60's. The film franchise is unique.
There is no real overlapping story. Which I like. Well, aside from the early Connery films, with Blofeld and SPECTRE.

But the fact is, and I don't know why it really bothers you, but Casino Royale is the Batman Begins of the Batman franchise. Batman, and Returns exist in the same universe as Forever, and B&R. But Begins does not. It's a new start.
There is no real overlapping story. Which I like. Well, aside from the early Connery films, with Blofeld and SPECTRE.

But the fact is, and I don't know why it really bothers you, but Casino Royale is the Batman Begins of the Batman franchise. Batman, and Returns exist in the same universe as Forever, and B&R. But Begins does not. It's a new start.

It doesn't bother me at all... I'm just old and wish you crazy kids would get off my lawn with your rap and hats on backwards. PULL UP YOUR PANTS FOR CRIMNEY SAKES!!!

The difference with Bond is that it has been on the screen for fifty years. Some of us have a hard time distinguishing between what we know and the new marketing of making something "fresh". Will Bond be "rebooted" in seven years (or so) when Craig gets too old?
It won't. They only rebooted it to use Casino Royale. Because it went back to the beginning, but they didn't want to do a prequel, so they just hit the restart button. I doubt it will happen again. Craig will be replaced down the road, and things will be like they always were. Except this time, we have a clear start, rather then a stand alone film.

So I wouldn't worry about it. :D Bond won't get rebooted unless someone who doesn't care about the franchise wants to run it into the ground with like....teenage Bond. :lol

It won't. They only rebooted it to use Casino Royale. Because it went back to the beginning, but they didn't want to do a prequel, so they just hit the restart button. I doubt it will happen again. Craig will be replaced down the road, and things will be like they always were. Except this time, we have a clear start, rather then a stand alone film.

So I wouldn't worry about it. :D Bond won't get rebooted unless someone who doesn't care about the franchise wants to run it into the ground with like....teenage Bond. :lol



Hmm, yeah. That'll never happen.
Casino Royale was not done to be a reboot it was the first chance for it to be made by Eon. They got the rights in 1999.
So I finally got around to watching this after picking up the bluray this past week, and my God, was it excellent. I'm quite late to the party, and all the praise has been sung by now, but I suspect I'll be gushing over this film for a while to come.
Brilliant performances, stunning cinematography, a haunting score, a simple, yet compelling plot, and overall the emotional highpoint of the entire series. Road To Perdition is one of my absolute favorite films, and Skyfall definitely shines from having been crafted by the same brilliant filmmaker. This may be my top pick for 2012.
Damn. A bloke at work told me he had pre ordered from
Amazon as well and I was like "oh ill just get it on release day" :( :lol never knew it was amazon exclusive. I've never had trouble getting steel books. Sigh...
Teddy is correct, Amazon.

I originally only had the standard blu ray on pre-order, then about a month ago Amazon emailed me saying they upgraded me to the steelbook pretty much as soon as the listing for it went up.

Anywho, off to watch it now!