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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

For the record, I just measured the width of my Batman Bust's eyes with a piece of string and then measured the distance between the eyes using that string below the nose of the cowl, and they are exactly the same at 4cm. The nose on the cowl makes it very hard to gauge the dimensions in a photo. So there you go, actual measurements, not lame photoshop speculation BS :pfft:

Sorry to bring it back up but I wanted to thank you CSI for measuring the ACTUAL statue as I did earlier and, what do you know... you found It is proportionally correct just as I concluded from my bust.

People can continue to speculate over a low rez jpeg image or LISTEN TO THE GUYS THAT OWN IT who say it's right. :gah:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

csi - My Friend, I think you are getting a bit over upset over nothing. I don't think that anything Spidey has done or said is out of line. He was clearly stating this all as his opinion in how he feels about the piece and was just backing up his point of view with photos. I found that even though he had an issue with the bust he was still respectful of the work and to the owners of the piece.

He in no way attacked owners of this piece or insulted their taste. Basically he just stood his ground from a comment that ink said.

As far as using your picture. Come on my man. It was not like he tried to call it his own. He said he got it fro somewhere. It's not like he profited from using your photo or made fun of the photo or anything like that. It's not like it was a photo of your family or something.

I am not trying to defend Spidey's point of view or anything. I am just defending the fact that he has been respectful in sharing his opinion. It would be different if he was insulting the piece and it's owners by saying things like "this piece sucks, what a waste of money, people who buy this just have no idea what real art is" etc.... No instead he just shared a well thought out point of view.

That is what these forums are all about. It would be boring if we all agreed all the time.

for the most part I took what he said with a grain of salt and and really have no problem with people sharing their opinions. What starts to irk me is when people start tossing out how they have studied art, or the like for some many years yada yada yada, like that makes them more of an expert, especially when their opinion is actually scientifically wrong. I also found it irksom that the self anointed professor of anatomy stole the pics that I put up in another forum to share my love of the hobby and excitement of my collection, only to use it to denigrate that piece. But to be honest, the thing that bothered me the most was how he used photoshop to "prove" his statement as if there was no way to prove him wrong, when in fact he is absolutely wrong, and the distance between the eyes is the same as the width of the eyes themselves. Actually measuring the statue proves that. It drives me crazy when some know-it-all comes into a thread spouting how knowledgeable they are and try to show up every one else's opinion, especially when they are wrong. Now if he said it seemed off, he didn't like the look of the proportions, etc thats one thing. But he went all of out his way to pretend to prove his opinions and act smarter then everyone else.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Sorry to bring it back up but I wanted to thank you CSI for measuring the ACTUAL statue as I did earlier and, what do you know... you found It is proportionally correct just as I concluded from my bust.

People can continue to speculate over a low rez jpeg image or LISTEN TO THE GUYS THAT OWN IT who say it's right. :gah:

I honestly don't care if people don't like the statue. Sadly I almost didn't buy the statue because everyone keep saying how off the eyes were, and they do look off in pictures. I am glad to say I took the plunge (mostly based on eye witness accounts) and bought it. It is an amazing piece, and sadly many people will miss out on this because they are going to trust what a few misleading people are saying about it from pictures. I don't think I have heard one person who has this in hand have a negative thing to say about it aside from the occasional paint defect.
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

for the most part I took what he said with a grain of salt and and really have no problem with people sharing their opinions. What starts to irk me is when people start tossing out how they have studied art, or the like for some many years yada yada yada, like that makes them more of an expert, especially when their opinion is actually scientifically wrong. I also found it irksom that the self anointed professor of anatomy stole the pics that I put up in another forum to share my love of the hobby and excitement of my collection, only to use it to denigrate that piece. But to be honest, the thing that bothered me the most was how he used photoshop to "prove" his statement as if there was no way to prove him wrong, when in fact he is absolutely wrong, and the distance between the eyes is the same as the width of the eyes themselves. Actually measuring the statue proves that. It drives me crazy when some know-it-all comes into a thread spouting how knowledgeable they are and try to show up every one else's opinion, especially when they are wrong. Now if he said it seemed off, he didn't like the look of the proportions, etc thats one thing. But he went all of out his way to pretend to prove his opinions and act smarter then everyone else.

I can see your point. Personally I think that your facts about the bust was all you needed. It sort of got lost in your comments because you seemed to take it so personally and went on the attack.

But I can see where you are coming from. I just did not think he was coming across that way. But I don't own the bust so perhaps I would have felt a bit more put off if I did.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I can see your point. Personally I think that your facts about the bust was all you needed. It sort of got lost in your comments because you seemed to take it so personally and went on the attack.

