SSC Superman 1/6th Scale figure

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With Batman
View attachment 161428
Batman is definitely much beefier, but they don't look that bad together. For me, I won't be posing them together on my shelves anyway....

Definitely looks good with Bats. Other than the shorts/belt I don't see why most non-customizers wouldn't be happy with him and for those that like doing mods this will be a fun figure to mess with.
perhaps you can put some tape on the tips of the cape to keep it from sliding out from his suit? Thinking of a way to keep it in place better.

BTW, great pics and review Sardo.
Great work Tony. If Sideshow made theirs look like yours, I probably would have purchased it.

I got the exclusive version from Sideshow.... and many people ask why I do what I do, here is the reason......
for the first time I feel like I want a big discount for this.....

cape fabric was used from the edge side of the fabric roll from manufacture.... FAIL

The arm joint was way too tight, I have to use force to rotate the arms.... end up arm fall apart..... FAIL

if I didn't take the suit off to see what was going on, I would never know SS Superman body comes with exclusive two right shins..... FAIL

now you know why I mod my Superman figure.... I had no choice.....

So.... my first impressions... (not that my opinions matter as a newbie with only a few posts)

Certainly not the perfect Superman, but definitely not the catastrophe that the initial pics and reviews made him look. The suit is pretty nice, the colours are great, and the paintwork on the face and boots is pretty good. The sculpt paint isn't Hot Toys quality, as expected, but on mine, the tan is natural, and thankfully, the eyes are not all screwed up like the Drake figure. I do wish they were a brighter blue, but I'm sure some of you can make that change.
The body itself is tough to tell right now. At first, it was REALLY tight everywhere. But it did loosen up without much plying, so I'm thinking it might have been due to the cold weather (it's only 10 degrees F here, and I think it had an affect on the box being outside for while). I would say the body is similar to Batman. Not Hot Toys quality, but a big improvement on the Gi Joe line for example.
The cape. I would say that Sideshow is making the best 1/6 capes out of all the manufacturers (not including customizers like Tony). Mine didn't have the issue that Optibotimus had, in that my cape clips are even on the outfit, so the cape hangs well. BUT DOES REQUIRE A LOT OF PATIENCE AND FIDDLING. Both the wire, and non-wired capes. The tips will slide out of the outfit anytime you grab it. But when in place, both look pretty nice and drape pretty well. The biggest issue I have with mine is the stand. Because of the thickness of the stem, it's tough to put him in a decent hover/flight pose, because the stem/post of the stand gets in the way of his legs. Speaking of his legs, they don't look too thin.... until you bend them. If you have him in any kind of crouching or bent-legged pose, something looks off (probably because as they aren't real muscle, they don't contract with the bend, so they look odd).

Hey, Sardonic, thanks for the pics and first impression! He looks great IMHO, and if your colors are true to life, and I think they are because Bats cape is the real color, which isn't usually the case in most picture, then I like it even more!

I think I may have a fix for the cape. I'll post about it if it works!;)

Oh, and I think I'll get it today! Mine says "out for delivery". That's two days early!:yess:
I know I get no credit because I tend to see the good side of things rather than the negative (with all figures, not just SSC's). But this guy is pretty cool. The only decisions I question are 1)going with a body skinnier than Batman's, and 2) not fixing the belt loops after they came back from pre-production like this.





Also - I really like the body - it's very well proportioned for almost any other superhero but Superman. If Green Lantern is on this body I'll be happy with it. Unfortunately if you're thinking of changing to the Batman body - there's more to do than just paint. For some reason the pegs on head and feet aren't interchangeable with the Batman head ball being smaller than Supes and Supes foot balls being larger than Bats'.
Does Sideshow even ask to see production samples and deconstruct it to see if things are in working order before shipping out the 1st batch. I know they make 3 proto's and hope QC does there job in China but with the quality problems Sideshow has been having i personally would have someone make a surprise trip and inspect a few pieces ahead before there boxed. every company does this inspection it keeps the manufacturing on there toes. Because if they relied on samples china send them it's going to be the best samples they produce.
Just got it! I gave it only a quick glance as I have to rush back to work, but I think it's awesome. I also think that many of those who cancelled will regret it. It looks really good in hand. The paint job is really good, and miles better than Snake Plissken that landed with him. The proportions in hand are good and I won't change the body. The trunks are bad, but here again, less bad than I thought they'd be. The cape drapes well, doesn't seem to want to get out on mine, but I still plan on modding it. Not worth it's price, of course, but better than Snake for sure!:)
I know I get no credit because I tend to see the good side of things rather than the negative (with all figures, not just SSC's). But this guy is pretty cool. The only decisions I question are 1)going with a body skinnier than Batman's, and 2) not fixing the belt loops after they came back from pre-production like this.






