Love it or hate it, Mandalorian gave the franchise a vital shot in the arm. A lot of merch still sells well.I cannot decide where Star Wars ended. Yes we can say when George Sold it, but I wonder in world.
Was it Han's death?
Was it Rey lifting Rocks which mad the force returded.
Was it the Holdo maneuver?
Was it Luke losing to an untrained Rey?
Was it the horse racing?
Was it Kylo also losing?
Was it the worm healing?
Was it the fake CHewie death?
Father's no longer pass on Star Wars to sons. Star Wars had a good 30 year run. Toys don't sell. The sad part to me is it's not just a nerd thing. Being a nerd thing kind of made it cool and almost enticing. I remember when Conan used to make fun of Star Wars nerds. It's to processed now, be made fun of like that.
Lol I remember people were ripping this guy to shreds but atleast he’s happy. I mean I would never post myself crying over anything and he does seem like a huge consumer type. I don’t know why the hell he would post this but as you said he probably just likes anything and everything Star Wars puts outbWord.
Star Wars ended when the Ewoks sang the last refrain of "celebrate the love" that immediately smashed into the end credits. I'm getting a little misty-eyed just thinking about it, to be honest. That's the end. Everything that came after that, whether you loved it (Dark Empire) hated it (prequels) or it murdered your entire family (Disney trilogy) doesn't really "count" in any real way cause that story is over.
"Canon" is a concept of the past at this point. It's no more valid with Star Wars than it is with other properties like Transformers or MOTU that have dozens upon dozens of conflicting continuities. Even the prequels were dubious, cause despite coming from George himself, it was immediately evident he was full of **** and still contradicting himself the whole way.
You just gotta pick and choose what you like, leave the rest out, and don't worry about what other fans choose to believe. Arguing about it is never gonna change anyone's minds. Nothing in the universe will ever convince me that there's a shred of legitimacy to what Disney did.
I don't know what normies consider the end of SW. For a lot of them, it's probably just ongoing.
For nerds, I'm sure a lot bailed around the PT era. And certainly many many more bailed after the Disney era.
Then there's guys like this who will love Kathleen Kennedy's corporate products until his dying breath cause he has no critical thinking skills nor anything else in his life to fill the gaping void.
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I cannot decide where Star Wars ended. Yes we can say when George Sold it, but I wonder in world.
Was it Han's death?
Was it Rey lifting Rocks which mad the force returded.
Was it the Holdo maneuver?
Was it Luke losing to an untrained Rey?
Was it the horse racing?
Was it Kylo also losing?
Was it the worm healing?
Was it the fake CHewie death?
Father's no longer pass on Star Wars to sons. Star Wars had a good 30 year run. Toys don't sell. The sad part to me is it's not just a nerd thing. Being a nerd thing kind of made it cool and almost enticing. I remember when Conan used to make fun of Star Wars nerds. It's to processed now, be made fun of like that.
It's time for the Star Wars to die...
(Just don't let Uncle Luke see you topless!)
Totally agree. "Canon" is what George decided, until someone bought Star Wars and made it what they wanted. Canon is decided by capitalism or personal choice. Either buy it and change it, or decide it in your own head, where all these characters exist anyway."Canon" is a concept of the past at this point. It's no more valid with Star Wars than it is with other properties like Transformers or MOTU that have dozens upon dozens of conflicting continuities. Even the prequels were dubious, cause despite coming from George himself, it was immediately evident he was full of **** and still contradicting himself the whole way.
You just gotta pick and choose what you like, leave the rest out, and don't worry about what other fans choose to believe. Arguing about it is never gonna change anyone's minds.
I’ve got the DVD theatrical trilogy, not sure it was ever released on blu-ray.Yeah I'm really not sure where you get those - Harmy or the 4K77/4K80 and 4K83 versions.