Spider-Man 4-5 Movie news

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That way it'd work but the thing is Sony isn't talking reboot. They want a number 4 and a number 5 with continuity.
Oh yeah, I got confused about what we were talking about. lol I guess you sold me on the idea of a reboot. :lol
Didn't read the whole thread, but I think the 2 film arc could involve the clone saga with Ben Reilly and the Scarlett Spider. Not only will that get "around" casting a new peter parker, but it would bring the series in a new direction
The really did bastardize the Spider-Man mythos if you really think about it. The Organic Webshooters, remove just how smart Peter Parker is, he stops becoming a nerd and is just slightly awkward through his early days especially by the time Mary Jane is around at least in full on appearance and action and Tobey always played it too nerdy IMHO, they slammed all of the Green Goblin stuff into one film and replaced Gwen's importance with Mary Jane and watered it down only to introduce Gwen in SM3? WTF!?!? SM 1 was good but not great there was a lot that could be done to "fix it" also I'd love to have the Gwen/MJ/Peter love triangle played out right. Not to mention that MJ didn't win as much as Gwen was removed from the equation and even into the late issues MJ is still self-conscious and fearful that she wouldn't have won against Gwen in all reality and taking a clue from TDK, they could have the original Green Goblin spread through two films like Two Face is and really set up that Gwen Stacy storyline right. Her death was one of the pivotal moments in the Spider-Man history and it was raped on screen completely because essentially what occurred happened without any ramifications. Not to mention the powers issue in SM2 was completely warped.

The Spider-Man films take too many storylines and mash them together and after watching both Iron Man and seeing what they are doing with the Batman Franchise....its obvious that ol' Webhead could use some of that TLC from the beginning. Not to mention one of the great things about Spidey's early years is that he isn't taken seriously by anyone including other heroes and we don't see that because of the studio issues.

Fanboy? Yes, but in all fairness you asked. :lol

Well put. While a reboot would solve all that problems would the general audience care? I know a few friends of mine who just go to see Spidey kick butt and save the day. Those same friends loved Spider-Man 3 but couldn't understand my hate for the film because of the disrespect for the characters. And while I would love to see Venom done right - I don't think Sony or Marvel would want to go that route again.
For me personally I would love to see Spider-Man 4/5 start with some low level hitters like Shocker or Rhino (not a Spidey monologue of who he is or why he loves MJ) . Give us some action and some Spidey smackdown. Which by the way was always my main issue with the Spider-Man movies. Peter barely gave any smackdown to the bad guys. No quips, no nothing. So bring that on for these films. After that bring in the Enforcers, Electro, Scropion and the Kingpin. Nuff said True Believers!
Well put. While a reboot would solve all that problems would the general audience care? I know a few friends of mine who just go to see Spidey kick butt and save the day. Those same friends loved Spider-Man 3 but couldn't understand my hate for the film because of the disrespect for the characters.

True but would they care if the did it? For them it'd just be Spider-Man kicking ass on screen.

As for Sony and Marvel wanting to do that I think its split. One reason why Marvel Studios exist is so Marvel has more control of what is put on screen, I guarantee you if they could they'd nab back Spidey and reboot the hell out of it as soon as they could. Now Sony, I don't think will want to for them there is no need.
God damnit i forgot all about the webshooters and you just HAD to bring that up again after i forgot all about it.



That is pretty neat - was that suppose to be Pete's in SM1?
And yeah - why would the general public care - it would be Spidey kicking butt on screen again. I guess I was giving the general audience a little bit more credit.
I'm kinda torn on the webshooters. Having the organic ones helps reinforce the whole super hero thing. Without them all he has is spider senses and reflexes/agility. On the other hand the mechanical ones really show Peter Parker for the scientific prodigy he is. I've just never quite understood how a 15 year old came up with them all by his lonesome, and yet he never really gains prominencce in the scientific community. Okay, my Spidey knowledge is kinda low so maybe I'm wrong on that point, maybe he is on par with Tony Stark and Reed Richards, but in the comics I've read he never seems to be there.
How he came up with it.

I believe pete's dad was working on the "web fluid/experiment" (not that he knew that at the time) and pete found some of his dads old work and perfected it into web fluid/shooters.

in a nutshell........but don't quote me on this i can't really remember how it totally went down
How he came up with it.

