SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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Yup. Scarlet in heels would be dumb, but not Baroness.


NO high heels...


HAS a higher heel... (although not that high)
So your comment makes no sense!
Personally i think its ridiculous either of them having heels unless they have an office job or are working undercover!
Yeah, I owned both figures once too. Hasbro's design team's decisions are not my guiding star, holy book, etc.

The heels Sideshow had on her were pretty solid looking. Not exactly stripper apparel. More like what you'd see on a high maintenance, patrician, female terrorist more inclined to give orders than execute them. Pardon my imagination. I forgot G.I. Joe was for realz.
I wasnt saying that, what i was saying is YOUR comment that scarlet would be dumb in heals but baroness wouldnt made little sense.
They may have been "solid" looking but they were too tall to do little more than stand in.
Im one of the few people on here who doesnt feel everything should be based around Hasbros original designs... nor do i feel GI Joe is for "realz"
Ok. But Scarlet isn't half the prima donna that Baroness is. I'm actually trying to make realistic sense of the characters' personalities. What else is there to go on if you're not going be devout to the vintage design?
Ok now i get where you are coming from!
Yeah, ive said the same thing about Scarlet... didnt go down too well.
Awesome. :duff

I can live with flat boots on her, but it would have been a cool detail. Another cool detail would have been to sculpt her without a smile.
I really hope they dont mess Scarlet up... i kinda thought she would be revealed during 12 days of sideshow but they claim to have left the best til last & i cant see it being GI Joe...
I dont see that as neceseraly being a bad thing...
I personally would like to see an updated Scarlet.
Kinda presumptuous to call it 'logic'
No more so than flatly asserting that the figure should have high heeled boots.

The heels Sideshow had on her were pretty solid looking. Not exactly stripper apparel. More like what you'd see on a high maintenance, patrician, female terrorist more inclined to give orders than execute them. Pardon my imagination. I forgot G.I. Joe was for realz.
Dude, the basic, essential design for the character is a chick wearing an extensive suit of body-armour and toting a full-length battle rifle. Not exactly your decorative desk-jockey. :p
No, she's a regular frontline grunt.

And I didn't flatly assert anything other than my personal preference. You decided that heels were the road to fan service tramp.
Just a look back at what might have been.
So glad SSC got rid of that thigh high rubber armor and went with pleather on the back side.
Though I wished they kept the high heels.

i liked the high heels look better, but makes more sense to not have them on the battlefield, just hope they made her shorter.cant have her the same height as the commander.
Men arguing over high heels, welcome to teh gayest thread ever. :lol

I think there is precedence for Scarlett having heels, didn't she carry spygear in the hollows of the heels in a story?

Anyways, the figures going to be fine with or without heels, go to the Destro thread and argue about the real stupid decisions made by SSC over there, this thread has just reached levels beyond ridiculous. :lecture
Kwinn kept a saw blade in his boot heel (GI Joe #16 or 17)......


Thats probably what I was thinking of, don't know why I would have attributed it to Scarlett, though. 7 foot eskimo, ginger with an x-bow, same thing. :lol

And your random Joe trivia > 3 pages of grown men discussing high heels.
Men arguing over high heels, welcome to teh gayest thread ever. :lol

I think there is precedence for Scarlett having heels, didn't she carry spygear in the hollows of the heels in a story?

Anyways, the figures going to be fine with or without heels, go to the Destro thread and argue about the real stupid decisions made by SSC over there, this thread has just reached levels beyond ridiculous. :lecture

The thread about Gung Ho's "fashion vest" was waaaaaay gayer than this...
This one seems fairly friendly still.