Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Thats ****en rad.

This is rad:

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Well there are beliefs then there are facts.

Spidey, you are 100% correct. The eyes were the dealbreaker for me on this piece, and I cancelled. As someone who teaches anatomy for illustration students at the university level, those basic proportions are learned at the beginning level. I can't understand how talented sculptors and seasoned art directors could miss something so rudimentary.

The untrained eye may not see this, but it sticks out like a sore thumb for me. Luckily, both PF heads are better proportionately.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, you are 100% correct. The eyes were the dealbreaker for me on this piece, and I cancelled. As someone who teaches anatomy for illustration students at the university level, those basic proportions are learned at the beginning level. I can't understand how talented sculptors and seasoned art directors could miss something so rudimentary.

The untrained eye may not see this, but it sticks out like a sore thumb for me. Luckily, both PF heads are better proportionately.

Yeah for me it is a little thing because I am not ordering the bust even though I think it looks good, but having drawn for 30 years, and having been on a fairly big proportions and anatomy kick for the last 10 or so(still working so so hard) .... Well let's just say it jumped out at me in the first 30 seconds of seeing the photo. It is one of the Devine proportions isn't it??? However, yeah it is one of the main reasons I like the PF head sculpts better.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Well there are beliefs then there are facts.

Fact: I own the bust and its amazing in person.
Fact: Photo's of the bust for whatever reason make the eyes seem way more off they they are in person.

Spidey, that was a quick sketch, not critically accurate by any means. But using the calipers it is proportioned correctly, one eye apart. The problem I think you are having is by applying 3 dimensional proportions to a 2 dimensional image.

The eyes do continue a little further towards the center (nose) that you really cant see in the picture due to lighting/shadow/contours etc. I know it's a silly argument but I just wanted to post a counterpoint when you state as fact that the eyes are out of whack, 'cause they aint:lecture

Ok now let's get back to complaining about the PFs fat legs!:lol

This exactly
Tamato ... I am not trying to be rude here ... I am not.. but that measurement... with eyes being one eye width apart .... IS a two dimensional measurement, and it is the one used by all of the greats. NO matter how well lit a photo is... when I apply the measurement it is off.

Here is another example

The eye width measurement is suppose to be done in 2D Tam. I have seen this bad boy in person and it looked off when I saw it then. Three different examples all show the same thing Dude... pretty close to a fact m8.

Now let me be clear. That is all nitpick... I think the bust looks amazing, but it stood out for me right away everytime I have seen it. I am not putting the statue down, but like you I have studied art, and this is off when put against the "classic" proportions and that is WHY I prefer the PF sculpt to the bust. It is simply a preference thing.

As for the short fat legs... we will have to see.

hmm, where did you steal that picture from? Oh yeah, its one of mine. Many might find it rude to steal other's pics without asking, especially to trash one of their favorite collection pieces :mad:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

And this is why I just keep my mouth shut. If I don't like something I just move on.... That way I don't make enemies. It's just easier to talk about something else. :monkey1
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Fact: I own the bust and its amazing in person.
Fact: Photo's of the bust for whatever reason make the eyes seem way more off they they are in person.

This exactly

hmm, where did you steal that picture from? Oh yeah, its one of mine. Many might find it rude to steal other's pics without asking, especially to trash one of their favorite collection pieces :mad:

Guess you missed the part where I said

"Now let me be clear. That is all nitpick... I think the bust looks amazing, but it stood out for me right away everytime I have seen it. I am not putting the statue down, but like you I have studied art, and this is off when put against the "classic" proportions and that is WHY I prefer the PF sculpt to the bust. It is simply a preference thing."

As for using your pic I wasn't trashing your prized piece or at least I wasn't trying to. I was making a simple observation that is evident in the pictures and in person. It shouldn't diminish your enjoyment of the piece. Especially if you can't see it. As for using your pic without asking I do apologize, but it had the best lighting around the eyes
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

The eye width measurement is suppose to be done in 2D Tam. I have seen this bad boy in person and it looked off when I saw it then. Three different examples all show the same thing Dude... pretty close to a fact m8.

I'm calling BS on this. Pics of you and the bust or you lack credibility :nana:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Guess you missed the part where I said

"Now let me be clear. That is all nitpick... I think the bust looks amazing, but it stood out for me right away everytime I have seen it. I am not putting the statue down, but like you I have studied art, and this is off when put against the "classic" proportions and that is WHY I prefer the PF sculpt to the bust. It is simply a preference thing."

As for using your pic I wasn't trashing your prized piece or at least I wasn't trying to. I was making a simple observation that is evident in the pictures and in person. It should diminish your enjoyment of the piece. Especially if you can't see it. As for using your pic without asking I do apologize, but it had the best lighting around the eyes

Fortunately for me I won't let your opinion as an art scholar diminish my opinion, but hey you gave it your best shot.

As for stealing my pic, I guess if you feel entitled to steal it to manipulate it to suit your needs there isn't much I can do about it. But hey, since you saw it in person and all and were able to inspect it up close, why don't you do your own photo shoot to highlight your perceived flaws. Send me the power point :wink1:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Hey bit of an argument. You don't actually get that much arguing now. I remember when I 1st joined Freaks some used to go on for pages. I miss them days :lol
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Hey bit of an argument. You don't actually get that much arguing now. I remember when I 1st joined Freaks some used to go on for pages. I miss them days :lol


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