I'm still curious what Trevorro's spider-frog was all about.
“Boy, oh boy! Can’t wait to see Palpatine defeated by having Force lightning deflected back at him for the FOURTH time!”Leaked title:
Star Wars Episode X: Somehow Palpatine Returned Again, Thank God Rey is Still Here to Kick his Ass
"I am STILL all the Si--AAAAAIIIEEEE!!!"“Boy, oh boy! Can’t wait to see Palpatine defeated by having Force lightning deflected back at him for the FOURTH time!”
Lol that’s so stupid looking
The ST was ultimately unsalvageable
Shoulda just stopped there and saved yourself all the rambling.
Yeah... I'm not so sure that particular "I told you so" works in the greater context.
You ever heard the male power fantasy vs the female?I originally wrote this defense of Rey being endlessly attacked and referred to as a "Mary Sue" less than a year after the release of TFA, so some of my assumptions on where the character might be headed haven't quite borne out as I had hoped after the release of TLJ (like so many other hopes and dreams that TLJ decimated), but I stand by the major points. The ST was ultimately unsalvageable following TLJ's treatment of Luke, but Rey remains a character much maligned and seldom understood in the correct context, IMHO.
With that, I take you back to the spring of 2016 and the brilliant words of...uh....myself:
For all those thinking that Rey "picked up" on the Force powers too quickly, remember... There was no safety buffer or step by step given to Luke when Ben begins to train him. He famously tossed him the sabre and said hey, this thing was your father's see what you think of it. Just a short while later he got him BLINDFOLDED and asked to defend against the Attacks of the remote. It's not about leaning a course of study, it's about TRUSTING your feelings, FEELING the Force, ALLOWING it to GIUDE your actions and obey your commands.
Luke's issues, which were actually brilliantly brought out in ANH, were that he was too tied to the mundanities of his life, bogged down by his Uncle's philosophies and pragmatism to allow himself to "let go". Later, with the death of Owen and removal of all to which he was previously tethered, he swings in the opposite direction. His thirst for adventure, excitement (a Jedi craves not these things) similarly impede his deliverance to the nature of the Force to the point that Yoda fears he is untrainable. These personal elements within Luke are some of what makes him such a compelling character.
Now, flash forward to Rey. She is an absolute NATURAL. she is PATIENT in her meager situation on Jakku , putting up with a demeaning job and boss waiting for her family, she is CALM in the face of great danger, she is DESCIPLINED in all that she does and in the way that she's taught herself so many technical skills. With all of these qualities (and extreme hotness on top of it all), and the Force lineage that we'll soon see, the real wonder is that she's not already at MASTER level.
Keep in mind, there wasn't always a Jedi "Academy" at the top of a Jedi temple on Coruscsant. There had to have been Force sensitive individuals who came before who built all of that and didn't have the benefit of formal training (or any training at all) by a seasoned Jedi Master, Knight, or Padawan. I think Rey could be the new Chosen One with Luke as the new Yoda...
I actually thought they were going to explain thoroughly as to why she’s so good. I thought the “force awakens” was meant to be that she remembers her past and being trained by Luke from a young age or being his daughter. To protect her she had her mind wiped and sent to a sand planet . But nope she was just …. Good at everything which was just terrible writing imoNever had an issue with her. Just wish they had put a decent script around her after TFA.
I kind of feel that's been held back a lot, makes sense if a Jedi can lift objects with the Force then they could lift themselves (fly) or others (all non-Force users would be vulnerable to lifting and throwing). Though that would be ridiculous to see them floating around everywhere so I'm glad they don't do that kind of thing.The use of the Force bothers me since Disney got ahold of it. Holding back spaceships and flying through space. Speedwalking was bad enough.
makes sense if a Jedi can lift objects with the Force then they could lift themselves (fly) or others ...