SSC Firefly

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Sideshow Firefly question

Why has the price of Sideshow's Fire Fly skyrocket in price? I remember everyone hating the choice of head painting he had. I bought an exclusive myself and have it sitting on the floor of my room covered in dust. :dunno
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Why has the price of Sideshow's Fire Fly skyrocket in price? I remember everyone hating the choice of head painting he had. I bought an exclusive myself and have it sitting on the floor of my room covered in dust. :dunno

If you want to sell me that for your original price, I'm down!
People hated on that figure from the start. My opinion is that he's the best in the line. No serious mods needed as well. Can't say that for much of the others.
Oh, and the black head was genius (I think)
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

If you want to sell me that for your original price, I'm down!
People hated on that figure from the start. My opinion is that he's the best in the line. No serious mods needed as well. Can't say that for much of the others.
Oh, and the black head was genius (I think)

Lol. Don't get me wrong. I like the figure, I just haven't had anywhere to display my closet full of sideshow GI Joe exclusives. But I'm shocked at how its increased in value way beyond the original Snake Eyes while the original Snake Eyes plummeted in value. (To which I stupidly own 3 of the 1st gen Snake eye exclusives)
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead. That doesn't take away the fact that the one they gave us is a great figure.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead. That doesn't take away the fact that the one they gave us is a great figure.

Okay, granted they pulled the old switch-a-roo on us. But I gotta say that they came out with a very creative, and awesome design.
The one thing that I will never forgive Sideshow for is how they switched up old Snake Eyes (version 1). That had to be one of the worst I've seen. Awesome in the pics, with awesome clothing material and body. Then BAM, they screw us ROYALY. :slap
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Lol. Don't get me wrong. I like the figure, I just haven't had anywhere to display my closet full of sideshow GI Joe exclusives. But I'm shocked at how its increased in value way beyond the original Snake Eyes while the original Snake Eyes plummeted in value. (To which I stupidly own 3 of the 1st gen Snake eye exclusives)

For the life of me, I STILL can't figure why everybody thinks the 2.0 visor sculpt is some kind of god send. The plastic head on a cloth body, just looks stupid (my opinion again). The original looks just fine with a couple tweaks. Like raising the visor a little bit, and cutting off the lowest row on the visor if you want to go hard core.
I keep reading that people think it looks cheesy, when in fact I think the 2.0 head (on the first version) makes it more cheese.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

I prefer the cloth of V1, but the sculpted mask of V2 goes with the rest of the line.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Why has the price of Sideshow's Fire Fly skyrocket in price? I remember everyone hating the choice of head painting he had. I bought an exclusive myself and have it sitting on the floor of my room covered in dust. :dunno

Im one that hated the figure. I think the color choice was dumb. Yeah the figure looks cool, but imo it looks more like more like an artic trooper. The figure just doesnt say Firefly to me. His color should be darker, he couldnt sneak into anything with that outfit. It's cool that people like it, and to be honest its grown on me, but only after a few mods.
As far as SE, the cloth head just doesnt look good with the rest of the line. Its just a matter of consistency with me.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Awesome in the pics, with awesome clothing material and body. Then BAM, they screw us ROYALY. :slap

you should know how Sideshow operates by now with this line. that is the reason they started putting "Prototype pending" in tiny letters on the bottoms of the photos almost as a disclaimer of sorts.

but yea, i'm glad I still have my Firefly EX sealed in the mailer.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Picked Firefly up at Comic-Con a couple years back for $185, and I'm extremely happy I did. Love the figure. Definitely one of the best in the line.

Now if I could just find a Beach Head for a reasonable price I'd be happy.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead. That doesn't take away the fact that the one they gave us is a great figure.

:exactly: Good point!

think thats why I hated Stalker at first; he grew on me, but the concept art they showed was so awesome, the character had to be doomed in my mind. :lol
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead. That doesn't take away the fact that the one they gave us is a great figure.

I hope Sideshow will consider the 1984 version of Firefly as a SDCC exclusive or even a Sideshow retailer exclusive.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead.

This I did not previously know. Completely explains everything now.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

Every once in awhile, I think to myself--someone should release a quality headsculpt-matching, toy-accurate jumpsuit for this figure. Was just thinking about this a few days ago. Like EF says, this is still a bad-*** looking figure, it's just "arctic assault" Firefly, and not the default Firefly I loved so much as a kid.
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

yeah Firefly is a top 5 figure in the line..
Still on my much wanted list...I don't care which version exclusive or regular...
Re: Sideshow Firefly question

People disliked the fact that Sideshow showed concept art of a almost exact 1984 figure but gave us a different one instead. That doesn't take away the fact that the one they gave us is a great figure.
Pics or it didn't happen. :p