But I can see where you are coming from. I just did not think he was coming across that way. But I don't own the bust so perhaps I would have felt a bit more put off if I did.

you are absolutely right. I let my pet peeve of people claiming to know art so their opinions are better then others get to me. Maybe the fact that I only had about 4 hours sleep last night is making me edgy.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

My thing is this, If you see something that you like thats asthetically pleasing TO YOU, buy it. It doesen't always have to be a perfect representation to enjoy it. And let me disclaim that I am not saying the bust is imperfect.:lecture.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

you are absolutely right. I let my pet peeve of people claiming to know art so their opinions are better then others get to me. Maybe the fact that I only had about 4 hours sleep last night is making me edgy.

Hey I understand. Been there my friend!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Sorry to bring it back up but I wanted to thank you CSI for measuring the ACTUAL statue as I did earlier and, what do you know... you found It is proportionally correct just as I concluded from my bust.

People can continue to speculate over a low rez jpeg image or LISTEN TO THE GUYS THAT OWN IT who say it's right. :gah:

for the most part I took what he said with a grain of salt and and really have no problem with people sharing their opinions. What starts to irk me is when people start tossing out how they have studied art, or the like for some many years yada yada yada, like that makes them more of an expert, especially when their opinion is actually scientifically wrong. I also found it irksom that the self anointed professor of anatomy stole the pics that I put up in another forum to share my love of the hobby and excitement of my collection, only to use it to denigrate that piece. But to be honest, the thing that bothered me the most was how he used photoshop to "prove" his statement as if there was no way to prove him wrong, when in fact he is absolutely wrong, and the distance between the eyes is the same as the width of the eyes themselves. Actually measuring the statue proves that. It drives me crazy when some know-it-all comes into a thread spouting how knowledgeable they are and try to show up every one else's opinion, especially when they are wrong. Now if he said it seemed off, he didn't like the look of the proportions, etc thats one thing. But he went all of out his way to pretend to prove his opinions and act smarter then everyone else.

I honestly don't care if people don't like the statue. Sadly I almost didn't buy the statue because everyone keep saying how off the eyes were, and they do look off in pictures. I am glad to say I took the plunge (mostly based on eye witness accounts) and bought it. It is an amazing piece, and sadly many people will miss out on this because they are going to trust what a few misleading people are saying about it from pictures. I don't think I have heard one person who has this in hand have a negative thing to say about it aside from the occasional paint defect.

Guys I am done ... Okay... Now there are things I could bring up, but I am not going to as there is NO point. I didn't in ANYWAY mean to insult you, your taste, your collection, your moms collection, hell your dogs collection. Hell I have basically been called a liar here, but I will let it drop because this is a pointless exercise at this point.

I have said this on multiple occasions ... I think this bust looks GREAT... I found the ONE thing on it I don't like, which makes the PF sculpt better for me and I mentioned it. Guys got their backs up, and I just backed my point. It wasn't me trying to tare down the piece at all. If I had the extra cash and space available I would buy the bust in a HEART BEAT!! I think you are lucky to own it, and Tam you KNOW I have said that on multiple occasions. So PLEASE if you felt I was insulting it that was NOT my intention. Please ACCEPT my apology (Csi I hope you read my other apology because of the stupid typo), and can we drop it?

I can see your point. Personally I think that your facts about the bust was all you needed. It sort of got lost in your comments because you seemed to take it so personally and went on the attack.

But I can see where you are coming from. I just did not think he was coming across that way. But I don't own the bust so perhaps I would have felt a bit more put off if I did.

Thanks I REALLY wasn't trying to.

you are absolutely right. I let my pet peeve of people claiming to know art so their opinions are better then others get to me. Maybe the fact that I only had about 4 hours sleep last night is making me edgy.

My OPINION is that this is a GREAT piece of art, and my OPINION is NO better then yours. There are technical issues I could bring up, but they don't matter. Not if you love your statue, and I am sorry about the 4 hours of sleep. I have been there myself.

My thing is this, If you see something that you like thats asthetically pleasing TO YOU, buy it. It doesen't always have to be a perfect representation to enjoy it. And let me disclaim that I am not saying the bust is imperfect.:lecture.

I doubt there are many pieces that are perfect from EVERY angle, and that have NO proportional flows. Hell most of Michelangelo's work is FULL of intentional Mistakes in proportions designed to enhance the statues appearance from certain views. The David's hands are MASSIVE so they look in proportion when you stand and look up at him. In his Pietra Jesus is the proper proportions for a regular man, but If Mary was to stand straight up she would be about 10-12 feet tall. Artists mess with proportions all the time based on viewing angles, he'll that is what dynamic foreshortening is all about.

