SSC Duke 12 inch figure

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AH CRAP!!! I expected more pics.

I will say this, just based on Kibishii's couple pics, he looks damn good... I'm swapping out those lame gloved hands for some bare ones though. :lecture
I started to take some pics, but stopped 'cause Kibishii posted his.
:slap I thought you were posting some so I didn't bother uploading more pictures to photobucket.

He will be wearing his helmet to cover up that flat head...

Once I got all his gear on him, I am much happier, but I can't get his goggles to stay on at all. It took me close to an hour to get him loaded up; be VERY careful with his gun, I broke the damn barrel off trying to remove the grenade launcher. His little 1/6th water bottle is the best.
Does the blonde hair look that bad in person? If it does, I'm sticking with the helmet. I mean, would it have killed them for a light brown wash or something to help bring out the details of the hair? He looks like he just got his hair bleeched and a spray on tan :lol
Thats a remarkably bad paint job on the hair, or the pix just arent doing it justice. I hope its the latter.
To me the hair stood out as being a little bright at first, but after a while it didn't seem so bad. The pics really aren't helping due to the flash either.
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:slap Sometimes I wonder if you even laugh at your lame jokes. If this were The Gong Show, you'd be beaten to death with the mallet.

Look who's talking since we have to read pages and pages of your B.S. in this thread Nam. If this were American Idol you'd be permanently kicked off but you only stay around here because the rules don't apply when you have under-the-table deals with management. :monkey1
Great picks Ill! :D What's in the dope baggie at his feet? EDIT: NVM. Name tapes.

Look who's talking since we have to read pages and pages of your B.S. in this thread Nam. If this were American Idol you'd be permanently kicked off but you only stay around here because the rules don't apply when you have under-the-table deals with management. :monkey1

Under the table deals?! :lol Dave hates me bub. I'm a thorn in his ass. Anybody in "management" will tell you this. As for the thread, it's pages and pages of me offering insight whereas you get so frustrated hunting and pecking you just post lame pictures that only mean anything to the feeble minded.

What a ____tard. Also looks great Ill, sad to see the doll dot is back. Still I can't wait!!!

:lecture:lecture:lecture pretty much!