SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Hal is kind of a cheese ball. Steward was the man. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1426821436.909674.jpg
It's so strange that this figure is the only one of the line so far that doesn't come with alternate heads.
That's my only complaint really..
Just seems obvious for a character like GL...
Looks like a cheap Hasbro Titan figure with bad cloth clothing. Folks at best $80...really will have alot of unsold cases at $220 EACH?????????????

for real, i've been scratching my head on all of the dc sixth scales. the appeal of hot toys is realistic looking figures, sideshow seems to be trying to make plastic-y looking toys their thing, but it just seems like they're years behind
Ask yourselves this: If Hot Toys were to release a Green Lantern at SS's price point does anyone with an honest bone in their body doubt that it would be a superior looking figure, not perfect, but markedly better?
If the answer is yes then the next and most important question is this: Why?

That's what's not being addressed and is the elephant in the room.
What does HT have access to that SS doesn't?
Better sculptors?
Better materials?
SS is as big if not bigger company..

How do smaller companies such as StarAce who also has to contend with licensing fees come out with such superior quality
figures like what is being offered in the Harry Potter line?

I've been wondering the same thing, and i can only imagine it's what they're going for, sort of deluxe toy look, not a mini-person look that hot toys has. but even still their materials are positively inferior - i got a clone trooper and immediately returned it, they just don't fit in with hot toys, far too light plastic, feels and looks cheap
I'm clearly in the minority but I like the Green Lantern and put in my pre-order today, even with the $22 nrd. I still don't understand the issue with the nrd. My guess is the people complaining about it are the same ones who are the reason for it.

I also liked their Superman and thought the head size was ridiculously overstated. Comparing these mass-produced figures to a customized 1 of 5, especially when people pay twice as much money, is just plain crazy.

Like you said, you are in the minority.
The negative are far more vocal than the positive - and people tend to get passionate about their superheroes. However I really don't understand the negativity in this case.

Thanks to Matt for stopping by and answering some questions - it's great to have some participation on the forum from someone "in the know." And I apologize to Matt for the behavior of some members whose social skills may not be quite ready for polite society.

I would also like to say that I hope SSC doesn't listen too much to this criticism. I'd like for them to take chances with the designs. As I've said many times - unless it's a Mego for a child, a comic book costume doesn't necessarily translate to 3 dimensions, and I'm glad they're trying to change things up and bring them more into the real world.

so you can understand:

It's not the costume design- it's the costume materials and how they fit on the bodies (that look terrible)
the toy-ish plastic look that all sideshow head sculpts have (that look terrible)

People would love to have a company compete with hot toys for quality, but sideshow continues to create figures hot toys was superior to five years ago
placed my order today. a little surprised by the deposit, but with all the cancelled PO for Superman perhaps i shouldn't be. I still think this line is a winner, not perfect but i have been happy with all my purchases thus far. more than happy in some cases. long may this line continue, thanks to Matt for taking the time to come in and answer some questions-he didn't have to do that and i for one appreciated his doing so.
I'm curious to see if Tony Mei comes up with a GL suit. Unfortunately, I'm not sure much of this figure could be salvaged for use with a nicer suit. Unlikely he would go with the garish, shiny green used on the boots here. And I'm not even really a fan of the sculpt on this figure. I bet Rocco could do a nice GL sculpt, but if he did that and boots, it would cost an arm and a leg and would be a deterrent to putting the full custom together.
Yeah, Tony does nice work.. but I probably won't go there. I want to make my own Hal - from scratch. I kinda know where I'm going with it so far, it's just a good head I'm waiting on really (was hoping for HT to make the Fass Magneto from XFC; that would've been ideal for me) - & the cash to put it all together.

for real, i've been scratching my head on all of the dc sixth scales. the appeal of hot toys is realistic looking figures, sideshow seems to be trying to make plastic-y looking toys their thing, but it just seems like they're years behind
Well put. :lol
I've been wondering the same thing, and i can only imagine it's what they're going for, sort of deluxe toy look, not a mini-person look that hot toys has. but even still their materials are positively inferior - i got a clone trooper and immediately returned it, they just don't fit in with hot toys, far too light plastic, feels and looks cheap

