The really did bastardize the Spider-Man mythos if you really think about it. The Organic Webshooters, remove just how smart Peter Parker is, he stops becoming a nerd and is just slightly awkward through his early days especially by the time Mary Jane is around at least in full on appearance and action and Tobey always played it too nerdy IMHO, they slammed all of the Green Goblin stuff into one film and replaced Gwen's importance with Mary Jane and watered it down only to introduce Gwen in SM3? WTF!?!? SM 1 was good but not great there was a lot that could be done to "fix it" also I'd love to have the Gwen/MJ/Peter love triangle played out right. Not to mention that MJ didn't win as much as Gwen was removed from the equation and even into the late issues MJ is still self-conscious and fearful that she wouldn't have won against Gwen in all reality and taking a clue from TDK, they could have the original Green Goblin spread through two films like Two Face is and really set up that Gwen Stacy storyline right. Her death was one of the pivotal moments in the Spider-Man history and it was raped on screen completely because essentially what occurred happened without any ramifications. Not to mention the powers issue in SM2 was completely warped.
The Spider-Man films take too many storylines and mash them together and after watching both Iron Man and seeing what they are doing with the Batman Franchise....its obvious that ol' Webhead could use some of that TLC from the beginning. Not to mention one of the great things about Spidey's early years is that he isn't taken seriously by anyone including other heroes and we don't see that because of the studio issues.
Fanboy? Yes, but in all fairness you asked.