Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I love that what I said is being twisted. Keep trolling.

and I love the guys who can dish it out all day long can't take a little ribbing back themselves :1-1:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

and I love the guys who can dish it out all day long can't take a little ribbing back themselves :1-1:

I haven't dished anything out except a small debate on comics and the history of characters. I didn't call anyone anything. Nor did I take their words and twist them into some crap about who can and can't like a character.

You and kinqcuonq want to troll the boards taking something out of context and using it where ever, be my guest. But don't be surprised when I call you a troll for putting words in my mouth, especially when I didn't say anything about telling someone about what they can and can't like or call their favorite.

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I haven't dished anything out except a small debate on comics and the history of characters. I didn't call anyone anything. Nor did I take their words and twist them into some crap about who can and can't like a character.

You and kinqcuonq want to troll the boards taking something out of context and using it where ever, be my guest. But don't be surprised when I call you a troll for putting words in my mouth, especially when I didn't say anything about telling someone about what they can and can't like or call their favorite.


well buddy, I was playing off king's comment, and wasn't quoting you directly. But hey, if it is going to help you sleep better tonight to call me names have at it.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

well buddy, I was playing off king's comment, and wasn't quoting you directly. But hey, if it is going to help you sleep better tonight to call me names have at it.

What did I say again. Don't want to bother going back.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Wow it's getting heated in here we need to change the subject. Where's Spidey with all his pics when you need him?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, Jaws, Mr. Nice Guy, and everyone else....thanks for the warm welcome, dudes. Never been much of a reader, so I guess my interest in terms of comics is quite low, haha! I've read through quite a few comics while growing up as a kid, but not enough to keep up with them or know/remember what exact issues they were. Besides trying to keep up with comic book reading, as with everyone else, I mainly grew up with characters like Batman through Saturday morning cartoons, toys, and movies. I love all of them though, with Batman being my absolute favorite. For some reason, even though I don't keep up with the comics, I do prefer statues for any character based off their comics more so than based off their movies. They just seem way more dynamic, and scream vintage.

My wife knew about the Sideshow website, because I would never shut up about it. She's not really into collecting the way I am, but I'd always show her stuff I was interested in. She turned out to be a great note taker. I ended up making a list on my phone of statues that I wanted. I know she probably saw it one day and took note that the Batman PF was the 1st one on the list I intended to buy. She obviously beat me to it. Thanks again for the welcome, guys. Looking forward to sharing pics, opinions, stories, and OOOOOs & Ahhhhhs with everyone here.


I honestly think that there are very few characters, Spiderman being a possible exception, that have a richer animated history then Batman. I was asked by a film reviewer who I thought played the best Batman, and I said Kevin Conroy...:rotfl. The man has the perfect voice for Batman. If Conroy is voicing the Bats I can simply believe
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I honestly think that there are very few characters, Spiderman being a possible exception, that have a richer animated history then Batman. I was asked by a film reviewer who I thought played the best Batman, and I said Kevin Conroy...:rotfl. The man has the perfect voice for Batman. If Conroy is voicing the Bats I can simply believe

couldn't agree more. Conroy is Batman for me. I am disappointed every time they make an animated film/game and don't use him for the voice.

I'm laying off... You had a good point, and I can admit when I am wrong.... THIS TIME!!!:wink1:

for the record it was a joke, and I made it because I think your good natured, not to put you down.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Don't take it too personal peeps. I actually skimmed the WW thread and don't even know who specifically said what hence I didn't specifically call out anyone. My comment was all in good fun and to welcome Steven (BobaNerd) to what is known as the :FREAK: show!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Your stuffs always in good fun bud. This stuff was getting real :slap

Well I was a bit of a dweeb in the WW thread, but I am much better now....:panic::panic:

couldn't agree more. Conroy is Batman for me. I am disappointed every time they make an animated film/game and don't use him for the voice.

for the record it was a joke, and I made it because I think your good natured, not to put you down.

When they decided to not use Conroy for Under the RedHood I was like

They could kill Bale whenever they want, but kill Conroys Batman and I may go BAT**** CRAZY:wink1:

As for the joke I did get it, and a threw another back at you hence the :wink1: face. I try to be good natured, but it doesn't always work... Hence my occasional boughts of Dweebishness:dunno
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, you seem to be a massive Batman fan and also you've been a regular viewer to this thread, I'd like to know what your thoughts were on Batman PF and the inparticular, the shape of his cape on the right shoulder. Do you think it looks right cos the more i see it the more i think it just doesnt look natural :dunno I know when ive raised this point in the past that others have said that its to do with the wind blowing it but i still feel it looks wrong. With so many epic ways that SSC could have styled his cape i just think that they've chose the wrong style. I love the flow of the upcoming Superman PF just a shame they couldnt have gone with something similiar :dunno
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Because collecting giant statue's of Batman is cool.... :rotfl

Damn straight it's cool! Maybe not sexy. But this s*** rocks.
Of course if you Larp, play d&d and Star Wars stratego all day, have ten binders in magic cards, and still live with mom and wear shirts you bought ten years ago along with collecting giant statues of Batman, then're not cool.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, you seem to be a massive Batman fan and also you've been a regular viewer to this thread, I'd like to know what your thoughts were on Batman PF and the inparticular, the shape of his cape on the right shoulder. Do you think it looks right cos the more i see it the more i think it just doesnt look natural :dunno I know when ive raised this point in the past that others have said that its to do with the wind blowing it but i still feel it looks wrong. With so many epic ways that SSC could have styled his cape i just think that they've chose the wrong style. I love the flow of the upcoming Superman PF just a shame they couldnt have gone with something similiar :dunno

I think the whole thing looks awesome, cape included RB. However I think the SDCC pics show it off better. If you look below, to me the cape gives the whole statue a sense of movement, whether he is coming up onto the Gargoyle or throwing his cape back for his Batarang, he just seems to be moving. It is a dynamic feel to a static statue, which is awesome. At least that is my opinion.