If you love how it looks, AND aren't interested in the technical aspects, then hell you don't NEED to know. I LOVE the technical part... It is part of the reason I LOVE this hobby SO much. It is a mixture of my favorite types of ART: sculpts of the human form And comic book characters. ****ing amazing.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, Spidey, Spidey... I was not insulted or mad, I luv ya:inlove
But the point that keeps getting missed here is that there are no technical issues, all I have been saying is that you are mistaken in your assumption that the eyes are too far apart, that's it, end of story.

I appreciate that you have studied art for 30 years, I'm 47 and have drawn, painted, sculpted, designed and appreciated art all of my life. I'm sure you will find quite a few of us here. You cited anatomy books and brought up artists using the illusion of proportions to enhance their works but the problem is that is not the case here. I'll say it again. After measuring the eyes and the space between them, on the actual bust I found that there is no 1/2 eye gap. There is one eye space between them as there should be. CSI did the same and came to the same conclusion.

Your entire argument about proper anatomy is not in question here, do you get it now? The point is moot! Come on buddy work with me... if your students took this long to get a point what would you say to them? Doh!:nana:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Oh and by the way, who are you kidding Spidey? You know you're not "done" with this. If you were the kind of guy that was "done" after a few posts you wouldn't have over 2,800 in 6 months! You are a serious FREAK!:wave
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, Spidey, Spidey... I was not insulted or mad, I luv ya:inlove
But the point that keeps getting missed here is that there are no technical issues, all I have been saying is that you are mistaken in your assumption that the eyes are too far apart, that's it, end of story.

I appreciate that you have studied art for 30 years, I'm 47 and have drawn, painted, sculpted, designed and appreciated art all of my life. I'm sure you will find quite a few of us here. You cited anatomy books and brought up artists using the illusion of proportions to enhance their works but the problem is that is not the case here. I'll say it again. After measuring the eyes and the space between them, on the actual bust I found that there is no 1/2 eye gap. There is one eye space between them as there should be. CSI did the same and came to the same conclusion.

Your entire argument about proper anatomy is not in question here, do you get it now? The point is moot! Come on buddy work with me... if your students took this long to get a point what would you say to them? Doh!:nana:

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Oh and by the way, who are you kidding Spidey? You know you're not "done" with this. If you were the kind of guy that was "done" after a few posts you wouldn't have over 2,800 in 6 months! You are a serious FREAK!:wave

Nope... I am done.... Honestly, there actually isn't the a point to arguing this anymore. I managed to seriously upset csi, which wasn't my intention, and it JUST isn't worth it to me to be a "right" fighter on this anymore if THAT is what is going to happen. People have the right t enjoy their pieces. This isn't a public forum where people are postin up their art for critique, they are posting pics of their collections out of pride. I am still use to posting in the former where when there were issues we all discussed them openly, but that was so we could all improve, and that isn't the case here.

You are right I am a SERIOUS FREAK, but I don't want to keep going on anymore in public if people get THAT SOUR. I will toss you a PM later in the day m8, but yeah I am done.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

If the goddamn batman was real he'd punch everyone in this thread several times.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Nope... I am done.... Honestly, there actually isn't the a point to arguing this anymore. I managed to seriously upset csi, which wasn't my intention, and it JUST isn't worth it to me to be a "right" fighter on this anymore if THAT is what is going to happen. People have the right t enjoy their pieces. This isn't a public forum where people are postin up their art for critique, they are posting pics of their collections out of pride. I am still use to posting in the former where when there were issues we all discussed them openly, but that was so we could all improve, and that isn't the case here.

You are right I am a SERIOUS FREAK, but I don't want to keep going on anymore in public if people get THAT SOUR. I will toss you a PM later in the day m8, but yeah I am done.

What I don't get is faced with evidence that the eyes are spaced properly, your still unwilling to admit you were wrong. If you don't like the piece and see other perceived flaws in it have at it, however, two people have provided you measurements that contradict your photoshopped pics, as well as the sculptor saying the dimensions are correct. Why are you still holding fast and firm that its not true? :dunno
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

What I don't get is faced with evidence that the eyes are spaced properly, your still unwilling to admit you were wrong. If you don't like the piece and see other perceived flaws in it have at it, however, two people have provided you measurements that contradict your photoshopped pics, as well as the sculptor saying the dimensions are correct. Why are you still holding fast and firm that its not true? :dunno

As I have said I am done Dude. Needless to say I have loads more to say, but I am out. It takes two to argue and I will be big enough to just step out of this.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

As I have said I am done Dude. Needless to say I have loads more to say, but I am out. It takes two to argue and I will be big enough to just step out of this.

Stepping out because you don't want to admit that you were wrong :dunno

Not sure what more evidence you need. Two collectors measured their Batman busts and it fits with the eye:distance ratio you went on and on about earlier. Now that it matches and disproves your photoshop you are suddenly the bigger man and don't want to upset anyone :lol