SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Such a disappointment! I had such high hopes for the SSC 1/6th DC line. Mainly because as much as I love the Hot Toys figures, they're not too robust. With SSC you'd get a figure that really was an action figure - one you could pick up and would stand handling, posing etc.
The Joker and Batman figures are great - really have no problems with them. Superman I didn't pick up as the head looked ridiculous... too big, with strangely wide jowls. Now we get this GL figure with all its faults. Now these problems are only really problems because of the price-point - to price them at Hot Toys prices the faults are unacceptable, especially when you see companies like DAM Toys producing stunning figures, with lots of accessories and fantastically tailored uniforms - not to mention top quality headsculpt and paint job... and that's all for £110 GBP – the SSC DC figures are coming in at £150-£160 GBP, same as Hot Toys. I just don't see how SSC justify that price and I just can't justify spending that much on these figures.
Really, really disappointing as I want a 1/6th Justice League to display – it's now looking like it will be HT's Movie line!
And I suppose the most disappointing thing is that SSC has not listened to customer/fan feedback at all, and in relation to oversized heads, just not rectifying a problem that has been going on for years now!
The head sculpt looks all right, I wish it had less of a caricature.
The costume looks okay, I'd prefer it to look more like the spandex suits the others have worn. But I don't completely hate it.
The hands however look quite a bit oversized.
Too few accessories, GL could come with a few more constructs like a shield or sword.
And that price is just too much.
I'm passing for now, maybe I'll pick it up in the future. I really only want one GL and hopefully Sideshow will make a better one in the future like an Alex Ross version.
I apologize, but Sideshow is screwing over customers. They know regardless X amount will sell and enough new customers will buy crap inferior offerings to continue the line.

It's not so much as a customer dedication or loyalty anymore, but blind cult devotion.

Sideshow wants HT devoition and pricing while expecting and dare I say demanding their customers to suck it up.

There will always be those who'll defend Sideshow with an absolute mentality. That's a given.

The NRD idiocy for the 12" GL figure is interesting. I spoke with SSC Customer Service and was told the NRD is being implemented due to them having to deal with high level of cancellations. I stated that cancellations to an extent are due to an inferior final production offering/quality control problems that people see with initial in hand pictures, but the representative completely dismissed that point stating that is not true and irrelevant?

I guess even SSC Customer Service have drank enough of the Kool Aid now to buy into their bull.

:lol this ^^^ of course Sideshow employees are not going to bad mouth their product...want a job here? yes man! yes man! yes man!

My biggest problem is not so much their inferior product to Hot Toys but there OVERPRICED 1/6 scale figures
I highly recommend a bashed GL for those not liking this one. DCD suit and sculpt on a SS Batman body is just about perfect.

Matt, perhaps in the future Sideshow could put out an add-on kit (similar to what HT did for Ironman) The figure would really benefit from some more accessories.

I'd like to see:

A shield construct

Left open hand construct

a Laser beam/energy blast

Maybe a sword or a giant hammer :dunno

And then some silly stuff like a Boombox stereo, rubber ducky, an inner tube/life vest, an Anvil, a tennis racket, a Top hat, Boxing gloves, a guitar, a frying pan :monkey3 IDK be creative, literally anything. Theres no wrong answer. I feel like the Deadpool figure got a lot more attention to detail (and rightfully so :lecture) But still a single punch fist doesn't really cover what hes capable of.
Well I was on the superman thread, as well as writing to sideshow to prevent this very thing from happening. This is our fault!!!! Instead of being yes men and T of giving unwarranted praise of superman, should have just spoken the truth--maybe this edition of GL, would've have been shown.
The head sculpt looks all right, I wish it had less of a caricature.
The costume looks okay, I'd prefer it to look more like the spandex suits the others have worn. But I don't completely hate it.
The hands however look quite a bit oversized.
Too few accessories, GL could come with a few more constructs like a shield or sword.
And that price is just too much.
I'm passing for now, maybe I'll pick it up in the future. I really only want one GL and hopefully Sideshow will make a better one in the future like an Alex Ross version.

Is this a Jedi mind trick? Again, if you want better, you have to demand it--or they will keep making crap, and will keep buying it.
they are filled with grumblings, but GL has a large majority of grumbling in case you have not read through most of the posts.

The negative are far more vocal than the positive - and people tend to get passionate about their superheroes. However I really don't understand the negativity in this case.

