Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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I hope not. Really looking forward to getting them...
Big ol' honkin' ditto, my friend. :rock
True dat. never been a worry for me. Then again I don't have the extensive collection some have. everything looks lifesized next to my strawberry shortcake collection:rotfl
:lol:lol:lol Yer killin' me, g1!
Yeah hopefully they'll be on time. :hi5:
Indeed. With all the sweet stuff coming out, I'm almost surprised at how excited I am about these two pieces in particular. I think they are among the finest and most impressive that SS has coming out in the near future. So bricked up for these!!! :rock

Indeed. With all the sweet stuff coming out, I'm almost surprised at how excited I am about these two pieces in particular. I think they are among the finest and most impressive that SS has coming out in the near future. So bricked up for these!!! :rock


Fair warning to anyone who wants to get hooked on Transformers.
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I don't care that Destroyer doesn't tower over Thor like in the film, they still look good to me and that's all that matters. :D

Ditto, bro! :lecture

I really don't care about scale and never have! If others don't want it because it's 1:5 scale that's fine. :)

Again, ditto! Scale doesn't matter to me, if a statue looks cool...I'll get it! :rock
Destroyer is really just a beautiful, refined sculpt. I'm interested to see how the mass-produced pieces come out. I'm a little concerned that the factory paintjob won't be up to par. You'd think a piece that's basically one color would be easy, but because of the intended finish, I'd be worried about pain drips and specks. Here's hoping...
I canceled my order. I really liked the movie but after seeing him at SDCC I just felt it was missing something. Not a big Thor fan so no heartbreak.
Well, if the released version is really that bad, i'll be returning mine. And demanding a FULL refund.
:lol "I DEMAND A FULL REFUND!" :mad:
Sorry, but that made me laugh. I don't think you'll have to be so demanding. Sideshow is great about returns. You will have to pay return shipping though, if the only reason being is that you don't dig it.
Well, if the released version is really that bad, i'll be returning mine. And demanding a FULL refund.

dont get me wrong, released version was not that bad at all, im just not a big thor fan and his back leg looked awkwardly straight, im a bit of a perfectionist and once something bugs me I cant convince myself out of it. For fun, peronal pic from SDCC


Yeah, wonder if the same dude designed both Thor and Cap movie PF's. They both have awkward poses.

dont get me wrong, released version was not that bad at all, im just not a big thor fan and his back leg looked awkwardly straight, im a bit of a perfectionist and once something bugs me I cant convince myself out of it. For fun, peronal pic from SDCC


I agree Fuzzy, the cap should be a homerun but his stance is awkward also. When I went to SDCC I hoped it would change my mind but it didn't, just reinforced it. He didnt even strike that pose in the movie. I dont mind creativty but his seems very unnatural.
Don't really like statues that look like the actor because it looks like you're idolizing movie actors rather than the character