Spider-Man 4-5 Movie news

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Not to mention they have teased the Lizard throughout three films with no payoff. WTF?
No offense but I'd rather take a lubed up pair of couch of cushions then Dunst anyday.
UPDATE: Sony Going with a New Spider-Man?
Source: Latino Review May 28, 2008

UPDATE: Sony Pictures tells us that there is no truth to the rumor that the studio is looking to replace Tobey Maguire in the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man in future "Spider-Man" movies.

I wonder how that plays with Tobey's comments that he wanted nothing to do with the role anymore...
I agree with what Mike said earlier. That Sony really screwed up Spidey's universe pretty smoothly. So much so that I don't know how much they can do to move this story ahead cleanly. The Gwen Stacy/MJ tension always helped sell the story, and Peter slowly became cooler and more confident as the series wore on. His nerdy ways diminished over the years as he proved himself. And Gwen's death was HUGE, it not only was something that would haunt Peter's dreams and cast a shadow over his entire career, but it also gave MJ pause as to whether she would really have won over Peter's love without Gwen dying.

It was so essential to Peter Parker's character and his life from that moment on. To omit that, add organic web shooters and keep Pete a solid dork throughout the entire series was a big huge mistake in my mind. Sam did a good job bringing the character to the screen, but not as great as he is on the comic pages or in the minds of the fans who have loved him for decades before the films. It was almost a slap in our faces really. The funny, quirky superhero with real world problems was diminished to a whiny nerd who had no real talent other than being a really nice guy with powers.

And Venom was a HUGE missed opportunity, he wasn't nearly as Evil as he should have been. And he should have done something bad to MJ, like he did in the comics. He scared her so much that she had issues with the black suit and was forever terrified he would return without warning. The fear aspect of the character was sorely missed in the film, something I thought Sam Raimi would NAIL with his horror background. Sadly, this was not the case.

What he said.

Except Venom should have never had been included, period. There's a bunch of classic Spidey villains to do before McFarlane is allowed to get wood.


Except Venom should have never had been included, period. There's a bunch of classic Spidey villains to do before McFarlane is allowed to get wood.



Why would he get wood?:confused::confused::confused:

David Michiline is the one who came up with the idea of Venom and his appearance. It was his idea to add the mouth w/teeth to the costume. The only thig Todd did was illustrate David's story.

If any artist deserves credit for Venom it's Erik Larson. It was his few additions to the character's visual appearance that's been kept for the years like the tounge.
Scarlett Johansen would make a nice Black cat, as long as she was in a tight, tight, tight, black cat suit.

I hope they bring in the Lizard, the Vulture, and Electro in the next movies. Hopefully, Wesley Snipes will be out by then and they can have an appearance by Blade:lol:joy

Sorry, but I'm not a big Carnage fan.

Why would he get wood?:confused::confused::confused:

David Michiline is the one who came up with the idea of Venom and his appearance. It was his idea to add the mouth w/teeth to the costume. The only thig Todd did was illustrate David's story.

If any artist deserves credit for Venom it's Erik Larson. It was his few additions to the character's visual appearance that's been kept for the years like the tounge.

McFarlane is a self serving, delusional bastard and guarantee that he claims 100% credit for Venom. He has often referred to as the McFarlane Venom you think he hasn't been getting jolly off of that?

Erik Larson was a good Spidey artist but he definitely doesn't deserve definitely Venom credit. Its definitiely Mark Bagley, he is the one who has drawn Venom like everyone recognizes:



McFarlane is a self serving, delusional bastard and guarantee that he claims 100% credit for Venom. He has often referred to as the McFarlane Venom you think he hasn't been getting jolly off of that?

Erik Larson was a good Spidey artist but he definitely doesn't deserve definitely Venom credit. Its definitiely Mark Bagley, he is the one who has drawn Venom like everyone recognizes:




Bags is THE BEST Venom artist but Larsen did the tounge and drool BEFORE Bags. If you remember, Larsen had the Amazing gig right before Bags started on Spidey. Bags himself has said that he based his version of Venom off Larsen's work.

Also, the reason Bagley gets more credit that Larsen is due to the fact that he's drawn Spidey for the past 10+ years. When someboby mentions Larsen the first thing they think of is Savage Dragon not Spidey.
True. Most people though really remember Erik's version of Spidey because he drew the solid black on the costuming instead of the traditional Red/Blue. Gotta give him that too, he didn't do that everytime but he did it enough.
i still say that Venom should have been left for part four.... have spidey battle it out with the sandman through 3. halfway through he discovers the symbiote, starts to wear it, starts to tangle with aggressive behavior, figures out that its the suit.... boom!!! the symbolic church scene that separates the suit and finds Brock. spidey figures out how to defeat sandman without the suits' extra abilities.
~~meanwhile Brock is figuring out what the symbiote is changing him into and having a little fun with it. then just when the movie seems to be over--- Venom goes after MJ.
and thats where part three ends.
Sam Raimi Would Return For 'Spider-Man 4'
Posted Jun 6th 2008 1:32PM by Elisabeth Rappe
Filed under: Action, Sony, RumorMonger, Scripts, Newsstand, Comic/Superhero/Geek, Remakes and Sequels

Spider-Man 4 is picking up more steam by the week. Maybe it is just me, but it seems to have gone from a point of "not happening any time soon" to "any day now." I'm already feeling worn out thinking about it.

For now, at least, the man behind the camera is on board. Sam Raimi talked to ComingSoon.net about his possible return to the franchise. "James Vanderbilt is writing the script and I'm excited to read it. I think it's going to be done in a few months. I'm hoping it's as great as our discussions were about it and I'm hoping it feels right for me because I love Spider-Man. I'm hoping I'm well-rested enough to embrace it and I'm hoping Sony wants me to do it. If all of those things come together, I would love to do it. There are a lot of unknowns about the future."

I can't imagine Sony not handing him the job, despite the poor reception of the third installment. And as enthusiastic as Raimi already sounds here, I imagine he will be refreshed and ready to tackle the web-slinger by the time Vanderbilt is done writing. Perhaps the question is whether fans want him to return after the disappointment of Spider-Man 3. I am all for giving him another shot, though, as two out of three is pretty damn good.

Now, someone get Tobey Maguire on the phone. Even if his interest ( or lack thereof) is as theoretical as Raimi's, we might as well know. We have at least a few months to kill before the script hits, so let's find out if Peter Parker needs recasting.
I don't hate SM3. The creative battle over Venom obviously warped the whole movie, but i actually give Raimi credit for doing it as well as he did considering his distaste for the character. Let him do the Vulture, or whoever he wants, and I imagine we'll get a great movie. Just don't show me Conners one more time unless he has scales.


Though Scarlett is definitely beautiful and would be a nice Black Cat I think Tricia Helfer, who voices Hardy on the cartoon, would be a nice choice for Black Cat. She has the looks, the body and the voice for Black Cat. She also has done some great acting on BSG and has shown she can handle the action parts in a Spider-Man movie.