Sorry - I need to one scared me off. I'm not here to defend the work, just to offer clarity during a quick break I had.

Sallah - I'm a big fan of KISS and New Orleans - how'd you guess?

Groovy- it's not the Superman body. I wouldn't recommend putting this suit on that body but since you have cut/sew skills - I look forward to seeing your kitbash later this year. I hope you weather any criticism of your custom work and effort.

ArmyMedic - sorry man, hopefully you will like what comes after GL.

Darth- Points taken. We have to consider figures based on how many we expect to sell. Nightwing seems to come up a lot so it doesn't fall on deaf ears. No promises though.

I'm now out though, I have to go find this factory that makes figures we can sell at $150.00.

Thanks to Matt for stopping by and answering some questions - it's great to have some participation on the forum from someone "in the know." And I apologize to Matt for the behavior of some members whose social skills may not be quite ready for polite society.

I would also like to say that I hope SSC doesn't listen too much to this criticism. I'd like for them to take chances with the designs. As I've said many times - unless it's a Mego for a child, a comic book costume doesn't necessarily translate to 3 dimensions, and I'm glad they're trying to change things up and bring them more into the real world.
WHOA!!! Just checked my UK dealer to see if he had GL up for pre-order.... £179.99 he's up for... WOW! That's £30 more than Hot Toys Arkham Asylum Batman!
For me now this is most definitely a PASS!
I believe the figure received positive response at SDCC but I think everyone at the time thought there would be some improvements (other than the boot color) as well as a ton of extras.

The order page does list it as a prototype so I am still hoping for improvements.

Being a big Hal Jordan fan, I will be purchasing it and making my own improvements if needed. Just no rush with a NRD.

This sounds crazy, you are going to buy a $200 dollar figure, then modify it--it makes better sense not to buy it, and force them to make something you don't have to cut--up. For that matter, if you are so handy with modding, why not make one from scratch--it would be cheaper then using this.
It's great to see the people behind the products participate in this forum...
Now I understand why we don't see more of it, such a shame.

Even Alex, who is a great Rep, doesn't seem to come here much anymore :(
The negative are far more vocal than the positive - and people tend to get passionate about their superheroes. However I really don't understand the negativity in this case.

Thanks to Matt for stopping by and answering some questions - it's great to have some participation on the forum from someone "in the know." And I apologize to Matt for the behavior of some members whose social skills may not be quite ready for polite society.

I would also like to say that I hope SSC doesn't listen too much to this criticism. I'd like for them to take chances with the designs. As I've said many times - unless it's a Mego for a child, a comic book costume doesn't necessarily translate to 3 dimensions, and I'm glad they're trying to change things up and bring them more into the real world.

You don't have to understand, just accept that some people don't like it.
I'm clearly in the minority but I like the Green Lantern and put in my pre-order today, even with the $22 nrd. I still don't understand the issue with the nrd. My guess is the people complaining about it are the same ones who are the reason for it.

I also liked their Superman and thought the head size was ridiculously overstated. Comparing these mass-produced figures to a customized 1 of 5, especially when people pay twice as much money, is just plain crazy.
that superman always crack me up =D.... thanks ssc to make hilarious superman xoxo
Ask yourselves this: If Hot Toys were to release a Green Lantern at SS's price point does anyone with an honest bone in their body doubt that it would be a superior looking figure, not perfect, but markedly better?
If the answer is yes then the next and most important question is this: Why?

That's what's not being addressed and is the elephant in the room.
What does HT have access to that SS doesn't?
Better sculptors?
Better materials?
SS is as big if not bigger company..

How do smaller companies such as StarAce who also has to contend with licensing fees come out with such superior quality
figures like what is being offered in the Harry Potter line?
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I Like the figure as well, though its needs more bang for its buck accessories wise, the deposit however is an issue. for me its because of the massive difference between Proto and release. Take Superman, Pliskin or even Nathan Drake. the fact that they all look great when you order it, then come release they just don't look like a $220 figure.

The fact that should I choose not to like something that may vary from what I've ordered and still be punished by losing a deposit is enough of a reason to just not order it at all and wait and see what happens upon release.
I appreciate that Matt can give as good as he gets. It's fun to read the perspective from the other side.

Truly, you can't understand what manufacturers go through to get this stuff made until you do it yourself.