Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)
well they are still scientist geniuses
Then France has a joker fetish
well they are still scientist geniuses
Then France has a joker fetish
well they are still scientist geniuses
Why’d they **** there faces up?
I think Lando reacted the way he did over L3 (who I agree, was obnoxious) for 2 reasons...
Lando prizes "things" and reputation above all else, L3 had the best navigation database in the galaxy, or something like that, and therefore this thing of his also helped to bolster hs reputation.
I get the feeling that since he is a bit of a con man, that he keeps most people at a distance and L3 was the closest thing he had to a friend.
Personally, I think he was exceptional as Lando, bought every second of it.
Really? He destroyed his ship, making Lando so pissed that he leaves immediately. Then Han takes it from him in a game of cards. Definitely hope there’s more to their friendship than those two moments of theirs. Lando was also promised cash, no? Did he get anything out of the deal?
I actually thought Lando was going to return after he left and help out in some way (even if it was just for his payment) - but nope.![]()
The problem with the Lando-L3 love connection is this: don’t have L3 say Lando is into her AND have Lando go nuts when she dies. L3’s line is funny enough, but then starts to ring true (inadvertently?) as it’s seemingly confirmed by Lando’s reaction.
One or the other works in isolation, but together it makes his reaction to her death even more ridiculous.
With Lord and Miller originally at the helm, it’s tough to say what was just being played for laughs and what was true. Definitely one of the problems when there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
Nah, that's a total Solo move
The problem with the Lando-L3 love connection is this: don’t have L3 say Lando is into her AND have Lando go nuts when she dies. L3’s line is funny enough, but then starts to ring true (inadvertently?) as it’s seemingly confirmed by Lando’s reaction.
One or the other works in isolation, but together it makes his reaction to her death even more ridiculous.
With Lord and Miller originally at the helm, it’s tough to say what was just being played for laughs and what was true. Definitely one of the problems when there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
I admit that the shootout in Drydon's study is pretty low key compared to what came before and I definitely had a feeling of "that's it?" when that scene was over on my the first showing. But I do like the idea of Han being in a "diving behind couches" no holds barred shootout I just think they could have made it a little grander. Maybe not full "True Romance" or "Face/Off" but at least have like another 5-10 guards come pouring in once the lasers started flying so that Han could blow away a few more bad guys.
I was a bit taken aback that for his massive yacht, all of his super valuable merchandise, an entire galaxy full of enemies, etc., that apparently Drydon had no more than 14 or so guards total (two in his room and then maybe a dozen or so that went to get the croaxium.) As it stands I still enjoy the finale but yeah, it definitely could have been a bit "more."
Just saw that tracking mid last week had Solo landing above $170m for the four day total. The fact that it may fall under $100m for four day actuals (currently estimated at $102m) is a massive fail on the part of tracking services - you really have to wonder how they could have gotten it so wrong for actuals to only be a little over HALF the projected total.
Will be interesting to see if Solo gets much repeat "fan" business - TLJ collapsed badly in terms of repeat business - if not it's realistically heading to only a bit above $200m. A finish around $200-220m domestic will be a catastrophe for this movie because international beyond China has been very weak also. If this doesn't crack $450m worldwide this will be a loss of hundreds of millions even with home video factored in.
Going to be interesting to see the effects this has on Disney's moves in terms of SW. There's no way they will fire Kathleen Kennedy, but showing that SW is not invincible surely is going to have some effects on plans for Fett and Obi Wan movies - maybe budgets trimmed, maybe scrapping or longer delays to allow the franchise some time off.
Since when did you become an analyst crows.