I agree with what Mike said earlier. That Sony really screwed up Spidey's universe pretty smoothly. So much so that I don't know how much they can do to move this story ahead cleanly. The Gwen Stacy/MJ tension always helped sell the story, and Peter slowly became cooler and more confident as the series wore on. His nerdy ways diminished over the years as he proved himself. And Gwen's death was HUGE, it not only was something that would haunt Peter's dreams and cast a shadow over his entire career, but it also gave MJ pause as to whether she would really have won over Peter's love without Gwen dying.
It was so essential to Peter Parker's character and his life from that moment on. To omit that, add organic web shooters and keep Pete a solid dork throughout the entire series was a big huge mistake in my mind. Sam did a good job bringing the character to the screen, but not as great as he is on the comic pages or in the minds of the fans who have loved him for decades before the films. It was almost a slap in our faces really. The funny, quirky superhero with real world problems was diminished to a whiny nerd who had no real talent other than being a really nice guy with powers.
And Venom was a HUGE missed opportunity, he wasn't nearly as Evil as he should have been. And he should have done something bad to MJ, like he did in the comics. He scared her so much that she had issues with the black suit and was forever terrified he would return without warning. The fear aspect of the character was sorely missed in the film, something I thought Sam Raimi would NAIL with his horror background. Sadly, this was not the case.