I believe pete's dad was working on the "web fluid/experiment" (not that he knew that at the time) and pete found some of his dads old work and perfected it into web fluid/shooters.

in a nutshell........but don't quote me on this i can't really remember how it totally went down

Ah, okay, I knew that's how they did it in the Ultimate universe, I didn't know it was (maybe) that way in the 616 as well.
Dunno didn't follow the ultimate. But like i said not sure.

I woulda preferred that pete had the shooters in the movie, but i've learned to live with the organic.(i bet they didn't use them for some stupid reason like the didn't look right under the costume)
They had prototype web-shooters made for the movie but I suppose decided to cut them out for the organic webs. EDIT: just saw your pics of them Krayt

I like the organic webbing and somewhat prefer it...it's a little more "realistic" than making this web fluid. Well..as realistic as gaining super-powers from a radioactive spider can be.

I think there may have been some pacing and story issues that would've slowed the movie down if they included the web-shooters.
Anyone know which came first, the organic shooters in the comics or the movies?
The organic webshooters were a change done by Raimi and company because they thought it was more realistic. The comic change came after the film change.
I agree with what Mike said earlier. That Sony really screwed up Spidey's universe pretty smoothly. So much so that I don't know how much they can do to move this story ahead cleanly. The Gwen Stacy/MJ tension always helped sell the story, and Peter slowly became cooler and more confident as the series wore on. His nerdy ways diminished over the years as he proved himself. And Gwen's death was HUGE, it not only was something that would haunt Peter's dreams and cast a shadow over his entire career, but it also gave MJ pause as to whether she would really have won over Peter's love without Gwen dying.

It was so essential to Peter Parker's character and his life from that moment on. To omit that, add organic web shooters and keep Pete a solid dork throughout the entire series was a big huge mistake in my mind. Sam did a good job bringing the character to the screen, but not as great as he is on the comic pages or in the minds of the fans who have loved him for decades before the films. It was almost a slap in our faces really. The funny, quirky superhero with real world problems was diminished to a whiny nerd who had no real talent other than being a really nice guy with powers.

And Venom was a HUGE missed opportunity, he wasn't nearly as Evil as he should have been. And he should have done something bad to MJ, like he did in the comics. He scared her so much that she had issues with the black suit and was forever terrified he would return without warning. The fear aspect of the character was sorely missed in the film, something I thought Sam Raimi would NAIL with his horror background. Sadly, this was not the case.
MJ was my only REAL problem with the series. She just wasn't MJ. I thought tobey was cast perfectly, those freaks couple pages back don't look like pete to me. And in all the movies it was SAVE MJ at one point WTF WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?

I still love them like them and rank them accordingly (and don't think 3 was as bad as people make it out to be. Sure it was flawed and weak but still a good message.)

1.SM1 (was and still is an amazing origin movie to me)

My hopes for the next ones are shocker, mysterio, scorpion, kingpin. (maybe carnage later on) But if they cast some faggy lookin douche for pete if they recast i'm gonna be pissed. I'm on of those that are dead against people like Jake gyllenhaal!
Completely agreed Josh. The Gwen issue was basically watered down so much it became a non-issue.

Venom was a missed opportunity by so much it was not even funny. You have to remember that Peter liked the black costume it was MJ who was so traumatized by Venom that she made him throw it out. That would have been amazingly done on screen especially considering the way it was masterfully done by McFarlane on paper.
Completely agreed Josh. The Gwen issue was basically watered down so much it became a non-issue.

Venom was a missed opportunity by so much it was not even funny. You have to remember that Peter liked the black costume it was MJ who was so traumatized by Venom that she made him throw it out. That would have been amazingly done on screen especially considering the way it was masterfully done by McFarlane on paper.

I agree. They should have written out some sort of plan for a 3 picture deal, just in case SM 1 did well. Something epic, like what Nolan is doing with Batman. It would have been much more interesting and captivating, and wouldn't have had that "same old thing" kinda vibe you got from the Spidey films.

I like them, they do have good points... But as a life long Spider-Man fan, who ate up the Mcfarlane run, the Larsen run and the Romita/JMS run... There is so much more that a Spider-Man film series can be. The character has immense depth, his villains are fun, and his real life has plenty of pitfalls to exploit. So far, they have only touched upon a fraction of this. I guess I just know how awesome it could be, so I'm hurt that it's not that way.

Iron Man was exactly what I needed to make me believe that Marvel films can do what is needed to bring their characters to the screen with the same power that the comics have in their stories. I only wish Spidey was under their control...