who would take their time to make that?
O my dear sweet summer child. You never been to tumblr or Twitter have you?who would take their time to make that?
Those Reylo "shippers" just won't let up!
(Though I guess in SW no-one's ever really gone...)
Those Reylo "shippers" just won't let up!
(Though I guess in SW no-one's ever really gone...)
Spaceballs had more character development than the ST
Nothing Disney has made has been good. The Force AWOKEN wad bad. It got a pass because it was the first of Disney's agenda and this was before the split between mainstream and YouTube critics.She knows the story of ONE movie… I hope to god that doesn’t mean they don’t go into making a new trilogy without some sort of plan again…
To be fair, my grandparents WERE rather racist… Made holidays rather awkward.
I actually like the Rey Character. Shes a typical hero in most senses, but I really liked TFA, and thought they were headed in a good direction with her in TFA, I had no issues with Luke and Her in that film.....most of the rest was trash,
If that's true then it goes to show that the ST will have its fans in years to come and it's why Disney won't simply de-canonize it as OT and PT fans wish they would.The kids really love Rey also, so giving them a SW film abiut her for that generation makes sense.
Its kinds wild to watch the young kids flock to Rey at Galaxys Edge.
...have access to the objective truth of the matter - that it was the ST that universally sucked and will for all time be considered ***t. Nope. Because guess what. I, as a PT hater, once assumed the same of the PT. I was proven quite wrong. People today love those films.
I think one difference may be that when the prequels came out, there was such a thirst for star wars, and sci fi in general that the hype was off the charts, and the market wasn't saturated with other options. When the force awakens came out we were in a different landscape. Star wars had a consistent presence with cartoons and the prequels weren't so distant in the minds of fans. Plus the entertainment market was very saturated with all kinds of movies, tv shows, etc. doing geek comic and sci fi. People had so many options that they were less likely to cling to the sequels. So, I don't know if those movies are going to breed the large fan base over the long term that the prequels did.If that's true then it goes to show that the ST will have its fans in years to come and it's why Disney won't simply de-canonize it as OT and PT fans wish they would.
Against my better judgment I posted a response to a youtube video complaining that PT haters, including the likes of RedLetterMedia, had ruined Star Wars by influencing Disney to make the films that they did. While it's partially true that Disney were responding in some aspects to what people didn't like about the PT, there's a naivety amongst those who are fans of the PT but who hate the ST - this idea that the older fans were wrong about the prequels whilst only they, the PT fans, have access to the objective truth of the matter - that it was the ST that universally sucked and will for all time be considered ***t. Nope. Because guess what. I, as a PT hater, once assumed the same of the PT. I was proven quite wrong. People today love those films. Assuming Star Wars remains in the public consciousness, and I expect it will, then the ST will also be loved one day. I won't understand it, PT fans won't understand it. But.....
edit - oh and what response did I get in the comments section of that youtube video? Mindless accusations of being a basement dweller and so on. Apparently that's what anyone who doesn't enjoy the PT is.
Well said...If that's true then it goes to show that the ST will have its fans in years to come and it's why Disney won't simply de-canonize it as OT and PT fans wish they would.
Against my better judgment I posted a response to a youtube video complaining that PT haters, including the likes of RedLetterMedia, had ruined Star Wars by influencing Disney to make the films that they did. While it's partially true that Disney were responding in some aspects to what people didn't like about the PT, there's a naivety amongst those who are fans of the PT but who hate the ST - this idea that the older fans were wrong about the prequels whilst only they, the PT fans, have access to the objective truth of the matter - that it was the ST that universally sucked and will for all time be considered ***t. Nope. Because guess what. I, as a PT hater, once assumed the same of the PT. I was proven quite wrong. People today love those films. Assuming Star Wars remains in the public consciousness, and I expect it will, then the ST will also be loved one day. I won't understand it, PT fans won't understand it. But.....
edit - oh and what response did I get in the comments section of that youtube video? Mindless accusations of being a basement dweller and so on. Apparently that's what anyone who doesn't enjoy the PT is.