It could be because SSC is an american company and the manufacturers in china might be deliberately making them more inferior as an FU to the american company so HT could shine. which might explain rise in QC issues.
so you can understand:

It's not the costume design- it's the costume materials and how they fit on the bodies (that look terrible)
the toy-ish plastic look that all sideshow head sculpts have (that look terrible)

People would love to have a company compete with hot toys for quality, but sideshow continues to create figures hot toys was superior to five years ago

That was my argument i didn't care so much if it had the classic costume so much as fabric that made it cohesive to match up to sups and bats. I still fail see how the construct and lantern cost so much to not have at lease one extra sculpt like another corp member.
It's so strange that this figure is the only one of the line so far that doesn't come with alternate heads.
That's my only complaint really..
Just seems obvious for a character like GL...
Yeah, interesting that SSC thought the light-up gimmick on the lantern would garner more interest than an alternate head or two a la the DC Direct figure. Despite the figure's faults, I might consider it if he could be Tomar Re, Sinestro, John Stewart, or early appearance Guy Gardner with a head swap.
Funny my will you buy green lantern at retail price is closed. 61% said no, and 19% said not sure. Guess someone on the board or from SSC did not like the results. That leaves 19% who said the would buy it. Definite pass apparently.
Yeah, interesting that SSC thought the light-up gimmick on the lantern would garner more interest than an alternate head or two a la the DC Direct figure. Despite the figure's faults, I might consider it if he could be Tomar Re, Sinestro, John Stewart, or early appearance Guy Gardner with a head swap.

DC direct got it right. I picked up that gl for 85.00 shipped. 3 extra heads are great and lantern that lights up.
Really hate the outfit. Looks like the figure stepped outta the 80's.

Guess I'll wait for the inevitable JL version by Hot Toys.
Is that sculpt a stock DCD sculpt, or has it been repainted? Looks nice there. I think I like it better than the SSC sculpt.

The SSC figure is a bit disappointing for it's price. I passed on the more superior DC male figures in this line, so I don't think I'm going to buy what I might consider to be the worst of the bunch so far, in terms of value.

I like what I saw of the SSC Flash figure though.
I highly recommend a bashed GL for those not liking this one. DCD suit and sculpt on a SS Batman body is just about perfect.

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Funny my will you buy green lantern at retail price is closed. 61% said no, and 19% said not sure. Guess someone on the board or from SSC did not like the results. That leaves 19% who said the would buy it. Definite pass apparently.

That's not really how accurate polling works, not to mention it wasn't up for long. You started the poll with negative thoughts about the figure and polled everyone on the DC thread, how many people who post and read in here would buy any of the characters?

We get it, you don't like the figure. Why continue to post in the topic?
That's not really how accurate polling works, not to mention it wasn't up for long. You started the poll with negative thoughts about the figure and polled everyone on the DC thread, how many people who post and read in here would buy any of the characters?

We get it, you don't like the figure. Why continue to post in the topic?

I think he is hoping that maybe, just maybe, Sideshow will get the hint and not make blunders like this again. I know some people like it, but I'm willing to bet a lot more don't.
I think he is hoping that maybe, just maybe, Sideshow will get the hint and not make blunders like this again. I know some people like it, but I'm willing to bet a lot more don't.

I am glad you are smart enough to see my point of the poll unlike hockeyflows. That was my point, SSC needs to see that a lot of people are not happy with the figure quality and stupid price nearing 250.00 price point with crap for accessories. If he does not want to see my post or others then buy the figure if your happy with it. People like hockeyflow make coming to this forum not pleasant some times. Kids trying to act tough behind a key board. I have been supportive of SSC and have 11 flex pays currently going and have over 250 1/6 figures and just because I can afford to buy a sub standard figure for 220.00 plus dollars does not mean I should be happy with it or not voice my opinion about it. Maybe SSC will get the message, but I doubt it. At this rate the market will crash as many will not buy many figures or get out all together.