Nice pics.

Also - I really like the body - it's very well proportioned for almost any other superhero but Superman. If Green Lantern is on this body I'll be happy with it. Unfortunately if you're thinking of changing to the Batman body - there's more to do than just paint. For some reason the pegs on head and feet aren't interchangeable with the Batman head ball being smaller than Supes and Supes foot balls being larger than Bats'.


So.... my first impressions... (not that my opinions matter as a newbie with only a few posts)

Certainly not the perfect Superman, but definitely not the catastrophe that the initial pics and reviews made him look. The suit is pretty nice, the colours are great, and the paintwork on the face and boots is pretty good. The sculpt paint isn't Hot Toys quality, as expected, but on mine, the tan is natural, and thankfully, the eyes are not all screwed up like the Drake figure. I do wish they were a brighter blue, but I'm sure some of you can make that change.
The body itself is tough to tell right now. At first, it was REALLY tight everywhere. But it did loosen up without much plying, so I'm thinking it might have been due to the cold weather (it's only 10 degrees F here, and I think it had an affect on the box being outside for while). I would say the body is similar to Batman. Not Hot Toys quality, but a big improvement on the Gi Joe line for example.
The cape. I would say that Sideshow is making the best 1/6 capes out of all the manufacturers (not including customizers like Tony). Mine didn't have the issue that Optibotimus had, in that my cape clips are even on the outfit, so the cape hangs well. BUT DOES REQUIRE A LOT OF PATIENCE AND FIDDLING. Both the wire, and non-wired capes. The tips will slide out of the outfit anytime you grab it. But when in place, both look pretty nice and drape pretty well. The biggest issue I have with mine is the stand. Because of the thickness of the stem, it's tough to put him in a decent hover/flight pose, because the stem/post of the stand gets in the way of his legs. Speaking of his legs, they don't look too thin.... until you bend them. If you have him in any kind of crouching or bent-legged pose, something looks off (probably because as they aren't real muscle, they don't contract with the bend, so they look odd).

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. And yes, they do matter. Seniority and/or post mileage shouldn't keep you from sharing what you have in mind.
Also - I really like the body - it's very well proportioned for almost any other superhero but Superman. If Green Lantern is on this body I'll be happy with it. Unfortunately if you're thinking of changing to the Batman body - there's more to do than just paint. For some reason the pegs on head and feet aren't interchangeable with the Batman head ball being smaller than Supes and Supes foot balls being larger than Bats'.

Nice pics!

I'm at work again now, but tonight I'll take a couple more pics of Superman and Batman side by side, with capes over the shoulders folks can get a better look at the body differences.
I guess Sideshow wasn't counting on people making those types of modifications when they initially designed them.
looking at Tonys pics of his two right sided calves ,might be a option to swap bats and supes calves for those wanting to do the body swap ,im guessing the neck post will pop out easy enough ,and be swappable to ,i know that all my moulded neck figures post and neck joints are removable and pretty much interchangeable
I know I get no credit because I tend to see the good side of things rather than the negative (with all figures, not just SSC's). But this guy is pretty cool. The only decisions I question are 1)going with a body skinnier than Batman's, and 2) not fixing the belt loops after they came back from pre-production like this.

this is probably one of the better shots of this figure. Unlike Sideshow's that uses shadows to hide the proportions of the chest, abdomen, and waist area. In these photos almost everything in this figure could work together except for main body. Which is a shame because it loses cohesion from the center. Compared to Tony's newest mod, ( I don't know which body he used) proportionally everything works and fits well.
this is probably one of the better shots of this figure. Unlike Sideshow's that uses shadows to hide the proportions of the chest, abdomen, and waist area. In these photos almost everything in this figure could work together except for main body. Which is a shame because it loses cohesion from the center. Compared to Tony's newest mod, ( I don't know which body he used) proportionally everything works and fits well.
Hot Toys Superman Man of Steel body is what he used.
Something that I haven't seen mentioned, probably because most of you have a bunch of SSC figures already. This was my first SSC 1/6 figure and can I just say how nice it is that ALL OF THE HANDS HAVE PEGS IN THEM? Instead of this crap that HT does where there are two hands with pegs in the figure and then they give you one spare pair of hand pegs?