Super Freak
The first Star Wars character released I think was Luke. He retailed for $49.99. Aragorn who I'm pretty sure came out before Luke cost $64.99. I would maybe call $64.99 to $49.99 a leap, but it's a leap backwards. I can't be sure of that because I can't find any release dates but I'm fairly certain LotR figures where coming out before the Star Wars license was announced. Additionally I'm positive Hellboy came out long before the Star Wars figures did he cost $45.00. Just a few years prior Sideshow figures (such as the "Vampyre" I have) where more in the neighborhood of $20-25.
The increase in price of Sideshow figures is entirely independent of the Star Wars license and is more likely a reflection of the passing of time (ie Inflation) and the increase in complexity of Sideshow's products.
You nailed it man. Even though Aragorn came after Luke. (Luke was my first SSC pre order, Aragorn was a bit further out). It's just the natural way of things, license costs, plastic costs, R&D costs. I don't ever really mind the rise in price, it happens to everything else.... why not toys?
Gas goes up, cost of milk goes up, beer, candy, movies.... Toys are still a product, so it has to happen here as well. Doesn't bother me at all. Besides, they are getting better as well.... So that helps my mind deal with the cost.
Take the Nosferatu figure, he came with a very cheap foot stand, some rats, keys and a hat. His shirt was not completed, just a neck and chest bit held by stretchy straps to his pants. So the cost of materials would be much less. Now, with the larger amount of fabrics and accessories... it's a much different ball game. Hence, the price difference.