Insufferable S.O.B.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)
From Graceeeeee!!!!!!
Since when did you become an analyst crows.
From Graceeeeee!!!!!!
Since when did you become an analyst crows.
I’m an a n a l yst.
I’m an a n a l yst.
I've never really hung around Star Wars threads for this long but man they really reek of bile. I loved Solo and hated TLJ. I don't know how anyone can seriously defend that thing.
How much do you charge?
I'm starting to get satanic cult vibes from this place.
I’m an a n a l yst.
I’m thinking of expanding my business therefore i’m considering a name change to:
P’ a n a l yst
How does that sound master crows?
So much for the narrative that TLJ's earnings meant nothing because "all live-action SW movies are guaranteed to make over a billion dollars."
That shot in your gif from Solo leads into one of the best composed shots in all of Star Wars with ESB Vader on the walkway talking to Luke obviously still number # 1.
But that shot in Solo is so cool with the tie fighter flying outside his window illuminated by the lightning storm it makes Alden look so cool when he looks up at it to formulate his strategy.
I think Lando reacted the way he did over L3 (who I agree, was obnoxious) for 2 reasons...
Lando prizes "things" and reputation above all else, L3 had the best navigation database in the galaxy, or something like that, and therefore this thing of his also helped to bolster hs reputation.
I get the feeling that since he is a bit of a con man, that he keeps most people at a distance and L3 was the closest thing he had to a friend.
Personally, I think he was exceptional as Lando, bought every second of it.
Not anymore. I hope Lucasfilm has learned their lesson. You can’t talk down to fans, berate them shove anything in front of them good or bad and expect them all to just eat it up. For me Solo was better that TLJ, but their whole handling of that movie really put me off on future Star Wars films. From my point of view episode 9 looks like a real train wreck waiting to happen and it’s all Kennedy’s fault. So the blame should all fall on her.
Thanks pal. I was looking forward to the film ever since it was first announced. I started this thread! The film did not disappoint!
Honestly I could care less if she stays or goes because my personal footprint on this earth hasn’t been violated by her artistic and business decisions in any shape or form, they’re movies for Christ sake lol
Reality is we got Ewoks, Holiday Special, Crappy Han, Lame Fett, Taxation of Trade Routes, Gungans, Little Annie and Whine-akin when SW was controlled only by men.
Him flipping the falcon taking out that Tie was spectacular!
Honestly I could care less if she stays or goes because my personal footprint on this earth hasn’t been violated by her artistic and business decisions in any shape or form, they’re movies for Christ sake lol
Reality is we got Ewoks, Holiday Special, Crappy Han, Lame Fett, Taxation of Trade Routes, Gungans, Little Annie and Whine-akin when SW was controlled only by men.