SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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Not sure how better posing or futzing would make the helmet look less like the head of my Johnson.
Yeah, I feel like this was kind of a rushed product. Maybe because so many were chanting for a reveal (myself included). I think that whoever does SSCs photos really needs to up their game a bit though. Those pics are terrible. Except for the one of the Commander on the Throne, that pose rocks!

sucky pics or not...the figure in hand is going to rock (like they all do,even Dusty)

I don't think it was rushed since we have waited forever to get something,plus there is two more reveals coming,plus Baroness

As I have done with a few figures, lately, I cancelled this one and re-ordered using the SSF link to support the board.
Jesus, who does the futzing now? I'm sure it'll be fine in the end but weird photography, bad poses, and no "this is all that you get" gear/accessory shots! What gives? Also he looks so scrawny, like too small. I dunno. :huh
That fact that they botched the two biggest 1/6 annoucements this year would point to that.
Agreed. I mean, this is some half-baked bull**** the likes I've never seen before. Wondering if I should nab a True Type for him before they're gone. Hmm...
Its unprofessional as all hell to expect people to order and not even properly present what they are ordering. The Vader reveal was a joke, and this doesn't seem much better.

I just don't understand how anyone in that company looked at these pictures and thought they properly and clearly represent the product.

I would expect this type of product reveal from a knock off company from China, not Sideshow :duh

Having said all that, I'm not terribly concerned about what we're getting, just pointing out that Sideshow is looking lazy, unprofessional and bush league.
Having said all that, I'm not terribly concerned about what we're getting, just pointing out that Sideshow is looking lazy, unprofessional and bush league.

I agree that the item we get will be fine, but yea, ****tay pics.

I'm starting to think they like to hear people complain.

They sit in their offices smoking expensive pot bought with our NRD's, making dolls and statues with big mamms and pretty asses, laughing themselves into a stupor at the drama the comes from their stoned-*** business decisions.
That'd be the day. Who gets fired from Sideshow? :lol

As long as we stay away from taking good pictures of new products, I don't see a problem.

I'll even be nice so you don't have to call me names. :monkey3
My awesome futzing would probably get me fired.

If you're nice I will definitely call you names.